*ping!* IDEA


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
How about getting the Lambda symbol tattoed on your forehead? LOL!

Nah I'd prolly get it on my back :)

...and some HEV suit body paint...
This waiting for HL2 to come out is really getting to you isnt it?
|MaTT| join me today and get a big orange lambda symbol tattoed on our arses :)
Is that to go with the crowbar tattoed on your shlong muny? ;)
shhh you said you would never tell anyone about that! :eek:
There's also the extreme crushing disappointment to consider... or as one guy on alt.games.half-life put it about HL2; "... thank you valve. Suddenly I have lost the interest to play any FPS game I have installed on my hdd: CS? - nope. UT2K3? - nope. GTA:VC? nope..."

I thought it was a laugh until I realised I pretty much feel the same way...
aye.. HL2 AND STALKER........ them too games make Christmas seem like this boring day off in the distant future LONG after i ahve sampled the joys of the greatest games to be of all time.

Doom3 should be pretty cool too.... and XIII looks classy. Far Cry though might be gd but looks more like a hollywood movie style game... big guns, bit Hero and lots of enemies :¬/ very poor storyline.

Putting a big lambda sign on your body is sure to yield some attention, especially from homosexual people. :)
i was happy playing my two brand new games (postal 2 and battlefield 1942) until hl2 was announced. now ive lost all interest in them and everything, nothings as good as hl2!

ive even lost my appeitite for mapping, now that is severe! i need counselling :eek:

hopefully ill want 2 play enter the matrix when it arrives tomoro.
dont get that its no good...atleast thats what I hear
just go and play HL again on hard, should keep you busy for a little while.
lol i know someone who has shaved the Unreal logo into thier hair :afro:, ill get a pic to ya when I see it :D
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
How about getting the Lambda symbol tattoed on your forehead? LOL!

Nah I'd prolly get it on my back :)

...and some HEV suit body paint...

seriosly i wasgoing to tattoo the HL loggo (you know the A in a ring thing) on my arm about a year ago...but i didint do, what if a nice babe comes to me and shes like "whats ur tattoo mean?" and im like, "Its from a real cool computer game i like, its really cool!" And shes like "Jerk!" and im like "WHAAAATEEVVAAAH!!!" :D
Re: Re: *ping!* IDEA

Originally posted by h00dlum
seriosly i wasgoing to tattoo the HL loggo (you know the A in a ring thing) on my arm about a year ago...but i didint do, what if a nice babe comes to me and shes like "whats ur tattoo mean?" and im like, "Its from a real cool computer game i like, its really cool!" And shes like "Jerk!" and im like "WHAAAATEEVVAAAH!!!" :D

Yea, but if she already knows what it is, then you know she's the one :dork:
Yeah but you best tell her to shave her beard off and have a wash before she talks to you again ;)
Bad hat: keep us updated,

you guys forgot chrome, thief III, savage, breed, wil rock, and tron 2.0
TH|s thread izz j00 o\/\/n4gE m3g/\ 5!!! :imu: