
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Yes...Its back. Tommorw (Tuesday the 5th) at 8 on Sky 1.

Next week they will also be starting the new Atlantis series

:D Woo for Stargate...In your face Finland :p(Sorry, I just heard that its not played there ;))
eheheeh it already played hear in the USA. =P

not that I'm gloating or anything... *cough*
XionNova said:
eheheeh it already played hear in the USA. =P

not that I'm gloating or anything... *cough*
Yep been on here for about a month I think? :p
I'm not jealous, because...I get to experience this joy now, and it will go on past the time you finnish watching it :p Delayed gratification makes it oh so much sweeter....
Farrowlesparrow said:
I'm not jealous, because...I get to experience this joy now, and it will go on past the time you finnish watching it :p Delayed gratification makes it oh so much sweeter....
They re-run it.... :thumbs:
Is Stargate anything like that old show Sliders?

Sliders was kinda cool.
Farrowlesparrow said:
:D Woo for Stargate...In your face Finland :p(Sorry, I just heard that its not played there ;))

/me cries

They are showing season 5 on tv ffs... thank god for other means!
Does anybody else find Macgyver's constant cynical wise-cracking on this show really off-putting? I haven't watched Stargate for ages, but it was almost as though he was trying to sell himself as too cool for his own tv programme.
Guessing the starter of this topic hasn't figured out how to use kazaa lite to download a copy of the new SG1s and SA1s.
I have personally recorded every single one using my TV tuner and compressed all of them from 50 - 600MB files. Well, 50,300,600. Of course I only have them for myself and no one else can download them off me. hahahahahha. Well, legally they can't. Who knows, someone could hack into my www linked to a thumb system and steal files off of it.
I am only watching the end of season 6 here so no spoilers. So far behind the US of A. :(
Missed the start of the new sieries. Farrow you mind posting a little spoiler for me plz?? :p I'm dying to know what happend.
Stargate wasnt a bad movie. Cool story.
HL2-2004NOV08 said:
Guessing the starter of this topic hasn't figured out how to use kazaa lite to download a copy of the new SG1s and SA1s.
I have personally recorded every single one using my TV tuner and compressed all of them from 50 - 600MB files. Well, 50,300,600. Of course I only have them for myself and no one else can download them off me. hahahahahha. Well, legally they can't. Who knows, someone could hack into my www linked to a thumb system and steal files off of it.

Or perhaps I just don't download things illegally, full stop...besides, waiting for them every week makes it much more fun.

A little spoiler eh? Well, thi gives away most of the programme...but, I'm sure its repeated some day on Sky One Mix.

Well, replicators escape the time thing, make a ship and then promplty get blown up by the asgard at their new homeworld. Carter apparently gets killed. The system lords want a treaty with earth because of this new weapon. 'Ball' however, has taken control of Anubuses old forces and now threatens the galaxy. He also plans on sending a ship to test earths defenses...
Oh yeah, the movie was awesome. I catch the series sometimes and don't mind it, kinda like CSI, I won't go out of my way to watch it.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yes...Its back. Tommorw (Tuesday the 5th) at 8 on Sky 1.

Next week they will also be starting the new Atlantis series

:D Woo for Stargate...In your face Finland :p(Sorry, I just heard that its not played there ;))

I don't have cable at my University, so I have to wait on Saturday when I'm back at home, and watch the repeat at 8:00pm