Server #2


Oct 25, 2007
Reaction score
Is it always 24/24? I have tf2 downloading now,(first time i'll play on pc!) and it always seems to be full. The other 2 servers are 0 all the time too?

When is the time to get in a game with []'ers?

Also, I've added my info in the clan thread, i'll add [] to my name if that is fine?

Should be fine. People are usually on steam chat so you can bug people to play on there.
Have done. Going under the name []Paranoia.

TF2 is downloading mega slow for some reason, highest I've seen it go is 249kb/s, so its going to go into the night. Won't be able to play till tomorrow afternoon.

Too used to the 360 pad for it too...Using WASD and mouse and number keys sounds complicated.
Too used to the 360 pad for it too...Using WASD and mouse and number keys sounds complicated.

Believe me: you will want nothing else within a week. WASD + mouse > controller in my humble opinion.
Believe me: you will want nothing else within a week. WASD + mouse > controller in my humble opinion.

Quite possibly. Only EVER used PC for RTSs, as that really is easier. Mainly Command and Conquer and Empire Earth series. Never an fps, so i'm hoping its all fine.
Quite possibly. Only EVER used PC for RTSs, as that really is easier. Mainly Command and Conquer and Empire Earth series. Never an fps, so i'm hoping its all fine.

You'll do fine. Once you get used to it, you'll be glad you did.

*edit* so you HAVE joined!
New Member - November 1st @ 6:01pm - []Paranoia joined group

I believe you should all stick to your forum names, because I keep forgetting who Troselbarf is. :/

It's a common complaint I have about the servers - they're always either too full, or too empty.
I believe you should all stick to your forum names, because I keep forgetting who Troselbarf is. :/

It's a common complaint I have about the servers - they're always either too full, or too empty.

If the server's full I usually auto-join within 5-10 minutes.
Could someone kindly confirm if the server is up and what map it is currently on?

The issue from last night should be gone now.
Server is currently full and running Gravelpit.
You'll do fine. Once you get used to it, you'll be glad you did.

*edit* so you HAVE joined!
New Member - November 1st @ 6:01pm - []Paranoia joined group


Yep, thats me. Crap stats, only played 2 games, only got 1 backstab. Second one, got 4 in one life, and got booted due to ping going too high(was 76 when i joined the server). Stats from that didn't get registered, bastards. :borg:
If you join server 1 and announce it in chat it will usually fill up in a few minutes.
Any chance of lengthening the map time, Munro? And G-Dub too for server 2.

I'd just like to avoid that infuriating thing on Dustbowl where it switches maps mid cycle, before one team have even had a chance to have a full turn at defending.
Yes! Finally. I guess G-Dub managed to sort the server out considering that Dustbowl is no longer there. :p
Following the recent TF2 update I have promptly updated server #2.

Could someone with the time please join the server and let me know if there are any problems? Thank you muchly.


We will be performing maintenance which will affect your service. This will last about 20 minutes, and during this time, your service will go offline.

Date: 9th November 2007
Window: 23:00 for 4 Hours
Duration: < 20 minutes

This maintenance is to upgrade the software on the router. The software update requires a reboot, which takes about 10 minutes to complete. All services will be unavailable for this period, other services will re-route within a few seconds to alternative paths.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or questions.

This information stands for server #1 as well.
I've noticed that recently the server almost always has a game running. Finally i have a place to go every time i play TF2 where i know i can have at least a decent game.
Just tried to get on the server. It doesn't work. Says it's using an older protocol (12) than my client.