What do you want to see in CS2?


There's no way mad-dog, even if he has been playing CS for as long as he says, is a true CS player...

Anyone who has played CS that long should like it for what it is, not for what it isn't (in reference to the fact that he thinks it should be just like every other WWII "realistic" shooter out there.

CS 1.3 is what CS was about, too bad it's gone...
Long live 1.3! There are still a few steam servers up.. I played it but not a week ago with some friends, was fun :)
Baal, then stick with CS:S or 1.6. This is CS2 talk, which will more than likely add alot more to the CS gameplay.
hegele said:
Baal, then stick with CS:S or 1.6. This is CS2 talk, which will more than likely add alot more to the CS gameplay.

If by add you mean remove.. I agree.. :)
**** 100% REALISM.
I don't play cs for its realism.
I play it because its fun. Thats why alot of people play games. There fun, getting payed, or wanna die. I mean i don't care wtf they add as long as its funner than cs im happy.. I mean you can add every feature possible...but if it overall just isn't fun then why are u gonna play it?
I would agree that there should be additions to both the weapons and equipment. Gotto love goodies :)

What they also could do is to make some sort of classes; each class is basically the same but like when you have class #1 you'd get a scoped m4, and when u've got class #2 you'd get NVG. Depending on what map/weather/situation it might be fun, and one doesn't need to spend his/her $ on a friggin scope everytime you die. This way you just get a minor, fun addition that doesn't slow down the gameplay.
Baal said:

There's no way mad-dog, even if he has been playing CS for as long as he says, is a true CS player...

Anyone who has played CS that long should like it for what it is, not for what it isn't (in reference to the fact that he thinks it should be just like every other WWII "realistic" shooter out there.

CS 1.3 is what CS was about, too bad it's gone...

At least someone who understands! Thank you Baal!
Its just an opinion like another one's.
Some want it this way, some the other way. Just be glad Valve is so supportive for CS (and other mods) instead of whining about the 'good old 1.3 days'.
There's no way mad-dog, even if he has been playing CS for as long as he says, is a true CS player...
This sounds like a challenge. Like fightin' words. Better smile when you say that, Baal.

Anyone who has played CS that long should like it for what it is, not for what it isn't
That's almost sagelike. Like Zen.

(in reference to the fact that he thinks it should be just like every other WWII "realistic" shooter out there.
I think you must have somehow deleted the rest of your argument, like the part that made sense, along with your close parenthesis. So I really can't respond to this one.

At least someone who understands! Thank you Baal!

And thus, the final nail in your coffin - Para agrees with you.
Well this thread is so far the best reason for adding molotovs to CS- so mad dog and para can meet online and have a proper flame war :dork:
Yeah, that wasn't really my idea - I really did just want to discuss how CS 2 could benefit from some additions to the gameplay. Of course, you're always going to have some dead-enders who can't conceive of any change whatsoever, not even hypothetically. Never mind that CS has been steadily evolving with each new release anyway.

Jokes aside, I'd love to see a molotov cocktail in the game. It'd be worth it just to see people running around on fire, screaming. Like the zombies in the Ravenholm video.
There's a mod for AMX I think that lets you (if you're an admin) fire up things :)
Sooo funny to give yourself like 10000HP, put yourself on fire and start spreading it ^^

But on molotov in CS2 - it would be fun and new, and esp. in wars it might be used to benefit from (like making a wall of fire or sth.), but in that case they should make flame-extinguishers available for CT :afro:
Mad Dog said:
Yeah, that wasn't really my idea - I really did just want to discuss how CS 2 could benefit from some additions to the gameplay. Of course, you're always going to have some dead-enders who can't conceive of any change whatsoever, not even hypothetically. Never mind that CS has been steadily evolving with each new release anyway.

Yeah CS 2 "could benefit from some additions" but just not from yours... and let me ask you this do you play CZ?
CB | Para said:
Yeah CS 2 "could benefit from some additions" but just not from yours...
En contraire, I'd die to see some of his extra's in CS2. Couldn't care less that the cs community as it is now - whiny teenagers - shit about it all the time. That would only make the game better.
plus it would be nice to see Cs updated with all the Iron Sights, and prone stuff. The CS:Source is what you want if you want classic Cs gameplay but CS2 definatly needs to be different
I'd like to see player models which impliment weapon handling. What I mean by that is I would like to see holsters etc being used by the actual gun models. That was you'd be able to see what sidearm a player has by looking at his holster. I'd also like to see players sling their primary when they pul out their pistol. Planetside does this quite well IMO.
-JeZ- said:
I'd like to see player models which impliment weapon handling. What I mean by that is I would like to see holsters etc being used by the actual gun models. That was you'd be able to see what sidearm a player has by looking at his holster. I'd also like to see players sling their primary when they pul out their pistol. Planetside does this quite well IMO.

