Possibly 3 more weeks till HL2 is finished

Today DOOM III has gone gold, And in 3 weeks it's out.
I was just thinking, If VALVe only need to go for 1 RC copy, HL2 should be able to be for sale by the end of august.
Hahahahaha!!! YES!!!!!! Doom 3 GOLD!!! :D :D :D

I dont think I'll be coming back here after August 3rd, HL2 be damned.
Yeah hehe....Trust me, hl2 forums activity will decrease alot when DooM3 is released. You wont see many members for a while ;) OMG just imagine what will happen when Hl2 gets released, first many spam threads, then the silence... Many game hours coming up in the next few months for me hehe
doom 3 IS GOLD=??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!§?Q()=%U"?W$U G?UH

who cares... :rolleyes:
me2...i hate games totally consisting out of fear (without a real atmosphere...)
I'm, not interested in Doom3 very much, il probably still buy it and it'll be great, but im not very good at scary fast shooters !
*goes back to a Scrabble*
Well i cant wait for the D3 release and to see how good it will run on my system, plus the mp sounds cool and its nice thats its coming out in August so i can definatly buy it. Also, when HL2 is released im not going to be posting anything till i finish the game :)
oldagerocker said:
I'm, not interested in Doom3 very much, il probably still buy it and it'll be great, but im not very good at scary fast shooters !
*goes back to a Scrabble*

doom3 isn't fast like doom was. a reviewer said if you run through it like you did doom you'll get killed fast. you have to move carefully through the shadows.
GorgeousOrifice said:
One would assume.

I bet Vivendi will just install it on like 50 computers with the minimum requirements and then have people play it the whole way through looking for crashes or serious bugs. If there's a little thing, like a minor graphics or physics error, they'll tell Valve, but I seriously doubt they'll hold the release for it. They need the money HL2 will generate too badly.

So yeah, cross your fingers, if all goes well we could be playing in a month. :)

Since when do the distribiter TEST THE GAME? LOL. They'll have a quick look at the master copy, check that everything's alright, and then start mass-producing accordingly. They won't touch the game itself, and they certainly wont playtest, smartypants.
Dead-Inside said:
Since when do the distribiter TEST THE GAME? LOL. They'll have a quick look at the master copy, check that everything's alright, and then start mass-producing accordingly. They won't touch the game itself, and they certainly wont playtest, smartypants.

Of COURSE they'll playtest. How else do you verify a game isn't a complete buggy piece of crap? They want to make sure the thing isn't totally broken and that it actually does run on the hardware it claims to run on. They're not going to spend thousands of man-hours testing for every little bug or flaw, obviously, but they will look for obviously broken stuff.

They're putting their name on this too, and they don't want to piss off customers, retailers, or Valve.
Dead-Inside is what his name says....god I hope they playtest it...

quickly, of course ;)
I believe that if it passed Valve's quality assurance, it will be guarenteed to pass Vivendi's. That means we might see gold in a month, but from what I can figure, they might just start printing once they get the gold copy.