Reviewing the DLC...


Jun 7, 2009
Reaction score
I have read a few reviews that said The Lost and the Damned added more/was more overall fun then The Ballad of Gay Tony. After playing a little bit of each, I decided to review both of them since the PC guys don't seem to have them.
The Lost and The Damned:

I've only done a handful of missions from TLAD(about 10 or 15) and really don't want to finish since all the ones I've done consisted of nothing but shooting other motorcycle club members. None of the missions were that fun.

The new vehicles kinda suck, unless you liked the old harley stuff. Most of the actual cars can only be obtained during a certain mission (IE: Prison Transport, Regina station wagon). The tow trucks tow hook no longer works, and all of the other new cars are very rare. One cool thing I did find was the Waynes World easter egg in a car called Rhapsody.

The new weapons aren't much better. The sawed-off is pretty useless since is really inaccurate and has a low mag. The assualt shotgun is pretty fun though. There is also a full-auto pistol which is nice and a grenade launcher which comes back in TBoGT.

All TLAD really adds is the gang war thing, and thats not much.

The Ballad Of Gay Tony:

Definetly more worthy of the 10 bucks it costs. The beginning is somewhat slow but it tends to be fun. Some missions are just killing everyone, but otherwise there are some fun missions. After the first skydiving mission, there is a side game in which the player gets to base jump which is fun. The whole gang war thing is also in TBOGT in the form of drug war side missions.
There is also a madman named Yusuf who has the most fun stuff, including hijacking a ****ing subway train car.

The vehicles are pretty awesome, as they include muscle cars to exotics. If you missed the tanks of older GTA games, you may be happy with the new APC that sports a 35MM cannon. It may not blow up anything it touches, but it certainly flips cars with ease. TLAD swapped the vulcan miniguns for rockets on the Annihilator, TBOGT goes back to miniguns. Yet they add a new chopper called the Buzzard. Its armed with both minigun and rocket pods making it much more lethal.

The weapons are also better. If your tired of the AK/M4 then there is a new LMG (M249) that replaces them. The AA-12 is the new shotgun and is fires explosive rounds. There is even a silenced P90 to replaces the old SMG's, except you cant shoot it out of a car.
In all I'd say TBOGT is much more fun and adds more gameplay variety. The weapons and vehicles are a lot more fun and being able to go into/dance in clubs is pretty funny. I found the writing to be much better and some characters more likeable/hateable in TBOGT then in TLAD.