Somebody Please

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scary scary thought
Why didn't you put this in the thread that discusses HL2 and pay-to-play?
Accidentally hit "new thread" instead of "post reply"?
sorry but the fact they no commented that is REALLY horrendous..

cuz this thread can quote the emails people send
Why bother Valve about statements that are obviously false? They've said that at the current time they have no plans for a subscription model. Emailing valve is NOT the answer to life's problems.
Pay to play is Valve's way of getting people who play MP first, to play SP first...It's fine with me.
However, this is a rumor
-Rumors suck.
the only way it would ever be pay for play, is if one of the multiplayer modes is like a huge online MMOFPS like planetside, and the reason valve can't comment is because it would give away that part of multiplayer.

but i highly doubt you'd need to pay for play with standard MP modes.
Yeah, it's pay to play, your guns will jam, it will have the same gfx as HL1 and there will be biozeminades.
christ what is with you people Do you think they would keep that a secret until you bought the f*ing game? have they ever advertised as a MMOFPS? NO SO GET A GRIP
I could very well see it down the road. Steam has every capability of charging players to play, all it takes is a sick, demented coporate mofo to put it in place.
Valve wouldnt be that stupid, Pehaps you can have a temporary Hl2 account for MP only thats payed on a monthly basis, For steam buyers i mean.
Originally posted by nw909


Yeah, why the hell should they make so you must pay for it online?

This is just bullshit.
Originally posted by Solidarnosi
christ what is with you people Do you think they would keep that a secret until you bought the f*ing game? have they ever advertised as a MMOFPS? NO SO GET A GRIP

if it was one of many multiplayer options and it was completely optional then i see no problem with them holding it back, im very doubtful that would be one of the multiplayer modes, hence, very doubtful theres any pay2play strategy.
Guinny says: Is HL2 Pay to Play?
Erik Johnson says: No
It wouldn't need to be pay to play anyway, you pay your own bandwidth fee, they don't host 5000 people servers.
Originally posted by Loke
Case closed. :cheers:

remember when quinny made up all that stuff about his BS mod, and other stuff..erm.. *shrug*
LOL best one is when he posted an email from Gabe saying that he is having a baby soon :)
Use some common sense, it's not going to be pay to play.. I couldn't care less if people think that's just speculation.. It is not pay to play and if anyone thinks it is then I'll be quite happy to go "ner ner" when the game is released.

Keep it in the other thread, thread closed.
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