Things you want in Episode 2

1. More Xenlike enviroments- not nessecarily going to Xen but possible areas where Xen and earth are merged

2. Snarks-

3. Any new enemy that I am scared to fight (I remember in Half Life 1 hearing the soldier radio chatter up ahead before getting into a battle and thinking 'crap these guys are going to kick my butt'... this never happened in HL2 with the Combine or any other enemy.. bring back that old HL feeling! )
a garg or 2 would be nice, or maybe a gonarch. Perhaps a fixed up version of the hydra or good ole blobbycheeks.

Definitely would like to see bullsquids. Houndeyes not so much considering they were almost so harmless i felt kinda bad about shooting them.
snarks would be sweet
combine sniper rifle
lush, expansive environments
In episode 2 Cubbage is going to be flying a Spitfire and shoot the s*** out of the gunships!!!!!!:smoking:

I have not read or watched anything on EP2, but here is my two cents....

1) Increased length over EP1
2) A warped 'wasteland' blending alien landscapes with Earth
3) Wildlife taken over by headcrabs
4) Scenes of a struggle between humanity and Aliens
5) Working with Alyx to some large goal, communicating by some mobile video link until she gets captured or trapped requiring rescuing
6) Gruesome scenes as in the Haven village (think it was called Haven)
7) Gordon getting a negative reaction from the Gman in some fashion (I want Gordo to anger him a wack or refusing to do something) to strengthen the underlying tension Gordon must have towards him (he seems to be the Gmans puppet to a degree)
8) A hidden medical lab with playable video showing humans experimenting on the combine (now deceased labs full of zombies).
9) A desperate fight for survival rather than the 'cue next group of combine'
10) Something solid to think about when the episode ends rather than the mystery side of how EP1 ended....
I want a lot of things...

1. Large scale battles with the resistance vs. combine, as Eli said "We are done hiding!"
2. Some loose ends tied up! With only two episodes to go...there is going to be a lot of storytelling packed in to such a small amount of game.
3. Bullsquids.
4. More information on the vortigaunts. They are so damn mysterious, would be good to know more about their "culture" if you could call it that.
5. More Barney.
6. A bit lengthier, not because I felt ripped's because this episode looks as if it has a lot to deliver story wise and it will need to be more than 5 hours to achieve it.
7. G-man related stuff.
8. More massive dialogue sequences, like Samon said...the Breen conversation was brilliant.
9. Less zombies for once. Being out in the wilderness, the headcrabs would easily be the bottom of the food chain (unless the snarks make another appearance) so I doubt there would be many there to make a great amount of zombies.
10. A few new enemies, we are out in the I would expect a lot of alien fauna (and flora!) growing out there. Hell, a "cameo" appearance by one of the old enemies would be alright in my opinion.
Samon said:
No, they still continue.

Wasn't the point of Decay to stop the portal storms? Or is that wrong/noncanon?

Anyway, what I'd like in E2:

1. Either a fixed pulse rifle, or a new assault rifle. By that I mean 'a rifle with larger ammunition capacity and accuracy that is sufficient to fight at non point-blank range.' Perhaps the OICW-style gun could make an appearance here. I figure that being far from the Combine's base and lines of supply, they'd want to have a longer duration and more accurate weapon, even if it does pack less of a punch then the Overwatch Standard.

2. Bullsquids. Oh yeah baby. Gargs too, perhaps. Though I'm not too sure about that one. Garg's always struck me as intelligent, like alien grunts.

3. Some sort of tidbit about the current state of Xen affairs. What's going on with the alien grunts? Are they dead, or what?

4. Gman. Gman Gman Gman.

5. Teh Crowbar of justice!!11

6. Confirmation of Breen's status.

7. Some further tidbits on the resistance and combine. Including more inklings on what these 'projects' are, and what the message was/data contains. Personally, I feel it'd be neat if the 'projects' turned out to be the resistance actually converting its citizens into cyborgs, just like the combine. Just to make Gordon question who he's really fighting for. But then, I can see that going against the theme of the games, so I don't really expect this. Either way, I have enough faith in Laidaw to know that it'll be cool no matter what he does.

8. And finally, more interaction with Kleiner, Eli, Alyx, and Barney. (And don't forget Lamarr!)
New weapons and more new enemies (or old ones, like the Houndeyes, Bullsquids and Alien Grunts)
1.) More G-Man.

2.) New enemies are a given, so I can only hope they're as enthralling as the others previously encountered.

3.) Houndeyes. God damn, these things were awesome. Put them back in the game. And I'd prefer not to kill them this time around.

4.) Obviously, I want more G-Man/Vortigaunt info.

5.) Some confirmation of Breen's status.

6.) More Alyx hugs.

7.) Balls-out, outdoor, massive combat.

8.) Show me a Gargantua. I don't even need to fight it. Just have it farting about in the distance or something.
More G-man and more Grigori. I get the feeling we won't see Breen until Episode 3.
I'd rather have new enemies than weapons.

Cpl_Facehugger said:
Wasn't the point of Decay to stop the portal storms? Or is that wrong/noncanon?

Laidlaw said the portal storms still continue erratically. I can't remember what I did at the end of Decay. Although, that's a lie. I remember thousands of enemies.
i want.

- No more references to bullsquids, snarks, houndeyes etc. (Half life has moved on from these monsters)

- contact with other cities

- crap weather, thunder & rain
-Yep I want weather fx too all kinds: thunder storms, rain snow etc.
- monsters: gargantua, gonarch, bullsquid (no howndeyes) and maybe tentacles
- weapons: gauss, mines, snarks and an improved Pulse Rifle.
- G-Man and employers info and maybe meeting with G-Man as an NPC:D
- If they are gonna make it vehicle oriented they'd better put some decent vehicles in it ( the buggy in HL2 sucked).
More random thoughts from my last list:

8. Random portal storm that teleports in a mass of hungry wildlife. We know the storms still exist so we should see one in action.

9. Chumtoads! We need a Xen creature that's actually harmless for once and this cut HL1 enemy can do the trick.

10. G-Man's brilliant plan to get Gordon back that doesn't depend on the effort of just one, lone lackey (ie. Shephard).

11. Usable Tau Cannon that's detatched from a buggy. This may show up later in the series.

12. Flamethrower type weapon, a niche I believe hasen't been filled up yet in the HL2 series. If the Gluon Gun never comes back, then a Cremator hose will do nicely.
A captured G-Man, held by the Vortiguants. In a Hannibal Lecter mask.

"I do wish I had more TIME, Doctor Freeman, but I'm having an old friend for dinner."
Good idea!

Black Op said:
More random thoughts from my last list:

8. Random portal storm that teleports in a mass of hungry wildlife. We know the storms still exist so we should see one in action.

9. Chumtoads! We need a Xen creature that's actually harmless for once and this cut HL1 enemy can do the trick.

10. G-Man's brilliant plan to get Gordon back that doesn't depend on the effort of just one, lone lackey (ie. Shephard).

11. Usable Tau Cannon that's detatched from a buggy. This may show up later in the series.

12. Flamethrower type weapon, a niche I believe hasen't been filled up yet in the HL2 series. If the Gluon Gun never comes back, then a Cremator hose will do nicely.

Damn, good ideas, people have been asking what weapons would you include if you could and I could not think of anything, those sound decent enough!
G-Man should have a dirty dozen-type squad of dudes he's put in stasis from various worlds and timeframes, which he unleashes to get his prized specimen back
Just for it to be as good as Ep1, but please Valve don't tell us anymore than what we know.
This is not a request for sheperds return as that would be shite but i would like to see

- a human equivalent of gordan in the employment of the g-man facing him off trying to kill him.
- more tragic consequences of gordans actions and choices
Some new enemies. I get tired of killing Combine, antlions, barnacles, synths, headcrabs and zombies. I want to see a friggin' Garg or a Bullsquid. And at least 1 new weapon.
Answers. I think it's time we cleared things up. Of course Episode 1 didn't have time to answer really anything since your main goal was to get the hell outta that city, and fast.

Things that I hope get answered:

What kind of information did Alyx steal? It's definately important, but I'm afraid it's just going to stir up more questions than really answer anything.

What happened to Breen? I'm still goin with my theory that he was the Advisor that attacked you and Alyx in that room, but hopefully they'll clear that up.

What are we going to do now? We've started the uprising, destroyed the Combine's HQ on Earth, and cut off their portals (or so we think, they're not giving up yet). Are we going to try and invade THEM and put a total end to the Combine, or just work on repopulating the world?

And of course: G-Man. His whole identity and everything obviously aren't going to be revealed in Episode 2, but I would like to see more of him. And no, not seeing him stalking you wherever you go, I mean face-to-face conversations(well, him talking to you anyway) For some reason I believe we're going to see him being held prisoner somewhere in the Vortigaunts' pad. He asks you to free him but since you don't work for him anymore, you leave him. It sort-of makes sense if you remember the sound files of him getting angry at you and telling you to "Get back here!".

