Sisters give birth at 12, 14 and 16

Farrowlesparrow said:
With names like that, its to be expected :p

The UK is one fo the worst countries for teenage (and it seems pre-teen) pregnancies in Europe, if not a wider scale.
That would be considered racist in the US, those are considered black names.
For us Americans, I threw 600 pounds into a currency converter and it gave me $1,098. Most people I know take more than a month to make that kind of money.
Bah decline of society. Can't be arsed typing more thoughts on the matter.
Foxtrot said:
That would be considered racist in the US, those are considered black names.
Thats probably one of the silliest concepts I've ever heard. Because the names are considered black it would be racist, regardless of the fact all three girls are white?
Farrowlesparrow said:
Thats probably one of the silliest concepts I've ever heard. Because the names are considered black it would be racist, regardless of the fact all three girls are white?

I agree, that's a stupid thing to say.

Reminds me of a study I read about recently. Black kids with uncommon names do worse in school than black kids with common names.
Foxtrot said:
That would be considered racist in the US, those are considered black names.

Isn't it more racist to decide that a name is "black"?
Feath said:
Isn't it more racist to decide that a name is "black"?
I would agree, but it would still be considered racist, as I have been accused of it. Someones friend named Jamal or something like that got arrested for stealing a car and getting caught for speeding with it, 3 months after stealing it. I said something like "With a name like Jamal, do you expect better?" and I was called a racist.
^^ LMAO Ok, girl named bonquisha, What race is she?....the truth is that a lot of stereotypes are true.
MarcoPollo said:
^^ LMAO Ok, girl named bonquisha, What race is she?....the truth is that a lot of stereotypes are true.
Calling your child Amani in no way subscribes the child to a racial stereotype. It subscribes them to a stereotype that tells everybody that they're stupid and their parents were idiots.
That makes me feel sick.
Natasha, the oldest, Jade and Jemma, the youngest, are reported to receive £600 a week in benefits.
Oh great, parasites.
Jemma was first to give birth, to T-Jay
T-jay LMAO!!!! ....i know name isn't important but t-jay just takes it too far.
Two of the girls are no longer in contact with their children's fathers.

Now because the babies can't suffer these people live a life of being shagged and producing uneducated chavs from the council house hub of the family.
Not a lot of point in it to be honest.
short recoil said:
Now because the babies can't suffer these people live a life of being shagged and producing uneducated chavs from the council house hub of the family.
Not a lot of point in it to be honest.

And so the cycle begins anew.

-Angry Lawyer
Farrowlesparrow said:
Thats probably one of the silliest concepts I've ever heard. Because the names are considered black it would be racist, regardless of the fact all three girls are white?
Silly as it may be it's the truth here. Some stereotypes are that which if you make fun of the stereotype, you are racist, but if you APPLY the stereotype, you are too.

For instance, make fun of the name Sholaquanda regardless of if you even mention race, and you're branded racist.

Say "Well her name is Sholaquanda so I assumed she was black just out of likelyhood" and you're branded racist.

And that's even if you didn't mean it racist- you'll still be accused of it and that accusation is like accusing someone of being a witch in 1600's Salem
burnzie said:
12... jesus

"If theres turf on the wicket, its ready for cricket". Not "get them before the hair does".

when will people learn.

LMAO! That's good.
burnzie said:
12... jesus

"If theres turf on the wicket, its ready for cricket". Not "get them before the hair does".

when will people learn.

I am guessing that is a poor family. Only reason why I suggest that is because a poor person doesn't care what they do so they would go off galavanting doing whatever the bloody hell they want. I know higher class families get involved in these situations, but they are rare not saying obsolete just rare. Poor T-Jay, Armani, and Lita...

Damn mothers need to teach their daughters self control!!
Next time i get all my computer cables tangled i can think of their family tree.
Shamrock said:

I am guessing that is a poor family. Only reason why I suggest that is because a poor person doesn't care what they do so they would go off galavanting doing whatever the bloody hell they want. I know higher class families get involved in these situations, but they are rare not saying obsolete just rare. Poor T-Jay, Armani, and Lita...

