Rotating buildings command


Feb 2, 2007
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So I have a pistol script. Left click shoots at normal rate, right click at maximum rate.
It works just fine, but a side effect is that as an Engineer, I can no longer rotate buildings when placing them. Right click just places the building.

So I'm wondering, is there a specific console command for rotating buildings, so I can bind it to a key I'm not using?
If not, what can I add to my script to make an exception to rapid-fire pistol when in the build menu, so that it works like normal?

Here's the script, if needed. I got it from the TF2 Wiki :
// AutoPistol
// ==========
alias +apistol "alias repeat_function +repeat; +repeat"  // While held down, starts the repeater function and sets it to repeat.
alias -apistol "alias repeat_function stoprepeating"     // When released, repeat_function is disabled through the stoprepeating alias.
alias repeat_function "+repeat"                          // So long as this alias holds, +attacks and waits will continue to fire.
alias +repeat "+attack; wait 2; -repeat"                 // Repeater function attacks, waits, goes to -repeat.
alias -repeat "-attack; wait 2; repeat_function"         // Stops attack, waits, fires another repeat_function.
alias stoprepeating ""

bind MOUSE2 "+apistol"

Thanks in advance.
I thought this thread was going to involve func_rotating. Unfortunately it didn't, so I can't help you.
Have you tried changing the script to instead of Mouse2, to Mouse3 (clicking the mousewheel)?
I have Mouse3 bound to my mic, since 'v' is annoying to hold down and aim/move at the same time. I was thinking of binding v to spinning buildings around, but if there's no console command for that I'll have to maybe use it for the pistol instead.
Is there no gigantic list somewhere of every action that can be bound in TF2?

bind WHATEVER "+attack2"

I believe attack2 is pretty much everything right-clicking usually is. Cloak, right-handed punching, blowing up stickies, rotating sentries, airblast, ubercharge, scope, etc.
Qhartb's right. By using that script you've overwrote your secondary fire function. You need to set the secondary fire key to another key.
I will make you a script, 1 sec I am checking if the rotation command is some unique command or just attack2 (will edit this post)

sry for the delay had to go..

add this to your engineer cfg along with the the autopistol script

bind 4 "pb4"
alias pb4 "bind mouse2 +attack2; bind mouse1 pm1; wait; slot4"
alias pm1 "+attack; wait 10; bind mouse2 +apistol; bind mouse1 +attack; -attack"
bind f "rerotate"
alias rerotate "bind mouse2 +attack2; bind mouse1 pm1"

I have no power to put guiding sentences..
the last command is for when you accidently press on building your buildable in a wrong place, if u do that u won't be able to rotate
ur buildable untill you reopen the slot4 by pressing 4 OR just press f (or any other key u would like to bind it to).
Qhartb's right. By using that script you've overwrote your secondary fire function. You need to set the secondary fire key to another key.

so put in all the other classes cfg's this line..
bind mouse2 +attack2
It works! I can autopistol AND rotate buildings now, woo!

On a related note, a spam Huntsman script: click real fast to fire every 1.5 seconds, hold click to charge like usual.

alias +spam "+attack;+reload"
alias -spam "-attack;-reload"
bind mouse1 +spam

Not mine, some other guys.