Post your XBL hate mail


May 24, 2006
Reaction score
A dude sent me this while playing GTARace. It made me lol.

I got called a jolly african american once even though im white, but the best was when this kid random kid asked me to file a complaint on his name so he could change it for free. i said no and he called me po-po face.
I was once called a "cheese burger" by some american kid. No idea what it means but its now our No.1 insult.
"your a f***ing f***** a**hole you lil b**** swallow my ***." he/she/it then proceeded to file a complaint that I was using offensive language. HA
The only downside is that if your forced to change your gamertag, no one can ever use your old one.
This is why i leave consoles to the kids. PC is where real men games.
Never gotten one. I'm always very cordial and considerate in games. Also I don't play very much.

I did have this one guy call me a ****ing little ****er over voice in the lobby of a Halo game, simply because I was talking with bros I'd met in a previous game(we were a cool group, didn't even play to win half the time.).

He sucked, horribly. I killed him several times, and he got one of the worst scores.
The cream of XBL. I didn't recieve these untill I started playing SF4. Usually after some spammer sagat looses after I block his tiger knee for the 50th time and punish I get the message "lol u f nuub"