Total Recall 2070 - Blade Runner World TV show


Jun 25, 2005
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Has anyone seen this, its 11 years old now but its way head of its time.

Total Recall 2070 is a short-lived science fiction television series first broadcast in 1999 on the Canadian television channel CHCH-TV and later the same year on the American Showtime channel. It was later syndicated in the United States with some editing to remove scenes of nudity, violence and (in most cases) strong language. The series was inspired by the film Total Recall[1], based on Philip K. Dick's short story "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale", and by Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, with a visual style heavily influenced by the film Blade Runner[2], itself very loosely based on the aforementioned novel. The series shares no major plot points with any of these works.

The series was filmed in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was a Canadian/German co-production. Only one season, consisting of 22 episodes, was produced.


Total Recall 2070 takes place in a dark, crowded, industrial and cosmopolitan setting. The government mostly runs at the behest of a small number of extremely powerful companies called "the Consortium" (including computer memory and virtual-reality vacation provider Rekall and android manufacturer Uber Braun). David Hume is a senior detective for the Citizens Protection Bureau (CPB), a police agency. After his first partner is killed by self-aware androids, he is partnered against his wishes with Ian Farve, an earnest and upright officer new to the department. Hume and the CPB often have conflicts with the Assessor's Office (the investigative agency that has sole jurisdiction over crimes related to the Consortium) and with the private security forces of Consortium companies. The main story arcs of the series concern the agendas of the Consortium, Farve, Hume's wife Olivia, and the mysterious manufacturer of Alpha Class androids (including Farve himself). Significant plot elements remain unresolved due to the cancellation of the series.

Check out the first episode.
Seemed promising, but after watching the first few minutes you can tell the writing/acting/production quality was similar to those scifi originals that have been airing for a long time now.
You talking about to two lovers at the beginning of the episode? there only in it for the first fews mins...
Having finished watching the whole show, I can confirm Martin Sheen & David Warner guess star.