So the right wing acts of terrorism against the US govt have now begun

Extremists are a bad thing, regardless of the side they are on.
Jane Goodall once said:
"There's an awful lot of extremists and fundamentalists, and you would agree, that's really what's gone wrong with the planet right now. It's the fundamentalists, whether they're right, left, center, whatever they are, if they're fundamentalists, they're dangerous."
I swear, every day goes by I can't help but think it's becoming more true.

No, it's a non-sensical statement. This is becuase it's all relative, you might think your opinions are middle ground, but if you lived in Soviet Russia, they'd be very extremist ideas.

Also, what about Janism? That's a religion that advocates non-violence and peacefulness. The more fundamentalist a Janist becomes, the less dangerous they become.

The problem isn't with fundamentalism, extremism or even terrorism. It's with a specific set of ideas and people who act on these ideas.
Also, what about Janism? That's a religion that advocates non-violence and peacefulness. The more fundamentalist a Janist becomes, the less dangerous they become.
Tbh a fundamentalist Jain would die as a kid since he would refuse to breathe in (and kill) bacteria.

Also, Gandhi was a social reformer. The only political view Gandhi had in his entire life was that India should be a nation of self-sufficient villages, a vision that was ignored by his BFF Nehru when he took charge and modeled the country after USSR. And today's generation doesn't even take the trouble to pay lip service to Gandhian simplicity, they're too busy trying to live the cosmopolitan high life. F*ckers.

(I do not subscribe to Gandhi's views.)