Virtual Existance/Reality


Feb 3, 2005
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Hey. :smoking:

I typed this long story up last night, im not sure why-- i wanted you guys to read it, but then maybe i was just bored as hell and was just writing.

I don't know i nearly just erased it all, becase really; it's alot of work to explain myself. But I spent so much time writing it, i might as well post it.

i wanted to share some ideas i had. THIS POST--ITS ****ING LONG AS A PORN DICK. I think its definately worth reading if you have a few minutes--so here it is ****ers. :)

First of all, i have been a video game programmer since i was 9 years old.

I was very little when they invented the first arcade machine, "PONG", the first home computers, and the first home video game machines. Its all happend so fast. I am 30 years old now.

To me video games are more than just a game.

ok do you want to take a ride through my mind with me? The way I see things. follow me.. Lets imagine what the future MIGHT bring.

for those that enjoy computer entertainment; With the Xbox Live service they are creating a gaming experience where you don't have to be a computer expert to figure it out or love it.

plug it into the wall like a telephone. the simple, easy to understand menus in a complete package with the voice chat system, means alot more parents, grandparents-- alot

more regular people will be playing games online. Not just kids who grew up using computers and video games.

OK you are all familliar with Grand Theft Auto's latest games? how people are walking aound on the street and cars are

stoping at traffic lights. A little sim-city, with violence and car jacking.

anyway my idea: it could start small, like 1 city (similar to what GTA is doing now) and over time they can add more


OK So now you have this game as immensely popular as the current Grand theft auto series, then put it onilne with the

xbox 360 --a super powerful online computer, in a package that mom can figure out. This is the framework for

Now you can have a massive amount of players, existing in a living city-- hey, it could be a simulated state of Virginia,
or even nation Like the US. Either faithfully realistic computer renditions of real world cities, or fantasy ones.

PIcture it with me now. walking the streets of GTA. there are NO computer NPC's. Only real players, like you and me,
with our own friends--our own agenda. even gangs.

the only NPC's are store clerks where you can buy things from.
One guy might be going to the store to buy a new car or something. Some girl may be walking across the street to buy
some new clothes to wear for herself. another guy may be a gang-member(might not want to wear flashy clothes in this
part of town), desperate n00bs might actually get away with murdering you and taking all your money--which just like

in GTA a players money becomes for the taking when you are killed. or hey, bring a gun with you, as long as you don't do
anything wrong you dont get arrested. if he starts beating on you, you can fight back, if you have trained in fighting
moves, or you can pull out your gun -hell it was self defence. when he attacked you his wanted level goes up also.

another guy over there might be an undercover cop, people are not about to kill people for no reason becuase the cops
are no joke.

The cops are real players like you and me, and might be dying for some action
and if you get killed or caught in a crime you are penalized by losing money, any weapons you have, any weapons you
have in your house or appartment--things like that. yea they are going to search your house. this time you can't just
re-load you last saved game, the consequences are permanent. like an online RPG.

Now i can talk into the xbox live headset and chat and anyone within earshot can hear me, just like talking to people. I
can threaten people, tell players that resort to begging to F OFF, (of course then they might decide attack you )whatever
(this game is rated mature) I can walk up and say whatsup to a lady standing on the corner (sweet!) who knows it could

be a nice lady or a transvestite(a man in womans clothing), wait till i hear if she has a deep voice through the xbox live

or i can use my in-game cellphone which has all my buddy list of friends i've met on the game to contact anyone in this
sim-city directly and chat on the headset.

I could make plans to drive out there and meet up with pals. -or, if there were multiple cities it would be faster to take a
plane.(can't bring guns) All of this to go and hang out with a friend who lives in a different simulated city. I don't know,

whatever you can imagine.

This is a huge step towards virtual reality itself. This is all possible now. just need to make the software.

Virtual reality

now you factor in all of nintendo's hard work over the years.

Maybe Nintendo will be the one to finally get a working home version virtual reality. thats what they are getting at. they
have already messed around with the virtual reality with the old virtual boy, now they need to improve that to be worn

like sunglasses, then they advance on their dancemat( a floor movement sensing mat), the touch screen might be used
for something, now with the motion sensing controller and eye toy style cameras. PUt it all together and you have virtual


I wonder if Nintendo even realizes thats what they have been getting at all along.
here is one example i thought up just now of virtual reality:

Driving a race car. Get your arcade quality steering wheel and analog gas and brake pedals out. hell, just nail those
suckers to the floor in your house for that solid feel.

now put on your virtual reality glasses and wherever your head turns in real life, reflects where you see in the game. if
you look left you look out the left window of the car. ( in reality you are sitting in a chair in your house)

With the glasses on the image surrounds your entire vision. this would be mind blowing.

now you have to imagine xbox 3 or 4 type graphics :) awesome!
I dont know this is just some shit im dreaming up as I go along, some of it taken from life-long ideas. what do you


Now you take Microsofts vision and combine it with Nintendo's vision and you come up with the type of shit we might
be playing in the not-so distant future. 10 years? 15 years? oh you better belive it.

Really, nintendo can do the virtual reality thing on its own. I think nintendo doesn't care for the online thing much. thats
ok though. :)

OK wake up. back to the present. what a wicked dream!
Sick dude ok ive been editing this for like 2 or 3 hours. I hope you could see what i saw

Please don't say anything stupid to annoy me.
you know, every average gamer thinks of things like this, but they usually refrain from posting it, as it feels a bit useless. :x

virtual reality has been around forever, i remember testing it on mechwarrior 2, around when the animated backgrounds on win 95 plus were huge.

so, i don't see it becoming big for another 50+ years or so (even with small things like what nintendo are possibly planning); they've been saying it'll be big in the next few years ever since it was created and slightly commercialised.
it's been said before and imagined by even more
it'll be ready when it's done - the current tech is not near good enough
I agree destrukt.

And on top of that, the problem with Online Virtual Reality imo is the people.
Have you played any MMORPGs recently?
You can't usually go 10 minutes without encountering some dick shouting out insults and yelling tons of shiet.
And since it's a game, people believe they can act as big dicks as they want without any consequences.:)

That's why I stay online from most online gaming, and prefer playing online, only at LANs or the similiar where I usually know the folks I'm playing with.
Just a few flaws:
Now you can have a massive amount of players, existing in a living city-- hey, it could be a simulated state of Virginia,
or even nation Like the US. Either faithfully realistic computer renditions of real world cities, or fantasy ones.
Lets see, Extremely High End Graphics + A full State = A game with about $150 - $200 million budget + 100 - 300 people there = Many MANY Years in Development. Theres a flaw if your going with a place as big as a State.

desperate n00bs might actually get away with murdering you and taking all your money
Or if you really good go on a n00b killing spree.(It will happen, without a doubt).

Now i can talk into the xbox live headset and chat and anyone within earshot can hear me
Better be a mute function! Trust me, as Gargantou said....gonna have 8-10 year old kids who sound like little girls yellow all over.

if there were multiple cities it would be faster to take a
plane.(can't bring guns)
Why not? I wanna see some Hijacking! I wanna see somebody get up, and go to the pilot and put a gun to his head. Of course various tough cops around so only the craziest would attempt.

Very nice idea, and I know a developer is working on it, but of course it needs to be revised somewhat to be done in a reasonable time frame and etc...