RockStar Roadie Rampage - The Original Mod



A rock'n roll mod with attitude.

Real life filmmaker (Ex. roadie to Rolling Stones, James Addition, pearl jam, New Order, Prodigy, etc) is looking for street smart, creative people with a sence of humour...

RockStar Roadie Rampage needs:

Please send a email outlining why you should be involved to:

d r e a m e d i a @ e m a i l . c o m

please note: this is on a deferred payment basis.
Define "rock'n roll mod with attitude" :)

I'm quite a decent texture dude by the way, if i say so myself.
At this stage I can't comment further in public about this genre of mod...

But anybody who is invited aboard this "road-trip" will have every thing explained to them, after signing a non-disclosure agreement. At that point they can discide whether or not the project has merit.

Although, i will say that i'm playing with mod presuppositions and the paradoxes of confirmation :)
just tell them if its a... racing mod or what style... i dont think anybody wants to join something they dont know what is..and that non-dusclosure thing is kinda out of hand... not like you idea is going to be stealed and raped and torn into a million pieces....not THAT likely anyways :)

Nostradamus. it is stated in the subject heading and the first line of the post that its a rock'n roll mod.

Use your imagination when considering the name :)

Rockstar Roadie RAMPAGE <---small hint with the big CAPS

A non-disclosure agreement is standard practise for professionals. Gamemakers, Modmakers, filmmakers, etc are dealing in the currency of ideas. A idea is your competive advanage when you consider that we are all using the same game engine.

Inaddition their is about 50 proposed mods that are blantanly riping off someone elses copywrited material, which asides from been really lame, is stupid & illegal. That been the case would'nt it be better for people with some talent to spend their time on something that original & will'nt be sunk by some lame ass lawyer?

Do you remember that hill billie game 'something Rampage' lol is it like it ;) ?
I think you should change the name, i dont think its so good.

If you have a good design and do a good mod, then why are you worried about the design being stolen? The best one survives, right?

I dont know if you really have a game development company or just wanna act mature and cool but i think mod should be developed by helping each other, not to just shut the door and develop the mod in a dark room.
thats what the people at id software are doing with DOOM III .. it drives me nuts! Agh!! I want a demo :flame: !!! We should storm id and valve's headquarters and 'force' them to give us the games ! :bounce: :borg:
Guys, with respect, if the best game development companies in the world are developing their work behind closed doors,etc Would that not suggest that strategy has some merit?

99% of the best art in the world was done behind a closed door in a dark room :)

This is a profit share project, the more people the less money. The stream system can be co-oped by mod teams to sell their game. In addition due to the nature & genre of the mod we also have other opportunities for income.
Originally posted by dreamedia
Guys, with respect, if the best game development companies in the world are developing their work behind closed doors,etc Would that not suggest that strategy has some merit?

99% of the best art in the world was done behind a closed door in a dark room :)

This is a profit share project, the more people the less money. The stream system can be co-oped by mod teams to sell their game. In addition due to the nature & genre of the mod we also have other opportunities for income.

Yeah but they are doing games, we are doing mods (right?) its not the samething. A mod is something you do just for the fun of it, not for money or anything. I dont know if anyone wants to pay for a mod if its not a really really good one (like a real game).

Thats just my opinion, but i still wish you good luck with the project! It will be fun to see what you guys have been working on :)
In my opinion, mods are for the community...for the community to see being developed, and being excited to play it... kind alike open source for gaming...thats just how i feel tho :)
I get it!

It's a mod where you get little remote control trucks, and you beat the fcuk out of them with basebat bats!

Damn, I'm good.
There's some confusion here; Mods are not soley for the enjoyment of the community at large when you're talking about the production phase... I'd say that Mods are for the people MAKING the specific mod... like someone said "for the fun of it". It doesn't mean that because it's a mod, and not a full fledged game that they should disclose EVERYTHING to you and make it all public... that's unrealistic, and results in ideas being ripped. Now, somebody said that he shouldn't be worried if his mod is supposed to be so great - that logic is flawed. In the gaming world, whoever does it first, takes the cake. Sadly the way it is... if he waits until the mod is well underway before revealing anything he ensures that his game will be the first of its type, safe from being ripped off. That being said, it had better be good if you intend to have people pay for it... I haven't seen many mods that I'd be willing to pay to play.