Steam Editorial

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
iTnews has posted a great editorial talking about the past, present and future of Valve's content delivery platform, Steam. Here's a snippet:
It is becoming more and more obvious that Valve Software wants to become a huge player in the game distribution stakes, and what's more it looks like it will actually succeed, much to the chagrin of publishers Vivendi, who should be seeing Half-Life 2 as a gigantic cash cow.[br]
The next step in the Valve takeover of distribution will be to ensure that other developers want to promote their titles through the Steam network, which will most likely happen with licensees of Valve's Source game engine.
The article makes an interesting read and if you're still a Steam hater, I urge you to read it as it can open your eyes to the possiblities Steam will hold. The full article can be read by clicking here.[br]Additionally, you can catch the Steam article I wrote a while back here.
I didn't read the article, but I like the idea of Steam. Gabe said they get much more money if people buy the game over Steam, and I like the idea of things being online so I don't have to worry about losing a paper with my CD key or my CDs breaking or anything. Internet connections just need to get faster
I couldn't find the article because of your nice linkage but the snippet was nice. :|
Steam is an excellent concept - I'm sure over time it will become very bug-free and better.
Sorry about that guys - that really was good linkage :p

Thanks again for letting me know ^Ben
Steam's a bunch of hot air... Sorry, couldn't resist the pun.

I actually like the little bugger somewhat. I need more games on it, however...

Even farking writers can't get it straight.

Not only is it such a revered single player title, its multiplayer component is a prettied up version of the most popular multiplayer title ever made. Called Counter-Strike, this started life as a 'mod' -- a user made modification to the Half-Life multiplayer game.
SubKamran said:

Even farking writers can't get it straight.

Until valve says otherwise ( or the game comes out) we should assum that cs:s is the multiplayer. Let's not discuss here though

Anyway, the article was interesting but most of it is common knowledge to us. Nice read anyway :thumbs:
Counter-Strike was eventually purchased by Half-Life developers Valve-Software, and a test project updating the mod to its new graphics engine went so well that it replaces the traditional 'deathmatch' style multiplayer in Half-Life 2.
I would say there is HL2 MP untill the opposite is proven.