Skeptics Take Note: Gabe Newell's "Help Valve" Post


Sep 13, 2003
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Normally something like this wouldn't be considered news worthy, however we felt this specific situation called for a notice that was sure to grab attention.

There are hundreds of users on the HalfLife2.Net boards and elsewhere that are near convinced that Gabe Newell's posts on this board are as fake as the e-mail that mislead thousands of fans less than a week ago. Many are at the very least skeptical about Gabe's interaction on our boards, raising many questions and concerns about its authenticity.

Gabe has taken interest and posted on our forum previously, and quite honestly his relationship with this community is too often taken for granted. Unfortunately up until this point the staff here haven't been able to give anyone any solid reasons as to why we actually know that it's him. For peace of mind and to attempt to reassure those of you with doubts, we ran a traceroute on the IP that posted Gabe's call for help and as expected, it originated from Valve Software's offices in Seattle (the same details that appear in legitimate e-mail headers from Valve Software employees).

While we won't post the IPs or hostnames here publically for obvious reasons, if you're a member of the press and would like to see the traceroute for yourself, I have no problems with you taking the time to e-mail me.
good to know... although i never doubted him ;)
While you guys might appretiate our effort to rid the doubt in peoples minds, there are still others who simply can't be convinced. If you take a browse thorugh comments/forums of some other Half-Life 2 news sites you'll see their bind slander.

I'm almost tired of trying, if these individuals haven't got the picture yet, they probably never will.
I think it has more to do with jealousy than skepticism. For instance, there was one site that arrogantly stated not to believe anything unless "we or other reliable sources confirm it", thereby implicating as an unreliable source.

Personally, I wouldn't worry about it.
I asked admins to check this in the other thread. Just a thought, but nice you can clarify it.

ok.... if thier network was and still is ? perhaps compromised, could our friendly blackhat perhaps have posted through his backdoor from valve's connection. Just because the posts came from valve doesnt mean they originated there.
Originally posted by rec
I'm almost tired of trying, if these individuals haven't got the picture yet, they probably never will.

I really don't know how you guys do it!

Everytime I visit recently there is like a million new threads all saying the same wrong/disrespectful/uninformed/weird things.
Re: ok.....

Originally posted by err0rr
ok.... if thier network was and still is ? perhaps compromised, could our friendly blackhat perhaps have posted through his backdoor from valve's connection. Just because the posts came from valve doesnt mean they originated there.
Gabe has posted on these forums long before anything to do with the source code leak had even happened. Everytime he posted here people e-mailed him to confirm if it actually was him that posted the message. Everytime he e-mailed them back confirming it was him. I wouldn't doubt the post Gabe made for a second.