Third Annual Saxxy Awards Announced


Apr 16, 2013
Reaction score
It's that time of year again.

For those of you who don't know, the Saxxy Awards is an annual competition for short films made using the Source Film Maker (SFM) and a number of Valve's game titles. The competition is hosted by Valve and the winner is determined by the public, who use Steam to vote on individual video submissions. The prize, as always, will be awarded in the form of an in-game golden statue of Saxton Hale, a Team Fortress 2 melee weapon. The Source Filmmaker team will be accepting video submissions from 4pm PST 11th November through to the 18th November 4pm PST. They are encouraging early entry to avoid any unforeseen circumstances on your part, such as total computer failure or time zone confusion.


Last year's overall winner, Story of a Sentry, was shown live for the first time at the Spike Video Game Awards, and, while there has been no word regarding whether or not the same will be true for this year's competition, this could potentially act as huge incentive to enter in 2013. This year has seen some important changes to the categories. The Replay category has been removed, and the Original IP category has been merged into the other categories. The new list is as follows:
  • Best Action
  • Best Drama
  • Best Comedy
  • Best Short
  • Best Overall
The addition of the 'Best Short' category enables those with videos less than a minute long to enter, rather than feeling like they have to pad out content in order to enter. You can read all about the submission rules over on the SFM blog or on the Team Fortress 2 website.


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