Night Terror - Fantastic Custom L4D Campaign


Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Greetings all,

As I am now more or less bored of playing through the L4D campaigns, being as I have played through them so many times now, a friend advised me to take a look over @ & see if anything caught my eye. After looking around I decided to download & install all the custom L4D campaigns with a rating of 90% or higher. One of the campaigns with a rating of 93% was called "Night Terror".


This campaign is extremely well made & highly creative. The 2 developers of the campaign, Nipper & Dr.Boo, have vastly more talent than those that made all the L4D2 campaigns combined! At least in my humble opinion..

The campaign covers a wide range of unique settings & while I'm really tempted to tell you what they all are, I don't want to spoil it for you. I'll only say that the developers are both exceedingly talented & highly creative. So in plain English, this isn't a typical campaign. The current version of the campaign is 3.0, with the developers working on a new version. In it's current state, I really don't see how it can get any better, as it's already highly polished. The campaign spans 6 maps, all very different, constantly throwing you off guard as to just where you'll end up exploring next.

It's a real shame that L4D seems to have lost the support of Valve, a move I believe to be very irresponsible. The more so, since so many people that have L4D2, either do not care for it or feel it should have been a part of L4D to begin with. Having played both games for 50+ hrs each, I can see why so many feel that they were cheated when L4D2 was released. As it is, I play & enjoy L4D more than I do L4D2.

Anyways enough with my complaints & back to "Night Terror".

The screen shots that are linked to over at do not do the campaign any justice what-so-ever. One of the biggest gripes I had with many of the custom campaigns I played, was the slow paced combat or endless spawning which can quickly spoil the fun. In Night Terror, the action is non-stop, but non-stop in a good way. You're not going to battle an endless stream of zombies, but nor will you be able to run around with impunity, safe in the knowledge that you'll only be fighting the odd zombie or 2. The hordes that attack you are a great many in number, but they come at almost the perfect time & in the perfect location. The unique infected are also in great numbers, but rather than spawning randomly, they seem to spawn right when you least expect them to or would least want them to, such as in an area where the game knows you are either low on ammo or are not in the best place to defend. Always keeping you off guard, or at least as much as is possible with the game.

Download Campaign:


A problem with custom campaigns is that you can't find servers that use them, you have to play exclusively with friends or with bots...
A problem with custom campaigns is that you can't find servers that use them, you have to play exclusively with friends or with bots...

Sorry, but that is not correct.

Once you click on Play Campaign @ the main screen, you can choose how to search for games. Either stock L4D campaigns or Custom Add-on campaigns. Choose the custom option & it'll display whichever custom campaigns or maps are currently being played. Thats how I did it to join other custom games or how others joined me when I hosted.

Perhaps they added that feature to the L4D server browser since the last time you played any custom campaigns?

It was a long time ago, perhaps the custom map I tested wasn't that popular. Anyway, I'll check this campaign out.
To install Custom L4D Maps & Campaigns:

1) Download whichever custom L4D campaigns & maps that you want from they will be in a RAR which will contain a single file with a .vpk file extension. If you don't have the "addons" folder, simply create one & copy all the .vpk files you download to it. Simply extract the file to your desktop & copy it to:

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\addons.

2) To start a server playing the custom campaign or map you installed, do the following:
a) Click - Play Campaign
b) Click - Play Online
c) Click - Create Lobby - Campaigns - Add-On Campaign - CHOOSE CAMPAIGN - Select - Create Lobby - Start

3) To join a server with a custom campaign running, do the following:
a)Click - Play Campaign
b) Click - Play Online
c) Click - Filters - Campaign - Pick which campaigns you want the filter to detect. - Pick & Play.