Stuck in Ravenholm


Aug 17, 2004
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I am stuck in Ravenholm. I get to where Father Gregory tells me to meet him at the church, when i get off the roof I end up in an area where after loading there is a room with a mattress and bed. Across from that there is a area where there is a fire, a fence, and a missle thingie in the ground. There is nowhere to go. Please help!
Can someone please help me? I know many of you have gotten through this already.
all i can say is this levle was ace i did it with no pobs .... just remeber to look high and low for a exit ... i remeber a part were i turned of two lots of fire by pressing a button have you got that far ?

EDIT: look out for platforms and littel ledges :)
I think I know where you are at. When you walk out after the bed to the left is there a long road with sort of a fork at the end? If so you have to go up to a building on the right about half way down and flip a switch to put a platform where you will need to go then go to the end of the road where to fork is and go right. After the right, there is a way to go up and then you follow the path laid out above the road. If this is not the spot I will try and help, but that level is complicated.
Cant remember that bit, just remember you have to climb onto objects and also use other props to figure out puzzles, and solve them. Just use your eyes and take a long hard look at every possibility.

Failing that, shoot everything.
Yoda1979 said:
I have passed that yes.

are you in a building on the floor or up on the second floor of a building ?

i remeber another part were i had to pull a lever and move a platform to beable to jump to the next roof top ... have you got there ?
I think you've gone back the way you came?

You should have gone into a courtyard area with one of those propeller choppers that breaks shortly after you turn it on.

If this is indeed where you are, go right into a building just aroudn there, there should be some big metal gears and a platform suspended from a wire. Go upstairs and onto the balcony, there's a lever with a yellow handle there, pull it.

Now jump down and turn right and go down a small alleyway, there'll be a poison zombie here (quite strong, I suggest throwing a radiator at it with the grav gun) and some immovable boxes stacked up against the wall. Jump up the stacked boxes onto the roof, and run across the roofs until you get to the two platforms in front of the windows down the end. Then continue.