What gaming machine do you have?

May 30, 2003
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I know nobody cares, but I just got a new computer.:bounce:

Dell Inspiron

2.2Ghz P4
512M RAM (266 Mghz)
15' monitor
CD-RW-DVD Compatible

And they even threw in a new kitchen sink!

Although I'm worried about WinXP compatability.

So whatd'a you got?:cheese:
(CPU) Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 1.60GHz, 1871MHz, 256KB (0% Load) @ 21°C
(GFX) NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400
(OS) Windows XP Professional (5.1 - 2600)
(CD) 52x Acer
(SCREEN) A crappy 14" ;>
(MOUSE) A Logitech MX500 with a fUnc sUrface 1030 orange.
(CAMERA) A Logitech Quickcam ;)
(CHASSI) A orgiginal big chassi, shall spray the hl2 logo on it and put " www.halflife2.net " in black text udner it ;p

Shall upgrade soon :>
Ahhh. The computer nerds version of "How big is your Penis?" ;)
7 inch moniter
14k modem
0.5 GB Harddrive
Nine and a half in floppy drive
Keyboard fixed onto the computer
OS Windows 3.1
32mb RAM
A Brand new VGA card
Whats a mouse?
(CPU) AMD 2400+
(RAM) 512 mb DDR400 (Dual DDR)
(GFX) Sapphire 9700
(OS) Windows XP Professional
(CD/DVD) Lite-On (cant remember speed)
(SCREEN) Samsung 959NF 19" Diamondtron
(MOUSE) Logitech I-Feel Mouseman with a kick ass IKEA mousepad
(CHASSI) AOpen H600B
I have at the moment

AMD XP 2100
512MB DDR 3200
40 Gig 7200 RPM HD
30 Gig 7200 RPM HD
Nvidia Geforce 4 TI 4800 128MB DDR
Asus A7N8X with Nforce2 onboard sound.

It looks like im selling this system this weekend. :)

My new rigs specs

AMD XP 2600
1024 MD DDR 3200
60 Gig 10000 RPM HD
Asus A7N8X Delux Nforce2 MotherBoard
Geforce FX 5900 256MB DDR
Sound Blaster Audigy Gamer 2 sound card and THX speaker system.
Im keeping my old "17" Monitor.
You Go Farrowlesparrow! Fight the ummm well I dont know what you can fight with that system of yours but im sure it will win.
P3 773 Mhz, 356 MB DDR RAM, Riva TNT 2 Ultra, 18 GB HD :D
getting a new one this fall.....hopefully
(CPU) AMD 2400+
(RAM) 512 mb DDR400 (Dual DDR)
(GFX) Innovision 9500
(MOBO) Abit nForce2 NF-7SL
(OS) Windows XP Professional
(HDD) 40GB HDD ; 5400 RPM
(CD/DVD) Toshiba x16
(CD-R) LG 40x12x40
(SCREEN) MAG Innovision 17"

My computer-in-a-box that just came today but hasn't been hooked up (Alienware), and no I'm not joking:

(CPU) Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.20GHz
(RAM) 1024 MB PC3200 DDR Corsair XMS RAM (2x512mb Modules)
(GFX) NVIDIA® GeForceFX 5900 Ultra 256mb 8x AGP
(SOUND) Creative Sound Blaster® Audigy 2 Platinum - 6.1 w/Black Audigy 2 Drive
(OS) Windows XP Professional SP1
(HDD) 80gb 7200.7 Seagate HDD
(CD) Plextor PlexWriter Premium 52x32x52x CD-RW
(MONITOR) NEC 19" MultiSync FE991SB Flat CRT
(SPEAKERS) Creative MegaWorks THX® 5.1 550
(MOUSE) Logitech MX500 with Steelpad 4S

CPU) 1-Intel Pentium 4, 1.7Ghz
(RAM) 512MB SDRAM (256 of it from pc world :D)
(GFX) NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 (yeah baby!)
(SOUND) On board thing
(OS) Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 1
(HDD) 37.24GB
(MONITOR) Cheap 17" Dell thing

