Team America Trailer! F*ck Yeah!

Varg|Hund said:
WTF is that? :|

It's a movie about a terrorist-fighting force and Kim Jong Il made entirely with puppets by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. The guys who do Southpark.
I dont see too many people outside of the USA's own little bubble wanting to see this in a rush.

Edit: Oops, double post.
Omg, I was bashing this movie before but it does looks mighty kick ass.
Tinneth said:
I dont see too many people outside of the USA's own little bubble wanting to see this in a rush.

Edit: Oops, double post.

Yeah, you completely missed the point of the movie. It's making FUN of the US. Is your sarcasm detector on the fritz?
Ok sorry, I mis-understood it. The trailer didnt work for me :eek:
Tinneth said:
Ok sorry, I mis-understood it. The trailer didnt work for me :eek:
That's ok. You can be my man-slave for a week, and then we will consider this incident forgiven. Deal?
Damn, I was all like "YEAH! George Clooney." :D
As I said in the other thread on this, I'm looking forward to it. :D
Haha, I love that summary of famous actors and then "... are all going to be really really mad when they see this"
"Freedom Hangs By A Thread"

Classic :D

This looks like one of those really memorable films :D They really captured the Thunderbirds look though, I can't wait for this.
The part where the chick has the shotgun and says "Eat on this" or something (can't remember) is hilarious, that little spark comes out.
Dalamari said:
The part where the chick has the shotgun and says "Eat on this" or something (can't remember) is hilarious, that little spark comes out.

"Hey terrorist, terrorize this"
Heheh, that line made me cringe until it sunk in that it was intentionally cheese, and I laughed. The world blowing up wasn't as spectacular as the moon exploding in Amazon Women On The Moon, I was looking forward to something corntastic like that :p
Heh, I liked the part where the world blew up because just before it did, the trailer said "Only one thing can save the world" *Bang* :D
"George Clooney
Liv Tyler
Michael Moore
George W Bush
John Kerry
Kim Jong Il

Are All Going To Be Really Really Mad When They See This"