Thinking about getting a PS3, need some advice.

Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
So i'm planning on getting a PS3 but i'm unsure on a few things.
First does the hard drive size really matter? I was thinking of getting the PS3 with the smallest drive then if necessary upgrading the drive. Also can the PS3 use regular PC hard drives or are they different?
The second thing i'm unsure about is that i plan to connect it to my monitor though a HDMI to DVI connector, the only issue would be sound, my speaker only has a headphone type jack connector so i don't know if the PS3 has any audio outputs like that.
The last thing is games really. I plan to get the Uncharted series, Heavy Rain and Final Fantasy 13 are there any other really good PS3 titles i should get?
Slim PS3 comes with 120GB, more than enough space. PS3 only use blu ray drive.

skip mgs4, go get Demon's Souls.
depends on what you're using it for. if you plan to use it as a media hub then get the bigger HD. if not, 120 is more than enough
also, i'm pretty sure the ps3 uses the smaller 2.5inch HDD's that notebooks use. could be wrong though

this might help with your sound issue:
Yes my mate just got demon's souls and is loving it despite how face-punchingly difficult it is. Get it.
One more thing. My ATI card came with a DVI to HDMI adaptor could this work the opposite way as well? If so it saves me having to buy one.
Goddammit where is Darkside?

In all seriousness, Demon's Souls sounds amazing from what I have heard.
just to repeat what i said in that thread:

This basically. Demon's Souls is a definite, but you have been warned. Add to that list:

-Ratchet and Clanks
-Gran Turismo 5
-Valkyria Chronicles is a much praised JRPG that I have yet to try
-Final Fantasy 13
-ModNation Racers

And many of the good multiplatform games to look forward to like Red Dead Redemption, Super Street Fighter 4,
I might get a PS3 as well. Still not entirely sure. Tending towards the Playstation because of the exclusives it has, bluray and free online play.
I'll probably do the same thing with the ps3 that I did with the ps2: buy it four years in to the next generation.
Ace, no one is going to believe your bad photoshop work. You can see the jpg artifacts.

bam23 said:
-Final Fantasy 13
Haha. MAG sucks and XIII was terribad. If you're going to anticipate a Final Fantasy game wait for FFXIII: Backstreet Boys edition. At least that one will have an overworld map, supposedly won't be a completely linear rail-fest, KH combat system, and a storyline that's more along the lines of past FF games. SquareEnix has already confirmed in an interview that

the PS3 has no gaems
They should change title MAG to MFG. MASSIVE FAIL GAME.

Nothing really massive about the game, other than the lag from 256 players...
To get back on topic of the OP.

An external HD works just like any other with the PS3. So yes, you can get the smallest HD and plug in a USB HD at 500GB or 1TB if you so chose.

The only thing you have to do, is create new folders in the External HD so that the PS3 can recognise them. For example, for all your movies, make a folder called 'Video'. For pictures, make a folder called 'Pictures'. For music, make a folder called 'Music' (could be Audio, never done it so cant recall). Then put in your files accordingly via your PC, plug it into the PS3 and it will instantly recognise the External drive. Then you just flick across the menu to videos, down to the folder name video and it will detect almost any file type that plays videos. Avi, mpeg, DivX etc.

If you dont change the folder name, it wont see anything. It will acknowledge that there is an external drive connected, it just wont be able to see what is in the drive.

I updated my PS3's system lately by downloading it to my PC first. I created a folder on my HD called 'UPDATE'. Put the file in their. Connected my external HD to the PS3, went to system update, chose external source or whatever, and it saw the file in the folder straight away. If I hadnt called it 'UPDATE', it wouldnt see the file inside that folder. Installed the update in seconds.

Folders are case-sensitive as well.

Its much better than the so-user-unfriendly Xbox 360 **it. Wouldnt even see my external drive. And when it did, it wouldnt play the file, AND you have to install some Media Centre on your PC then sync it with the, so easy.... Thanks Microsoft, I'll stick with the logical PS3.
Bah, I should've saved it as a png.

Alright Guy's i finally got my PS3 Slim 250GB today with Uncharted 2. Well anyway first i hooked it up to my 42" 1080p tv and it looked great, but then i hooked it up to my 23" 1080p monitor but it looks horrible. The picture is all aliased and blurred. I've tried messing with the settings but it seems to be making it worse. What i can't understand is way it looks so good on my TV but not on my monitor despite them being the same resolutions.
Has anyone else hooked there PS3 to their monitor?
great choice with uncharted, but i don't really know anything about your monitor issue.
Yeah i'm glad i got it‚ it's been a blast so far. One thing is should i get the first one and complete it before the second? Also is MGS4 worth getting.
MGS4 is definitely worth getting, especially if you loved the earlier ones. Demon's Souls, Folklore, Valkyria Chronicles, all good.
I like how the PS3's HDD is actually useful. I copy video files to it from my computer via my network all the time. If I didn't have my PS3, my PC's HDD would be beyond full :)