Nvidia physics driver soon


Aug 22, 2003
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August 12th is the date for the new driver and GF8, GF9 and GTX 200 cards will be able to accelerate PhysX. Includes some free UT3 maps, Warmonger game, demos and sneak peek at Metal Knight Zero.

Some tests in the link above showing running the PhysX in software (CPU) and on Nvidia hardware. And also frame rate without PhysX enabled at all.

The last part they cover is a demo showing how objects can bend or squeeze depending on what they collide with. Would be a good replacement for rag-doll physics.
This is monumental!
Damn with that card you might just be able to play crysis on high with a pentium dual core
Meh, my 8600GT can barely handle graphics nevermind giving it Physics to do aswell. Plus my Quad should be able to handle most physics without help from the graphics card.

I've figured out how to solve the chicken vs the egg problem!!!

1. Be the chicken.
2. Buy the egg.
3. Offer the baby chickens for free.
4. Sell incubators.
5. ???
Meh, my 8600GT can barely handle graphics nevermind giving it Physics to do aswell. Plus my Quad should be able to handle most physics without help from the graphics card.

The software mode in the graph would be physics via CPU. Didn't do so hot...
In UT3 and the map with PhysX with the CPU handling PhysX and the GPU doing just graphics the system got 11 fps BUT when the GPU did the PhysiX and graphics it did 40. Meaning the CPU is SLOW at PhysX and was a big bottleneck. :D

Of course with PhysX disabled the system got 66 fps.
Curses. I got my hopes up until I realized that my card was a 7800 GTX
So if this is gonna finally make PhysX a viable option in game development, are we likely to see far more PhysX support in future games? As impressive as the performance gains are, there's so few supported titles that the only excitement I'm really feeling is for the potential.
The conclusion in that review of the Nvidia physX driver says "Speaking of new games, Nvidia told us about two upcoming titles that will feature PhysX hardware acceleration. One of them is DICE's Mirror's Edge, which will feature awesome-looking first-person free running in a futuristic dystopia. Another is Natural Motion's Backbreaker, a third-person football sim. Nvidia claims studios have signed on to implement PhysX in another 10 games—and that's just in the month following the Ageia acquisition."

So game developers go from a customer base with a couple thousand Ageia PhysX cards to many hundered thousand of Nvidia cards able to do PhysX. That is a huge jump in the right direction where devs might choose to include PhysX in their game over ragdoll OR Havok OR in-house physics code (all 3 of those are done on the CPU so they are slow and cannot be complex).

PhysX on nvidia cards use CUDA and ATI has said they can do CUDA. I remember PhysX or CUDA code was tested and worked on ATI cards (not official...yet). And Nvidia has said they want to work with all companies in the industry so it becomes standard. If ATI gets this too then the move will be complete. I guess it wouldn't hurt if MS picked it up as part of DX too.
Great news, looking forward to this. :)

Also, its good nvidia are willing to help other companies include this feature one their cards/software too!
So my 8800GTX will soon get physical?

That's what you're trying to tell me?


Only an image can show how I feel.