Oculus VR Crash


Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score
Man it's been a while since I've posted on these forums...

Anyways, I just got myself an Oculus Rift and was all hyped up to play Half-Life 2 on it. So I activated the Steampipe beta, added in '-vr' to the launch options, started up the game and... Nothing. There's a brief white flash as the game opens and then immediately closes.

The Rift itself is fine - I've played other games with it and it works perfectly. Half-Life 2 works perfectly too, if '-vr' is not used. I tried using the Rift with Team Fortress 2 and encountered the exact same white screen result.

I'm running on Windows 8 BTW.

Any ideas, guys?
There's probably a better forum to ask this in than VT.net. You'd probably want an Oculus Rift forum over a halflife forum since most hl2 players don't have a Rift, but probably most rift owners are hl2 players.
Didn't know you could actually get the Rift yet. How is it?​
I've posted in other forums already - I just figured I'd have better luck if I tried every possible option, however dubious.

The Rift is amazing! I was unsure of it after my first experience. It was neat but seemed lacking... I then realized I had the resolution messed up and tried again with a virtual theater demo. It was crazy: I felt like I was actually there. I've yet to try a real game with it yet however, so I don't know yet how well it'll do in that respect.
Pi Mu Rho owns an Oculus Rift dev kit. He might be able to help you if the problem you're having is a common one.

Also hello, welcome back, etc. :asshat:
I've solved it. The answer was a headslapper: you have to start the game with the Rift plugged into the HDMI outlet. If a regular monitor is plugged in instead then the game crashes. I've been swapping wires while in-game for everything else, so I didn't see this coming.