Probably the worst Wallpaper

  • Thread starter Thread starter SniperWolf
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you're right, it's not that great. do more than a few simple things in photoshop and/or make it a little less cluttered with stuff.
wow... anyone and their sister w/ down sysndrome can do that hahahahahahah funny funny stuff...
I'm making a wallpaper as w speak, I just need to break it down into multiple resolutions...
Dude i really like that wallpaper looks cool, im not jsut saying this to make you happy either ;)
hey GhostRyder
lets see you do any better
Mr."Im a Bigshot photoshopper....."
oh yeah Pajama Sam,
"wow... anyone and their sister w/ down sysndrome can do that hahahahahahah funny funny stuff..."
uhh sysndrome? nice spelling dude, nice spelling, there no sys in SYNDROME genius.
Counter flame with flame. :\ Well it's only 2 filters but looks ok.

To improve, just look at tutorials and preactice. Keep experimentin' with filters.
Sniperwolf, no harm meant. I'm sry...i gues that did sound demeaning...I should have rephraised that. I was tryin to protect u man!