Painkiller physics slowdowns, same thing in HL2?

ytinupmi said:
mock all you like, when you have the game in your hands you will see for yourself.

I'll be too busy enjoying the game for what it is, as opposed to you who's already made up his mind on it.
Kiva128 said:
I'll be too busy enjoying the game for what it is, as opposed to you who's already made up his mind on it.

made up my mind about what?

Fact: lots of physics objects interacting = lots of calculations for the cpu to do = loss of overall gaming performance.

Fact: it happens in farcry, it happens in doom3, it happens in deus ex iw engine, it happens in painkiller, it happens in * game using physics engine.

Fact: it happens in the source engine also.

Assumption: HL2 as a game will have the physics interactions kept to a minimum to avoid such occurances.

as for the game, i've been waiting patiently for the game since i saw the first crowbar ad for it in the magazine before last years E3. and i'm sure i'll enjoy it immensely. but that doesn't change the fact that lots of physics = lag.
ytinupmi said:
made up my mind about what?

Fact: lots of physics objects interacting = lots of calculations for the cpu to do = loss of overall gaming performance.

Fact: it happens in farcry, it happens in doom3, it happens in deus ex iw engine, it happens in painkiller, it happens in * game using physics engine.

Fact: it happens in the source engine also.

Assumption: HL2 as a game will have the physics interactions kept to a minimum to avoid such occurances.

as for the game, i've been waiting patiently for the game since i saw the first crowbar ad for it in the magazine before last years E3. and i'm sure i'll enjoy it immensely. but that doesn't change the fact that lots of physics = lag.

Fact: Valve is not idsoftware
Fact: Valve is not Crytek
Fact: Valve is not People Can Fly

Just because you had issues with physics in those games, doesn't mean everyone did. I for one had no slowdowns related to physics in any of them. And you say that "hl2 will avoid physic occurences"? What the hell? For someone that's been 'following' the game since the crowbar ad, I find it hard to believe you would make such a blatenly wrong comment as that.

Physics is something HL2 focuses on A LOT! Manipulator anyone? Ragdoll dolls? It's even listed on the box as one of the main features for crying out loud.

And quite frankly, I trust the valve folks with optimization FAR more than the other developers I mentioned. If the game lags for you, turn the graphics down. Problem solved.

Anyways I'm done with this thread...
A C4 explosion at bomb site A puts about 25 objects into motion at once. Take from that what you will.
Kiva128 said:
Fact: Valve is not idsoftware
Fact: Valve is not Crytek
Fact: Valve is not People Can Fly

Just because you had issues with physics in those games, doesn't mean everyone did. I for one had no slowdowns related to physics in any of them. And you say that "hl2 will avoid physic occurences"? What the hell? For someone that's been 'following' the game since the crowbar ad, I find it hard to believe you would make such a blatenly wrong comment as that.

Physics is something HL2 focuses on A LOT! Manipulator anyone? Ragdoll dolls? It's even listed on the box as one of the main features for crying out loud.

And quite frankly, I trust the valve folks with optimization FAR more than the other developers I mentioned. If the game lags for you, turn the graphics down. Problem solved.

Anyways I'm done with this thread...

I didn't say "hl2 will avoid physic occurences", don't misquote me.

yes it focuses alot on using physics, but they need to keep the number of physics objects that are interacting together below a certain level, once you get too many objects it affects performance quite badly (this is a Fact).

i guess i should have worded my original comment better so that special people such as yourself wouldn't be confused.

Revised comment:
"HL2 as a game will have the physics interactions (between multiple destructable physics objects) kept to a minimum to avoid such (slown down) occurances."

in addition to that, the engine will choke when there are too many physics objects interacting, any engine using physics will, and turning down the graphics will not help, physics are purely done on the cpu.
Personal argument detected: Please take this elsewhere you two.

I dont think HL2 will put you into a situation where there will be a physics slowdown...
Panthers_Domain said:
Personal argument detected: Please take this elsewhere you two.

I dont think HL2 will put you into a situation where there will be a physics slowdown...

yeah, they'll try to limit it, but surely some people with slower cpus will have issues with the physics causing slowdown, regardless of how careful valve is with the placement of physics objects.
There are many physics engines out there, and trust me, there are some simulations that cause my friends 3.2CPU, 1GB RAM, X800 PE to slow down to 5 fps, (basicly a whole bunch of blocks falling from the sky will do that (about 250 ;) ).
There will definitly be slow down when there are a large number physics interactions.

This has been shown in one of the shaky-cam videos from a visit to valve. The player blew up a large stack of barrels and debris and it paused for no less than 1/2 a second. But maybe they were just running it on an old machine.
Not Likely.
In a doom3 test room id made about maybe 75-100... probably more boxes on top of eachother and you knock out the support and they all fall down without any slowdown.

Of course i don't think their physics engine is as revved up as others...

besides when you shoot things after they've hit the ground its like shooting a giant sandbag and heavily moves
Actually, I play Painkiller -exclusively- with the Stakegun... and I haven't noticed any physics-caused slowdowns. Same with Farcry. Same with EVERY game I have that uses even rudimentary physics. K so maybe it's you.
MrMethane said:
Um, I don't know if my sarcasm detector is out of order, but that article is a joke.

Sorry to break it to you but it isn't.
Hl2 uses one equation for all physics calculations. Theres a news article about it somewhere. said:

Copyright 1999-2004 by BBspot LLC
BBspot is a satirical news and comedy source and meant to be funny. If you are easily offended, gullible or don't have a sense of humor we suggest you go elsewhere.

A.I. said:
I think this would be an anwser to your worries:

Kyo said:
Hl2 uses one equation for all physics calculations. Theres a news article about it somewhere.

Dead-Inside said:
Actually we do.

Some guy, sorry I don't remember the name, figured out how to do the physical equation in one line (Instead of 3-4) which improves performance incredibly. Some guy at some university playing the HL2 ripped code said that he "Must release the code to the public" and shit. ****ing moronic ass.

Anyway, that's the deal.

^ What he said.

Dead-Inside said:
Sorry to break it to you but it isn't.

sorry to break it to you, but you're all fscking gullible.