Damn mothers need to teach their daughters self control!!

Yeah, they live in a council house so it's safe to say that they aren't rich.
Saw this in the paper today. It said they're getting £31,000 a year in benefits, which is rediculous!
That's twice what I was paid as a technician. More, in fact.

It's stories like this that boost my faith in Britain's benefits system :D There're no inherent flaws! And this tale of crass stupidity and responsbility-shifting won't inspire any tabloid rants, no sir!
I fail to see what's wrong with these girls getting benefits. Why are these people any less deserving that any other single mother?
LittleB said:
12 year old girl sex!!! :O :naughty:

11 year old actually.

Teh Sun!!!1 said:
SCHOOLBOY dad David Ryan began having sex with Jemma Williams when she was 11 — as her mum Julie slept in the next bedroom.

David’s family last night told how Julie allowed the under-age pair to spend the night together even after worried neighbours alerted cops and social workers.
Feath said:
I fail to see what's wrong with these girls getting benefits. Why are these people any less deserving that any other single mother?
Well ideally CPS (or whatever the British equivelant is) should take the babies away.

But that's ideally. In an good hard working society, no one should be getting benefits because they'd work for them themselves and people would be more responsible. The mother's don't deserve to be getting benefits but the babies most definately deserve a chance at life- give them to a good family.

Of course I'm sure the child services there have the same huge problems they have here, and end up punishing good parents more than they do the bad ones and help less children than they harm.
Ikerous will love this thread.

That crazy pedo....
RakuraiTenjin said:
Well ideally CPS (or whatever the British equivelant is) should take them away.

But that's ideally. In an good hard working society, no one should be getting benefits because they'd work for them themselves and people would be more responsible. The mother's don't deserve to be getting benefits but the babies most definately deserve a chance at life- give them to a good family.

Of course I'm sure the child services there have the same huge problems they have here, and end up punishing good parents more than they do the bad ones and help less children than they harm.

Civil Protection Service? That's a bit harsh.

But anyway, the mothers have done nothing to warrent social workers talking them away. They aren't bad mothers, they are just young (And the 16 year old is legally allowed to have sex anyway).
well if there's one lesson to learn from this thread its to get pregnant early
Also from The Sun

Teh Sun!!!1 said:
A LAD named by Jade Williams as the father of her baby last night demanded a paternity test — because he is WHITE and the child looks BLACK.

Ben Flitton wants a DNA check to prove he is not the dad.

He admits he had a one-night stand with Jade, 14.

And at first he accepted her assertion he was five-month-old Lita’s dad, even buying the tot clothes and toys.

But Ben’s father Ian, 38, said: “You’ve only to take one look at Lita now to know it’s impossible. She is clearly different to my son.”
Feath said:
Civil Protection Service? That's a bit harsh.

But anyway, the mothers have done nothing to warrent social workers talking them away. They aren't bad mothers, they are just young (And the 16 year old is legally allowed to have sex anyway).
All of them are still in school though, most for more than 3 years.
Foxtrot said:
All of them are still in school though, most for more than 3 years.

Well, they are 14, 15 and 18 now. But I still stay that they aren't mistreating their kids.
Feath said:
Well, they are 14, 15 and 18 now. But I still stay that they aren't mistreating their kids.
Well, it's your nation's tax money I guess. That's just kinda sickening seeing people leech and undeserving be allowed to stay on it forever (not even specifically this case, although this is pretty bad)

It's bad enough that programs come into play in the first place but then to top it off they're abused for the most part by filth and then those who could truly use a helping hand get shafted. Tis why private charity > Socialism. If only it could shift a huge amount more, or if the welfare could reform without people blocking it for no reason and get all the scum off of it.
Well isn't this an episode of Trisha?

You know that all of those kids are going to be grade A chavs (or Z).
This would have been considered pretty normal 1500 years ago.

Oh how times change.