

May 19, 2003
Reaction score
hey... the postcount is gone.
when did this happen?

anyway... good call!
Someone already started a thread like this in the General Discussion forum, but I think the subject should actually belong here.
its not actualy gone, just not shown :P
I feel like I have been stripped of my rank. No, wait, it's still there! Yay!
Originally posted by Jager
Someone already started a thread like this in the General Discussion forum, but I think the subject should actually belong here.

That guy started his thread 10:07 PM.

I started mine 10:06 PM.

I WIN!!! :cheese:
Dont worry u can still spam with honour ure post count is in the profile :) lol
Post count gone. = Good.

But do we still get to choose our tag at 1000? If we dont im going to kill someone (Not any mods though. That wouldnt be good)
yo farrow finally reached 1000 or did they added an extra subtitle after STRIDER
They added an extra title. One day i just noticed i wasnt a strider and thought to myself "Nooooo ive dropped back down or something"

One thing that is annoying though. I can no longer find myself listed, easily. Because i used to be on top 10 posters but now.....
hmm yeah.. pretty irritating hehe. ahhwell.. i dont think it will take long before you reach 1000 to. just check your profile (where you can set your sig) once a while.

edit: ehh.. srry but it seems that the 1000 post thing is gone because i dont have the edit custom title thing anymore.

Registered: Jun 2003

I feel like I have been stripped of my rank. No, wait, it's still there! Yay!

Thats exactly why its been removed from the front ..People think hey look ive got a high post count look i must be L337..also this will stop the midless spamm (well most of it anyways..)
I was so close. I couldnt see my post count in my profile. Oh well. Any yeah, i was so close to being able to give my self a new name but now what will i do? I think at my last check i was on 948.

i want a custom tag.
maby if you ask munro or Starmonkey. or try to be a mod. then you get the feature
I might have a word or two. They know (hopefully) that i dont spam etc maybe they will allow this.
Right now, Farrowlesparrow has 1002 posts :)
well, seings a s good old, Badger and Evil had them, i think that Congratulations are in order, for farrowlesparrow...well done old fellow...
aww im starting to miss the post count there is no purpose for me now. no point spamming :( or living for that matter cos this is my life :'(
/me commits suicide
1002 posts! Woooo im so great!


Anyway now that thats out of my system. Can i choose a cutom tag?
c'mon guys.. put the custom tag thing back on. it would be a suprise for the peeps who post here and dont know about the post's etc and suddenly see a custom subtitle option in thier profile. it would be a plesant reward to the hardworking and respectfull community members.

BTW welcom to the forum Elite!
How come you get to keep yours and i dont get to choose one?

I dont get it.

Oh and thanks for the welcome.
Sometimes i hate the postcount and sometimes i dont, on this forum i have more posts than anywhere else and i joined yesterday so here i wouldnt mind if they had a postcount
Instead of post count there should be an evolution meter. How close you are to the next step in evolution type of thing.
Im not sure thats entirely what he meant so i wou.. I got dibs on Dr X!

I reckon to stop any offense being casued we should all have the no pictures, no names and in fact nothing at all, just posts. Maybe we could get rid of the whole forum.
Originally posted by nietzsche
The next step in evolution? We don't know which mutation is favourable yet.

What about a Mutat-o-Meter? Such a display wouldn't discriminate people as much. :D

The mutation which turns one into a better FPS player.
A sort of FPS UberMensch!:cheese: