The best Amazon review ever


Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Today I set out to find my favourite Amazon review. I first looked at Half-Life 2 on PC, but of course everything there is about how they hate Steam. I then considered PS3, but remembered that most of them would probably be about the framerate issues. I looked at the Xbox 360 reviews.

The first review I found was asking why you would buy this game after you already completed it on PC and this version is just the same. Good question.

Here is my favourite Amazon review.

No fun

Vehicles are so boring to use I would dread using them. Unlike in Halo I couldnt wait to jump in, especially the quad bikes.

Guns especially the gravity gun annoys the hell out of me. No fun to use at all and would try never to use it.

The gun fights were not fun either. Not one fight I enjoyed unlike again in Halo 1,2 and 3 all were very fun.

Also you couldnt even use the gun to hit enemies with. Hello this is the best part in FPS now. This game has aged and has been left for dead by Halo 3.

The whole game felt unfinished................

2 of 45 people found it helpful!
Sounds more like a review of halo. Now lets look at the reality of things shall we?

Halo's vehicles were pretty much tacked on and had no part to play in the plot at all.

The gravity gun was vital to parts of the game , was inovative (im pretty sure its the first of its kind in a game) and could be used to do pretty funny things.

The gun fights in halo were all pretty much the same , fight grunts , fight brutes , fight grunts and brutes , fight flood , repeat. The AI never even TRIES to use cover , ever.

Since when is the ability to hit some one in the face with a gun a measure of the games greatness?

The game is way more finished than halo honneh. It takes longer to complete , had a more developed plot , and actually progressed in the story line.

TL;DR? It fails hard.