Remember when?

Jul 28, 2004
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Hey, remember when it was tfc's 1 year anniversary each year it would randomly say "Happy birthday tfc" or something of the sort? All the grenades thrown during that 24 hr. period were in the form of a gift wrapped box? Im wondering what tf2 with its huge graphics imporvement has to offer! Just thinking off the top here but maybe we'll even see some holiday themes thrown in........
That was awesome, although it made it harder to grenade jump D:
They did it for Christmas too. "Happy birthday to you!" and "Merry Christmas!"

There's a console command to enable it at any point in the year too, if you want. tfc_birthday 1.
Didn't birthday mode include the message "Team Fortress ][ coming out soon!" or something similar too?
Haha, I remember seeing those birthday-nades, cursing "who on earth ****ed with my config", and spend the next 3 hours looking for those custom models.

they also did it for holloween, i believe it was the soldiers grenade that was a pumpkin....