And of course, new enemies(not old enemies from HL, brand-new enemies), new weapons, and new vehicles(sup pimp my citizen-gunship) But I really want Episode 2 to focus on story more than anything.
I'd like a part set in a foggy forest where you have little ammo, and you're being chased down by a strider. And since you're in the forest, the strider would continually knock down trees that would prove to be quite a hazard. I would love that so much. And then maybe others would start chasing you, and it would be the most thrilling part of the game. Oh man, if Valve doesn't do this, I'm going to make sure someone does.
Black Op said:
More random thoughts from my last list:

8. Random portal storm that teleports in a mass of hungry wildlife. We know the storms still exist so we should see one in action.

10. G-Man's brilliant plan to get Gordon back that doesn't depend on the effort of just one, lone lackey (ie. Shephard).
ooo, me like.
My hopes for Episode 2:

1) G-Man returns

2) Alyx NOT dying

3) More guns, I've had enough of that damn shotgun. I WANT THE COMBINE SNIPER RIFLE!!

4) More new baddies. Like maybe a different Zombie/Headcrab type.

5) Less of a damn cliffhanger ending and more of an ending that I can live with and wait for the finale with.

6) New vehicles or the return of the buggy from Highway 17.

7) The Super Gravity Gun, again.
Samon said:
I'd rather have new enemies than weapons.

Laidlaw said the portal storms still continue erratically. I can't remember what I did at the end of Decay. Although, that's a lie. I remember thousands of enemies.

I agree on the enemies and weapons thing.

As for Decay... the purpose of Decay was to stop the original Resonance Cascade from spreading. This seems to have worked because after around the point that Decay ends (the night of the first day) you don't see any more random fauna teleporting into Black Mesa. The Portal Storms perhaps came about after Nihilanth's death.
Ph4t N1nj4 said:
7) The Super Gravity Gun, again.
That wont be in it.. Remember, when you get out of the cidadel it goes back to normal? and seeing as the cidadel is gone now, we wont be getting it
Some new critters. Not necessarily old Xen friends (although bullsquids would be nice), but I think a break from zombies would be nice. I'd say from antlions too, but the trailer pretty much shoots that down immediately.

No constant sidekick. That was done in Episode 1, and while I'll be glad if Alyx makes it, I hope she doesn't hang around Gordon the whole time again.

At least one new weapon would be nice. Something actually new, as in, either a previously unseen Combine weapon or something the scientists cooked up. I can live without the sniper rifle.

Vehicles wouldn't be bad, but hopefully not as friggin' long as the vehicle sequences in HL2.

This text is really about what I liked in Episode one and what should be in the episode two.

I prefer close-quarters and mid-range combat with the combine. But not like
it was in nova prospekt when the place was over-flowed with combine soldiers. Something between tactical and pure firepower would be nice. The pulse rifle, SMG and shotgun are the weapons of my choice in the game. Good combine battles and pulse rifle and the game has my attention.

I really liked the first two chapters of Episode one because the atmosphere was perfect and the environment was so unique. I wish all the episodes were like "Undue Alarm" and "Direct Intervention". All the way from the beginning to shutting down the core were one of the most well-made events in the game. The gravity gun puzzles were excellent. I'd like to see more gravity gun puzzles in the future.

The third chapter was fun it it's own way but the flashlight goes out too quickly, there should be more energy to use for running and flashlight.
"Zombines" were a fun addition to the game. I liked the blocking the antlion burrows.

"Urban Flight" was a alright but the last chapter with ciziten herding wasn't my cup of tea. The citizens can't really help themselves and they can't follow my lead. The last chapter was all about protecting the citizens across the yard and I think the last chapter was the part I liked the least. And then there was the strider. If it is up to me: no striders. I don't really like battling against them.

Episode one was more my style than Half-Life 2 itself. No too long drives with vehicles like the Hydro or scout car. Yes I don't really like driving the vehicles at least not for too long. I am more like HL1 style player. HL1 style play mixed with gravity gun puzzles and environment/character interaction makes the HL game I like to play.

Good sides: combine battles, g-gun puzzles, environment/character interaction, pulse rifle, shotgun, SMG, revolver...

Bad sides: striders, some minor problems like in the above text

Best chapters: Undue Alarm, Direct Intervention

The chapter I liked the least: Exit City 17

I'm sure there's a lot more to say but I can't think of anything else right now.
Ileman said:
If it is up to me: no striders. I don't really like battling against them.
There's one in the Trailer for the second episode, so your wish won't be granted :p