Ordering Over Steam



Helllo, I am 14 years old and I never purchased anything over my Steam. I want to get Silver Pack for 60 on Steam. Yes I asked my parents and they will order it for me. But before my parents going to order it I have some questions.

1. How will Valve remember that I need to download HL 2 when the game is released?

2. What if my pc will get a virus or something and I will have to reinstall my windows how will I get back my Stuff that my parents purchasde over steam? Will the Steam remember that I already paid for those products?

3. Can I trust Valve with Credit Cards?

4. Is it safe to purchase over steam?

please tell me more about purchasing from steam. Thank you.
1) Your account will show that you have purchased, and upload HL2 to your comp.
2) yes, it will remember, and you will get it back.
3) IMO, yes, although I've never bought anything throught steam either
4) " "
I've used Steam to purchase Condition Zero and it will use similar security protocols that you'd find on sites like Amazon.
OMG! I have same quesion but How Valve sent me HL2 present when I buy GOLD...Hey Chris_D! can you move my new thread from Half-Life 2 Discussion to STEAM Forum. THank!
Hazar said:
1) Your account will show that you have purchased, and upload HL2 to your comp.
2) yes, it will remember, and you will get it back.
3) IMO, yes, although I've never bought anything throught steam either
4) " "

Thx Hazar. But what does " " Stands for number 4? lol
Just make sure to remember your username and password for your Steam account, since that's what your games get tied to. So long as you have access to your Steam account, you can access your games and download them whenever you want. :D

Jeremy Dunn
UndeadScottsman said:
Just make sure to remember your username and password for your Steam account, since that's what your games get tied to. So long as you have access to your Steam account, you can access your games and download them whenever you want. :D

Jeremy Dunn

Thank you very much :)
i recommend the retail boxes... as if you get VAC'ed or you loose your acount in some way you can always install the game again from the CD and keep the singleplayer :thumbs:
When you put the preloaded files onto a DVD,and your comp screws up, do you just replace the files or something?
:bounce: Valve are cool, Going to play CD:S in 20 secs. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
You can also print out a receipt with transaction number etc.
Trinityxero said:
i recommend the retail boxes... as if you get VAC'ed or you loose your acount in some way you can always install the game again from the CD and keep the singleplayer :thumbs:

If u get VAC'ed u can still log into Steam...but when u try to play a multiplayer game u cant..so u can play SP...so no need for a cd...
VAC = Valve Anti Cheat. If you don't want problems with this, then simply don't cheat.

One question about VAC though. If you weren't cheating and some idiot admin bans you for cheating just on suspicion, would you get added to the VAC database and be banned from Steam (if the server is running VAC), or would you just simply be banned from the server?
I think the whole point about VAC is that it detects the cheat instead of leaving it to the admin's suspicions. Otherwise there would be problems with inept/corrupt admins.

It's safe to say that if VAC doesn't find a cheat on your system then you won't be banned from playing online.
And what are the hidden costs that Valve conveniently forgot to mention? Such as:

Tax - what rate is this and does it apply to global purchases?
Local tax - do we pay US tax AND local taxes?
What exchange rates are they using from what source.

I tried to login at Steam to ask there, but trying to create account over there is like trying to break into Fort Knox. For some weird reason I can't seem to make an account. They didn't send me a verification email = too hard...hence why I am here.

Any help would be great!

Well, they do say $59.99 (or whatever price) plus tax. But they don't go into more detail than that. But I would also like to know how much tax is charged (especially for international orders).
According to the CS:S review on corelimits.com, the gold package cost $99.90 total, so that should amount to a 10% tax (which is good for me, considering there is a 15% tax in Ontario on puchased items).