STUCK! Please help! (spoilers)



In the 'hidden' end levels, where you enter a large room filled with turrets...i would guess about 6-8... i have eliminated all of the turrets, as well as make it to the corridor up top with the 3 fans and 2 turrets. where do you go from there and how? i see a bunch of walkways above, but i can not get to them, ive jumped, double jumped and quad jumped through portals for an hour, but i can not seem to get any higher. can anyone please help me out?

Use the angled tiles, work your way up to the next bit, at the side upwards. You don't have to get to the walkways.
Momentum is critical to traversing long distances.
Assuming you had already taken out the two turrents at the top (the ones next to the fans), look up from where the turrets were and you'll see a room above, with no portal-able walls in it. Notice the floor you are standing on is portal-able... Make a portal here on the floor, then jump off the ledge and fall to the room you were in before hand (which had all those turrets in the "cubby holes" before you had taken them all out) and quickly make a new portal to fall into before you hit the floor.

The momentum you gained from falling off the ledge will launch you out of the first portal you made, up into that room above the two ex-turrets next to the fans. At the end of THIS room, you will find a catwalk you can cross...