They have the real holstered weapons in CS:Source, you can see if they have a deagale or a glock and you can also see how many/what kind of nades players have. I don't know if they switch weapons realisticly though.
I used to think the only thing CS needed was a gfx update but leaning corners wouldn't hinder the gameplay neither would iron sites. CS is filled with many many many many many many campers and adding in an ability to go prone would just make it even worse. Also CS needs new modes of play such as one where terrorists have to defend their leader (MVP) it would be like a reversed assasination mode where terrorists just stay in one big area while the CT's try to make their way in. You could have secret entrances like grates and stuff that you have to be careful to watch.
Zeus said:
I used to think the only thing CS needed was a gfx update but leaning corners wouldn't hinder the gameplay neither would iron sites. CS is filled with many many many many many many campers and adding in an ability to go prone would just make it even worse. Also CS needs new modes of play such as one where terrorists have to defend their leader (MVP) it would be like a reversed assasination mode where terrorists just stay in one big area while the CT's try to make their way in. You could have secret entrances like grates and stuff that you have to be careful to watch.

LOL nice idea dude- you could have Osama sat at his desk protected by loads of disgruntled university graduates turned to terrorism, meanwhile, in the sewers hordes of CTs prepare to storm........the wrong house ;)
haha now that would bring uber realism to CS!
Nice idea, twould be best that they'd give the leader an AK though, instead of a glock (imagine :))
I would like to see interactive bomb defusing rather than holding 'E'? It would be kinda stoopid but I would like to see it in CS2... :)
:dozey: I would prefer CS:S to be Rainbow Six 3: Ravenshield Source, but with the Counter Strike replacing the Rainbow Six 3: Ravenshield. I am sorry, I am a Ravenshield whore.
PulpDood said:
I would like to see interactive bomb defusing rather than holding 'E'? It would be kinda stoopid but I would like to see it in CS2... :)

Nice idea ! :stare:

So you have to type a code or something. 4-6 digits or so :burp:

And then cut a wire :naughty:
I would like to see some OFFICIAL vehicle maps as well as fun maps made by other people. I cant wait to play As_Crazytank_Source :)

And the idea about REALLY defusing the bombs- that would be awsome. It also make it a bit more tense, difusing about w/ 10 seconds left while your under fire. Maybe you can have 5 codes and only 1 will work so you have to type them in fast or die. Or even have it manually w/ wires only each time it is a little different.
Twould be a nice touch though not really practical.
yeah 3 wires and one of them will make the bomb explode, one will fasten the timer and one will defuse YEAH THAT would be cute ^^
In that case the terrors should have some minor setback as well when planting.
yeah setup the bomb and activate it should be interactive too :)
(but i guess not before CS2)
Alsi said:
Nice idea ! :stare:

So you have to type a code or something. 4-6 digits or so :burp:

And then cut a wire :naughty:

and one of the T's has the code :D
Anima86 said:
and one of the T's has the code :D
If I had that I'd be
- running around like a madman
- hiding with an AWP and 3 men covering me

Though nice it would be hateful @ pub
Good Ideas, and I can't wait for CS to take a big evolutionary step so to speak. There will be changes, big changes in CS2, and the funny thing is Para and people like him, can complain and whine all they want; but it will never help.
The Terminator said:
Ya, itd be awesome is CS had a flashlight...

ON THE GUN. Like physically on the model, like you NEED TO BUY IT to use it . Just a suggestion, though.
Alsi said:
CS already HAS a flashlight ;)

Good, you're with me so far. Now, just imagine that you didn't have it by default, and that you had to purchase it, as an upgrade for your weapon. Or make it free, just show it on your weapon instead of it being a magic lightsource that you control telepathically. There's no HEV suit in CS, remember?
I'd like to see a "kick" option, sort of like a knife, but with less damage. I think it'd be funny to go around litterally kicking a guys butt.

Could also be used for trying to ram the doors open, that are blocked by tables and chairs. (Kind of like your claymore option)

Also (adding onto your buy options) a battering ram. Like the things SWAT use to break down a door. Like if one person uses it, it makes him slower, and instead of having a weapon, he'd have that, and a pistol. So its like the shield..but useless except for opening doors...

I would like to see interactive bomb defusing rather than holding 'E'? It would be kinda stoopid but I would like to see it in CS2...

Or possibly a menu like the "Old Style" buy menus. Text.

And it has 3 options.

Code 2945 (1)
Code 9893 (2)
Code 8093 (3)
Use wire cutters (9, Continue)

Menu Wire Cutters:
Cut blue wire (1)
Cut red wire (2)
Cut yellow wire (3)
Go back (0)

And if you choose the wrong code, then nothing happens, except time skips from 45 seconds, to 35 seconds immediantly. After that it takes 5 seconds off each code you try that won't work and 10 seconds for the wires..

BUT you have to BUY the wire cutters, or the Use Wire Cutters option won't show up.

and each round its a random code, that way it prevents the CTs from using same code and winning...

something like that...if anyone else has better ideas than that, or improvements to the list i made...feel free to add them

New idea...you should also like cough at the smell of smoke grenades. Or you start to become dizzy from the fumes, or start losing health really slowly (1 HP per 5 seconds) until you get out of the smoke area...Unless its HEAVY smoke, then 1 HP per 2 seconds, until you get into the thinner, or out of it completely, then you can regain it because your lungs are breathing fresh air..
I like your suggestions mad dog. Prone might be a bitch cos of the campers, but it is more realistic. Plus it does make them more vunerable, reloading when prone has to take longer for a start, and naturally it's not so easy to turn and shoot when lying down.

Edit, some more assasination maps would be good as well.