Shooting in games

One of the biggest disappointments in gaming for me was moving on from half life and realising that hitting corpses repeatedly in other games didn't gib them.

Similarly it was a great disappointment for me when I moved on from Blood 1 and realised that I couldn't play football with the severed heads of corpses in other games.

You know what would be funny? Sending a link to this thread to a video game violence critic.
Fallout 3's gore is retarded.

It's not retarded, just comical, which is fitting for a game that means to add a touch of humor to the otherwise depressing atmosphere. What's funny about Barnz's comment, though, is that he thinks that was the best feature it had which is pretty dumb but I know he was just trying to be funny and all because he's Barnz and he likes criticizing popular games like GTA IV, BioShock, etc. so yeah HA HA BARNZ YOU ARE ****ING HILARIOUS.
I find the audio is at least as important for a satisfying shooter. I love Borderlands and Borderlands 2 for that reason. When a midget screams "YOU KILLED MY BABYSITTER" at you after you killed a bandit or a hulking big Badass Brute screams for his mommy after you light him on fire, that is just too much fun. Even though the animations are lacking, the way they do the enemy's audio reactions to fighting is pure gold.
I find the audio is at least as important for a satisfying shooter. I love Borderlands and Borderlands 2 for that reason. When a midget screams "YOU KILLED MY BABYSITTER" at you after you killed a bandit or a hulking big Badass Brute screams for his mommy after you light him on fire, that is just too much fun. Even though the animations are lacking, the way they do the enemy's audio reactions to fighting is pure gold.

I can agree with this. It adds a lot of immersion to a game. In this aspect, I also feel companies have gone backwards for the most part.
I can agree with this. It adds a lot of immersion to a game. In this aspect, I also feel companies have gone backwards for the most part.

That's why I found Brolands 1 & 2 so refreshing. They feel like old-school Duke Nukem did. Nowadays you're lucky to get a grunt out of it much less entire monologue sequences.
I was playing perfect dark on the n64 just for some nostaglia, and I shot a dead body, and blood poured out every time I shot him and from wherever it was I shot him. A 15 year old game has a more satisfying approach to shooting people than modern games of today..
Now I started playing Max Payne 3 and my faith has been somewhat restored. This is the best I've seen from modern shooters in terms of satisfaction. Everything you need is here. Bullet holes, responsive weapons, and slow motion sure doesnt hurt.