What CPU should I get?


May 29, 2003
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What processer should i get, I have about $100-$150, I DONT MEASURE MY COMPUTER SPEED IN NANOSECONDS SO I DONT NEED TOP OF THE LINE $400 SHIT. What would be the best CPU for me to get within that price range? I was thinking of getting the AMD Athlon XP 2600+, but Ive read its a good cpu for the money, but not the best. Please help. If its possible try to make sure its a CPU thats available at ENU: www.ENUInc.com
The 2600 is a good choice. Just get it, you didn't even have to ask. Though, if you plan to overclock, I recommend you get a 2500 Barton.

If you're upgrading just for HL2 then you should wait 'till September to order your parts. By then the 2800 Barton should be within your $100-150 price range.
I agree. Wait until a couple weeks from HL2's release, then buy the best AthlonXP you can get for that. I myself am saving up for a new mobo, cpu and ram (AXP 2[x]00+, 512mb DDR), and Athlon's are the best for the money, just basically get the best Barton you can by then.

*AND*: stay away from P4's if you dont want to part with a healthy handful of money. <-- JUST AN OPINION. We really don't need the 9-page Intel/AMD argument over a CPU recommendation.
You always want to wait as long as possible for hardware. The price almsot universally goes down over time, so every month or two you can delay can make a difference in how much bang you get for your buck.
But then if i keep waiting, I will never buy. I guess i will wait for the Barton 2800, What could i overclock it to with a decent cooling system?

:afro: Thanks for not turning this into a huge argument.
Originally posted by SpuD
But then if i keep waiting, I will never buy. I guess i will wait for the Barton 2800, What could i overclock it to with a decent cooling system?

:afro: Thanks for not turning this into a huge argument.

Yea, you'd be able to overclock a 2800 real good. Depending on the type of the motherboard your have or are going to get the 2800 might have to be unlocked prior to overclocking. If you have an nForce2 the 2800 will already be unlocked then you can easily run it at 400FSB, which should be at speeds of a 3200 provided you have a good HSF.

Oh and what gave you the idea that this thread can turn into an argument? :E
Are you sure it will be under $150?:hmph:
Originally posted by SpuD
Are you sure it will be under $150?:hmph:

Well, I got my 2500 Barton for $145 about 2 months ago and now it's being sold for $100. So most likely the price of a 2800 will go down as well.
i have had good luck with my stepping b xp2000+

right now i have it booting up @ 2170 mhz and it is rock solid stable with normal air cooling with my voltage at 1.625 volts(defualt is 1.6V) this CPU has alot more potential being a batch 0001, with water cooling and unlocking the multiplier i could probobly get an everyday use overclock around 2.4 GhZ.

i also glued some p1 heatsinks that had been cut in half on my vid card ram chips, and used a socket 370 HSF on the GPU

here are the results with my TI4400 and NO L.O.D. cheating.

Ive got a AMD duron 1.3mhz!! HAHAHAHA...sucks dont it ?
I agree, if you have to buy now, buy the XP 2600 333. You can always sell it and upgrade to newer chip later. That's what I do.

I used to overclock until I realized that pissing myself off every the time the computer glitched wasn't worth it. Oh and I killed 512mb of Crucial ram trying to unlock the XP. Still not sure why that didn't work...
yea, many future games the P4 will be able to burn through with no problems, and top speeds.
DEEPERS: a CPU that lasts? what do you mean? I've never heard of a CPU spontaneously burning up unless by user error. Are you talking about those disposable CPUs made of wheat thin material?
i think he meant last without having to upgrade
I am getting a AMD XP 3000+ and overcloak the FSB to 400. and upgrade when the top Athlon 64 models are out
gheh. u used the speedreply thingy so the sig doesnt show up
yugh.. intel.. altrough not a bad CPU (The fastest ATM) i think AMD is better and faster in games
Originally posted by guinny
sorry, there u go :)
Dude you got a P4, 3 Gig comp?

I want to get a new comp for HL2. I am currently playing TFC on a 700 Mhz P3 :bounce:
A CPU that lasts? I dont plan on having it for more than 2 years before i upgrade, If it lasts 10 years, good for it, but i dont need it to
yugh.. intel.. altrough not a bad CPU (The fastest ATM) i think AMD is better and faster in games

Just about every tech review site out there disagrees with you.
And just about every AXP chip is a hell of a lot cheaper than a P4, cost/MHz-wise.
its really a personal choice. Im cheap, so AMD for me. And at this point i dont think that you can get a fast p4 for $100, but then again im an idiot. My personal choice would be get a 2500+ and overclock. With some of the left over money, buy a good heatsink and fan.