Playstation 3 to debute before E3!

Yeah, there's 3 E's... It should be called E4, becuase it's elite too.
That's really cool and very exciting, but what's the point if they're only planning a release in late 2006 (or so I've heard)?

They should just wait for E3.
They just want to stand out from the crowd, literally.
I guess...
But really, is it going to garner that much more attention and hype? I doubt the cost of putting on their own show will be worth it.
I'm excited, though! :D
ship said:
That's really cool and very exciting, but what's the point if they're only planning a release in late 2006 (or so I've heard)?

They should just wait for E3.
I heard it would be late 2005 - early 2006.

I'm pretty sure all of the dates for the PS3 are bogus, anyway. My money is somewhere early 2006, like April.
April isn't early... its only 2 months away from half way! My money is on December 2005 to March 2006
lePobz said:
April isn't early... its only 2 months away from half way! My money is on December 2005 to March 2006
I agree..sometime around this year's holiday season.
<RJMC> said:
but they will show games too?

Don't think so, probably just tech-demos. At E3 we will hopefully see some games.
<RJMC> said:
but they will show games too?
Most likely only show videos of what the engine is capable of.

Offtopic: Prince of China your sig would be funnier if you didnt depict what he said :frog: