The Amazing Spider-Man 700 - your friendly neighbourhood death threats


The Freeman
May 19, 2004
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So in case you haven't heard the 26th December will see the end of Peter Parker's run as Spiderman with issue 700. Superior Spider-man will be the new series. Previous speculation, hints [red herrings?] suggested that another timeline/alternate universe spidey would be filling his shoes with Parker retiring.

However the comic was recently leaked, and the actual replacement is creating an internet nerd-rage singularity such that the author has been receiving death threats ( and hurt butts eclipsing the "One More Day" incident.

Good times.

Personally I'm ok with #700 and am very interested to see what'll happen in the Superior series.

In case you're curious but CBA googling - MASSIVE SPOILERS I'M SERIOUS:
A dying, incarcerated Doc Ock swapped bodies with Spidey, leaving Parker in the fast-decaying ruin of Octavius' body while Otto web-swings around and puts the moves on MJ. Both have full access of the others' memories as well as their own. Doc Park escapes from prison for a show-down and attempt to regain his body only to be foiled by the master planner. As Doc Park lies dying the residual link between their brains shows SpiderOck Peter's life flashing before his eyes, with Otto superimposed over Parker.
Otto Octavius is changed by seeing the crucial moments' in Parker's life and Peter's assertion that he would do it all over again, and decides to become the hero he is replacing - but even better... Superior.

Cue fan fury.
Dear god comics have the worst plots of anything ever.
Wait, aren't we on a video-games forum?
Sure, except of course similar plots have been done in pretty much sci-fi show ever (esp. Farscape) in addition to soaps. So it's still just a smug piece of hyperbole which doesn't add to discussion. That's why I replied in kind.
Soaps have the same problem as comics: Perpetual zombie franchises that need to be churned out constantly by different writers that have different ideas about how the plot, characters and series should go. Take that and for comics also throw in having multiple series and characters all shoved into the same continuity being written and rewritten by different authors at the same time and throw that in with a sci-fi background that allows time travel, multiple universes and all that and you have an absolute mess. It's no wonder they have to occasionally go back and reboot everything.
Actually the interactions between the different franchises and the availability of fantasy and sci-fi aspects is what allows comics to keep things fresher than soaps. It can be disorganised and confusing at times yes, particularly with DC who are much more guilty of doing complete reboots and retcons than Marvel. But it does allow good storytelling. Some comic runs collected into graphic novels are very highly regarded, and for good reason.
Good god that is stupid. I guess this means Peter Parker is effectively dead in both Marvel universes now.

who am I kidding NO ONE stays dead in mainline Marvel universe
Parker will probably return, but Kurt Wagner seems to be staying dead.
Never owned any comics but I can understand why people would be pissed about that plot development.