Rejoice, for I have arrived


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
hehe, hi everyone. been ghosting these forums for a few days, looks like a solid community, so I figured I'd register.

details bout myself(read: boring, skip it):

I initially got CS retail, first time I played half life or a mod, I was like, "cool. ok" and then I got half life. Best single player game I've played, great story, only thing I didn't like was that giant flower baby monster boss at the end, and icthyosaurs. oh god those things scare me.

Since seeing half life 2 and how they handled advertising it(i.e. practically NOT until e3 this year), and I was just like, "they are the collest people EVER to be able to keep a secret like this." So now I just love em.

I've been having a few problems with steam, probably nothing that won't be fixed with later releases, which perhaps handle the availability recognition of games ebtter. I'll post my problem on the steam forum later. Overall I love steam. Its a great interface, and I have no problem with it like some irrational people do. It just got out of beta, so I'm not gonna yell at them for bugs. everything has bugs initially. they did a great job on it and hopefully will be unscathed by the impatient 14 year old masses(I'm 15 :p) who think steam is just another name for CS 1.6.

ENough about that. I'm also a huge They Might Be Giants fan, and I think too few people have heard of em or listened to a lot of their songs. Listening to Hall of Heads as I am typing this.

ok, enough of the boring personal details.

See ya guys around. post whatever you think you need to after this, warnings about some crazy rules, warnings not to be a newb, threats on my life, greetings, whatever.

peace, Sh33p(the original)
Welcome! Always good to see more people getting into the HL2 community :cool:
Nice to see a good introduction post :) Welcome to the boards ;)
Welcome to the largest HL2 and most active HL2 community on the net. Have fun. :)
Welcome. :)

I can give you advice on how to get into shape using common household items and some motivation from your local Albanian janitor.
I'll take you up on that Lone! thanks for the greetings everyone :p and thank you for making me feel special Munro :)
Yes, please proceed to the "Wow, I Just Realized... " thead in Off-Topic and read about the happy ending involving "teh girlz"!! :eek:
Welcome to the forums....i would say be smart, but you seem smart enough already :D

Your now one of us....
You are a Gordon-wanna-be now.

You are one of the Soldiers to defeat EVIL!!!