superbowl commercials

Best Superbowl commerical?

  • The shards of glass freeze pop commerical

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hendrix Pepsi Commercial

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • The Ref taking abuse commercial

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • AOL American Chopper Comercials

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • 36 hour boner commercial

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Bud light commercial where the dog bites the guys crotch

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Donkey wanting to be a Clydsdale

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Staples commercial with the Supplies guy

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • Cadillac commericla with the desert and water effect thingy

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • FedEx Alien

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • 7-Up truck

    Votes: 1 3.7%

  • Total voters

Jackal hit

Oct 23, 2003
Reaction score
okay what's the best superbowl commercial? my vote is for the budlite one, where the dog is told to get a bud lite, and bites some snobby dude in the crotch who's holding the budlite. crotch humor rules.

edit: CIALIS! for erectile dysfunction. lmfao "Erections lasting longer than 4 hours require immediate medical attention."
WTF was with that McDonalds commercial?
What the frag was that supposed to mean?
lol no clue, i hate mcdonalds :p ... i kinda liked the american chopper aol commercials heh. the dad is still an ass just like in the show heh
what you guys think of that Van Helsing preview?
Um, he fights warewolfs, zombies AND dracula .. in the same movie??

Not something I'll see in theaters, but definatelly up for renting.
My favorite one was where the ref was being yelled at by the coach and the announcer was saying, "Man where did he learn to take that kind of abuse?" And it shows the ref guy at home watching TV with his wife yelling at him the same exact way. Oh yea, that was a good one.
Now Troy looked hot, can't wait for the first epic movie of 2004.
The best commercial was the hendrix one for Pepsi. I'm making a poll, so we cna vote there.
Superbowl Commericals (poll)

K, making a poll. If you want one to be added, post and i'll add it to the poll!
I liked the Cadillac commercial with the water in the desert effects. Not to mention that's an awesome car. I also like the dog/crotch commercial- - Funny as hell.
Now that I remember, the donkey and the Bud horses was pretty funny too.
GO CROTCH HUMOR! whoohoo, but yeah all those others are funny too :D i'm actually pleased w/ the commercials this year, last couple years i thought they were horse shit at best with maybe a couple exceptions.
heh, I liked the American Chopper commercials, although they were for AOL :/

then again, I'm a big fan of the show, so I'm a bit biased.
SidewinderX143 said:
snakebyte... they all say "clip unavailable"
Are you sure?
A few of them were unavailable but I just watched some of them...
I liked the Subway commercial just after the Super Bowl. The guy cuts the kid's kite string and it takes out the biker :) Funny stuff.

Out of the options there...I put the Staples commercial...that was funny too.

"Half a donut (or whatever he says)...half a file folder." *RIP*
Heh, also, there was that Ford GT commercial.. Looks kinda hot.. Maybe luke-warm..
I loved the Staples one and the Shards-o-glass one :D
Snakebyte said:
Are you sure?
A few of them were unavailable but I just watched some of them...

The only ones not un-avaliable are the AOL ones...
oh yeha. that was, imo the best commerical for the IBM linux series yet. but not a funny a one. :)
nw909 said:
The only ones not un-avaliable are the AOL ones...
You could look at more than the ones on the first page before arriving at that conclusion...
I count 21 non-AOL ads being available.
Oh ok, I found 'em now.

Why does Linux look like a little eminem wannabe kid type thing?
The 7-up truck one is an old commercial.

I hate Truth, so the shards of glass one is at the bottom of my list.
You missed the best one, where the horse farts and it gets lit by the candle.
smwScott said:
You missed the best one, where the horse farts and it gets lit by the candle.

Damn straight. I can't believe that ones not on the poll. My local radio station even played it this morning :p.