Very high graphics not working.

Jun 14, 2007
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Hey people, I just got a new system, here's the specs:

Intel Core2Quad Q9450 4x 2666 MHz
2x 2gig Reaper RAM (DDR-3 - 1333 MHz)
NVIDIA GeForce XFX 9800GX2 (680 MHz core clock)
ASUS Striker II Extreme
TAGAN 800 watt powersupply
2x 500gig HDD's in RAID 0
Windows Vista Ultimate (64bit)

Logitech Z-2300 2.1 THX speakersystem

Samsung Syncmaster 245b Plus - 24" / 5ms

There's no doubt ofcourse that this is a beast setup, but I have a small problem:

After installing the OrangeBox I launched Half Life 2: Episode 2 to chek out it's awesome graphics on my new machine, I cranked everything at very high, 4x AA, 16x AF and all the other things enabled and on very high except for the textures that somehow automaticly turned back to low (low was also recommended for my system wtf?)

I was using the 1920x1200 resolution because any other resolution looks crap on a 24 inch monitor.

Now ofcourse, those are SICK graphics, but still, at the graphics listed above the game played absolutely SMOOTH with no lag at all!

However, when turning the textures on very high, the game crashes, if I turn the textures on very high before I loaded the game then it says:

"Engine error : failed to lock vertex buffer in CmeshDX8::LockVertexBuffer"

The first thing I was thinking is: RAM, I propably ran out of RAM, but that was kind of weird because I have 4gig of DDR-3 Reaper RAM.
My GPU however only has 2x 512 mb RAM, could this be the problem? Because i'm using such sick graphics with AA/AF AND a very high resolution.

It bothers me thought, I can play fine when turning the textures to high, but at very high it just crashes (well actually it loaded once giving me an amazing framerate of 1 FPS while at high it runs at 50/60+ FPS).

Latest drivers etc. are installed, don't get me wrong, I can play on high aswell ofcourse but it's just weird, i'm a graphics-whore.

The GPU's don't even get that hot, the only game that really pushes my GPU's to their edge is Crysis, in this game I can play at Very High which looks 10x better then Ep.2, but when turning AA on or AF it also crashes (propably RAM again?)
Ok update:

I was testing if it was my RAM causing the problem, I turned off AA/AF and used a very low resolution, everything was set to recommended settings but STILL very high graphics will not load and when in-game it simply switches back to low.

It can't be possible that it uses 1024mb+ of video RAM for very high textures I mean comon, everything else was at pretty low graphics and a very low resolution without AA/AF.

Another problem.. Hitting 110+ FPS with everything maxxed out 1920x1200 16xAA/16xAF - textures @ high.

When the portalstorm hits I drop back to 70 FPS, then when the trainsecuence is suppose to start the game crashes.. No message at all.

God dammit this PC is suppose to ******* make gaming better not to **** it up, I actualy had more fun with my old 6800GT and Windows XP.. So far the only games that work are Crysis and CoD4, and i'm forced to this crap called Vista cuz of my 4gig RAM and DX10 videocard.



After a reboot it doesn't crash anymore, but now I can't ****ing save.

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try validating or reinstalling the game maybe buy the game perhaps if the first 2 dont apply. valve fixed the texture setting bug awhile ago. also dont trust the "recommended" settings; not all video cards are supported for recommendations.
Maybe God's punishing you for being such a bragging ass?
Some people have to eat there right leg to get a spec like that.
Please stop being such a snobby git.
Wow this forum is full of asslicking retards im gonna try anotherone before I turn into one of them myself.. :sleep:

nah, its just weve had so many asses on this forum and pirates that sometimes it can be hard to tell.
Some people have to eat there right leg to get a spec like that.
Please stop being such a snobby git.

Here in the Netherlands we have something called "education".
If you study hard enough, you get a job, if you do your job, you get money, with this money you purchase items that will satisfy your needs.

And you tell me not to complain? I paid ?2500 for this system so yes I have ****ing rights to complain about this game not working on the highest settings..

I geuss it's standard here, if someone has a problem they send in the standard noobs to reply with some random comments that will make their e-penis larger by 5 cm, so congratz your's is now 5 cm.

Holy shit it's pretty cool to make fun of idiots like you, hopefully the mods won't ban me anytime soon because I can't wait what comment is next in your book.
Excuse me but , us the idiots? Now i dont have much against you but the fact you instantly resorted to hurling insults from your catapult of hate and you call us the idiots? Besides its easier to make fun of you in this position than it is to make fun of us/them.
Here in the Netherlands we have something called "education".
If you study hard enough, you get a job, if you do your job, you get money, with this money you purchase items that will satisfy your needs.

And you tell me not to complain? I paid ?2500 for this system so yes I have ****ing rights to complain about this game not working on the highest settings..

I geuss it's standard here, if someone has a problem they send in the standard noobs to reply with some random comments that will make their e-penis larger by 5 cm, so congratz your's is now 5 cm.

Holy shit it's pretty cool to make fun of idiots like you, hopefully the mods won't ban me anytime soon because I can't wait what comment is next in your book.


Clearly you don't understand how a forum works. You seem to think that this is some sort of official helpdesk, with 24/7 professional help.

This is just a place where people that like HL 2 etc can come together and talk about it, and any similar interests they have. The best you can hope for is that someone here knows what's going on with your PC somehow, and helps you with it. Your rant is as stupid as walking up to a bunch of people at a book club, demanding they tell you why you can't read some of the big words a book you bought, and then telling them they're wankers for not solving your problem. No-one here owes you a damn thing. Deal with it.

Lol @ your problem too. Some people think that money buys them everything. Not brains, apparently - you can't even figure out where to go for support from the people that actually made the game.
Welcome to, I see you've met the forum-bred Shasta.
Here in the Netherlands we have something called "education".
If you study hard enough, you get a job, if you do your job, you get money, with this money you purchase items that will satisfy your needs.

And you tell me not to complain? I paid ?2500 for this system so yes I have ****ing rights to complain about this game not working on the highest settings..

I geuss it's standard here, if someone has a problem they send in the standard noobs to reply with some random comments that will make their e-penis larger by 5 cm, so congratz your's is now 5 cm.

Holy shit it's pretty cool to make fun of idiots like you, hopefully the mods won't ban me anytime soon because I can't wait what comment is next in your book.

You got an education and yet you still fail at basic spelling/punctuation ?
It's quite simple really. First,
********** ***** **************** ********* *********
Then with *************

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You have the Steam Client, correct?
if u use vista dont expect perfection

hey, now. I've had vista (8400 gt) and halflife hasn't crashed on me once as long as i dont make the resolution any higher than... 800-600 on Ep:2... Yeah, that sucks. But it hasn't crashed once!