The Mufti (Hadjimin Al-Huesseni) and the Fuehrer (Adolf Hitler)

Nov 6, 2003
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Seeing as people lack insight onto why the Arab World is particularly so violent against the west, I'll take you back almost 20 years to the pinnacle rise of Arab Nationalism against the British controlled Ottoman Empire that would eventually lead to the mass expulsion of Jews and Christians throughout the Middle East before it would ever identify itself as seperate nationalities.

The expulsion was due to a lack of social, religious, and military identity that had been suppressed of them while European powers attempted to spread they're territorial controls and gains imposed against Moslems; the Jews and Christians being a convient target because they, were not Islamic.

Almost 20 years before Israel would ever rise, the Judiacs cast into Palestine from the mass exodus of the 1880's, would be subject to violent murders, riots, and kidnappings. Not just in the middle east but Europe up until 1938, when the Grand Mufti of Palestine sought to establish a strategic-military alliance with Adolf Hitler, with one common goal:

To rid the world of all non-Aryans or Muslims.

Translated from German, a transcript of the video:

Narrator: June 1941. The Wehrmacht attacks the Soviet Union, for Hitler the centre of the Jewish world conspiracy. From there, he intends to push further towards the Middle East. For this plan, Hitler finds an ally in the Arab world.

<Speech Josef Goebbels, Background, "The Fuhrer received the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, one of the most influential men within Arab nationalism.">

Narrator: Here, in the Reichskanziei a cooperation of many years between Hitler and Grand Mufti takes off. Both have the same enemy: The Jews. Even today, the effects are still palpable. One of the most renowned experts on this very special part of German-Islamic history lives and does research in America.

Researcher: "The Mufti gladly absorbed the German racism. He was a real Jew-hater and his Jew-hatred knew no limits."

Narrator: The Mufti calls for a holy war under the swastika. He takes the lead of the Bosnian SS-division called "Handzar". Zvonimir Bernwald is one of the last soldiers from his unit who is still alive.

Zvonimir Bernwald: "The Grand Mufti came early in 1943 to Zagreb, Sarajevo-Banjaluka, and made a lot of propaganda for the Handzar Division."

Narrator: The Muslim SS-soldiers are supposed to be brought in the line with the National Socialist ideaology. They are taken to Potsdam for training purposes. In a villa formerly in Jewish ownership, the Mufti spreads his Muslim National Socialist ideaology. Attending as interpreter: Zvonimir Bernwald.

Zvonimir Bernwald: "The Grand Mufti somehow stipulated what the common grounds of National Socialism and Islam in general were."

Narrator: In 1944, Berlin perishes under Allied bombardment. The Nazis get in the remote spa of Oybin in Saxony a secure place for the Mufti to hide. Those, so far unknown, photos show: The lordly villa of the Mufti, the office building of his staff, and for the entourage: a little chateaux.

1945 Hitler's Mufti elopes. He travels unharmed to Cairo and goes on spreading hate against the Jews. The Egypt of the revolution in the Fiftieth is under the Egyptian President Nasser a bolt hole for German Nazis, like Johannes Von Leers, one of the most odious NS-Propagandists.

According to, until lately unknown, CIA Documents show Leers had been the head of "Odessa", the infamous organistation of former members of the SS. According to the CIA it was the Mufti who, of all people, made Leers convert to Islam. Until his death, the Mufti never had an answer for his Jew-hatred.

Researcher: "He has preached during all of those years that there is a global Jewish conspiracy and that Jews are an inferior categorey of people. He has fully absorbed what the National Socialists ideaology had taught him. And he has spread it further during the years following WWII."

Narrator: The mental poison spread by the Mufti is effective even today. For example: In a bookshop in Cairo we find Hitler's, "Mein Kampf" next to piles of anti-semitic global conspiracy literature, including the "Protocols of The Elders of Zion".

<Multiple pictures are shown of Palestinian Fatah, Hamas, Bizbullah, and Al-Qaeda militants and European supporters of with racist and derogatory signs, all either wishing Hitler had live, or either the jews were all genocided. One sign reads, "God Bless Hitler", and it is carried by two female Moslems.

Narrator: God bless Hitler -- too are finding their way into the news.

<One poster reads: Be prepared for the REAL Holocaust! It was carried by a supporter of the 2005 London Bombings at a extremist rally after they were carried out. Footage would later roll behind the words of President Ahmadinejad making his infamous, "Israel wiped off the map speech.">

Narrator: This means: Be prepared for the real Holocaust. Almost like Iran's President Ahmadinejad who goes on and on denying the holocaust and who has the Lebanese Hezbollah dangling from his strings. Especially repulsive: The TV Channel of the Lebanese Hezbollah even broadcasts a dramatization of the unspeakable "Protocols".

Researcher: "Today, racial antisemitism is established as a distinct ideaology."

Narrator: This is also contained in the charter of the radical "Palestinian" government party Hamas. In this charter Hamas relies, of all things, on the anti-Jewish "Protocols" - exactly like Adolf Hitler in "Mein Kampf". Thus, a circle is closed, which started with the pact between Adolf Hitler and the Mufti.

This is for those of you who seem to forget your history and replace it with a haphazardous overly emotional qualitive trait with your arguements when debating, illegitimately, the deformation of Israel without know its causes, without knowing its true intent. Self-defense.
For the people who did'nt know, I'm sure its news. Let's face it: Most people don't quite understand how, from the 1920's onward, they could be targets of international terrorism.

With the fud-ups of the United States in Central and South America to the fud-ups even further in its past where it genocided entire races of Indian-Americans with both the common cold and wide spread atrocities, let's face it, not a lot of people especially Americans are that keenly aware why international opinion remains so skeptical of them, they're causes, and they're leaders.

And yet, where this information about the Jerusalem's Mufti Hadjimin Al-Huesseni making a cooperative alliance with Hitler against European and Middle-Eastern Judiacs comes into legitimate play especially in our debates out modern affairs, is that some people seem to always have this idea that all of the hatred in the Middle-East against both Judiacs in Israel and whatever ethnicities live in America, is or was either Randomly instigated by some wild hair up someones toosh or caused by a non-existent American Eco-Resourcesive Imperialism, as far as the whole 80+ years before Israel and up to its declaration of independence go.

The truth of the matter is, almost 400+ years of social and religious persecution in not just the Middle East but Eurasia, Western Europe, Africa, and America is what caused the steps towards the Judiac and Christian mass exodus but also the rise of Israel and Arab Nationalism.

Long before America could even impose itself politically or socially against particular nations in the world who we're against or presented a legitimate/illegitimate danger to its agenda, Great Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Russia, etc. all had interest in not just the supplies that could be found in both Africa and the Middle East but in also, expanding they're Empires to oversea's/cross nation territories.

The goal of this was simple: More land - more money. More land - more resources. More land - more labour. All for the wealth of the people at the time in Europe. As far as things went, the Arab Nationalism that sparked those mass exodus was a result of primarly Britain trying to rule over and size up the Ottoman Empire to its own political, social, and economical gain.

Subsequently, as stated, anything western was targeted as a method for a particular leader or tribe to identify themselves religiously and socially -- the Judiacs, Christians, and Europeans made a perfect scape goat, wether Israel was formed or not.