Steam Users

I added most of you guys, I would be

Nick: Digerati
first name: Matt
DudeMiester is my handle, it always is. btw, if there is another DudeMiester, which I highly doubt, my internet-name (read not my actual name) is "Jim Bob". Also, the 'i' before the 'e', is not a mistake I do that for a reason, so that I never have to add crappy numbers to the end of my name when I register somewhere.
for easier locating just use email...
anyway i am .:[mi9]:. Omer (the only one)
Thadius Dean

[email protected]

hiya, im a noob!

hey, does anyone know how often Gabe Newell gets on?
im sure he doesnt get on often for fear of being swamped by people.