Does the job :) I think I'll buy a new one soon if the prices drop.
Athlon XP 2500+ Barton @ 12.5x166
Asus A7N8X Deluxe Rev1.04 BIOS 1003
Asus GeForce4 Ti4200 128MB @ 300|600
Corsair XMS PC2700 512MB (1) 6-2-2-2
IBM 120 GXP 60GB (2)
Pioneer DVD 116
Plextor Plexwriter 12/10/32A
Antec TruePower True480
Gateway 17" - very weak
Originally posted by Munro
(GFX) NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400(yeah baby!)
Woo! A brother! Hail to the mighty MX series! [/sarcasm] :cheers:

Dell 4550
Intel Pentium4 2.53
ATI Radeon 9700
768 DDR Ram
Audigy 2
60 GB HD
WHy do you guys buy computers from dell and other companies, the best computer is when you build it yourself, part by part...just like mine
Building it aint that tough, it just gets annoying when things dont work and you dont know why!

But i will never ever buy a PC from a retailer again, save loads if you build it yourself
Yup, you save a buck-load o money
btw, heres my specs

P4 1.6Ghz
Hercules 3D Prophet FDX 8500 LE 64mb
Hercules Gamesurround Fortissimo II
768mb DDRAM PCI2700
80+120Gb 7200rpm 2mb cache
PlexWriter 40/12/40A
and a bunch of stuff I forgot....:)
I have never bought a system in my life. Why should I buy one now?
Because you'll get thrown in jail sooner or later if you keep on stealing them.:)
I prefer buying it.

1. Because I'm worried I'll do something wrong and it will melt.
2. Because I haven't got a clue what kind of cooling I'll need.
3. With a company I know what I'm getting, for what price and if it ever breaks I'll get it replaced :)
Originally posted by Munro
I prefer buying it.

1. Because I'm worried I'll do something wrong and it will melt.
2. Because I haven't got a clue what kind of cooling I'll need.
3. With a company I know what I'm getting, for what price and if it ever breaks I'll get it replaced :)

Then you are not a nerd!
A true Nerd would build his own system!
A true Nerd would love linux
As far as I can tell you are not a nerd!
Is 70 degrees a norm for 1.33 Ghz processor ?

It goes up to this temperature..i was just wondering whats your CPU temperature..

I know mine is high, and i know that 60 is the max but my processory never locks up
Originally posted by Munro
CPU) 1-Intel Pentium 4, 1.7Ghz
(RAM) 512MB SDRAM (256 of it from pc world :D)
(GFX) NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 (yeah baby!)
(SOUND) On board thing
(OS) Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 1
(HDD) 37.24GB
(MONITOR) Cheap 17" Dell thing

Does the job :) I think I'll buy a new one soon if the prices drop.

Thats actually a similar spec to mine. Only i have windows 2000, and the AMD equivalent of your CPU. Oh and the monitor is 19 inch.

You know building your own computer really isn't that difficult. Everything has its own slot and to be safe you can just buy anti static things to stop you blowing it up when you are putting it together. The installation of things is pretty straight forward too. All you need to do is get someone to help you the first time and then after that its simple.

EDIT: Having said that i am buying my next computer "ready made" because im getting a better deal than buying it seperately (legally that is) Its going to cost about £400 more that putting it together myself but i will get great discounts on upgrades, even free upgrades with certain parts. Not only that but evesham (the company im getting it from) have a kind of partnership deal with the buisness my mum and dad work with. Which measn they will get paid for me buying the computer, which in turn means they will put something towards me buying it. I can also customize what im getting so long as i dont downgrade the product they want to sell me. Which is nice. Its also all in black :)
Yeah if you build it chicks will want to see it!(the computer)
If you buy it you dont get anything!(no free food that the chicks will bring over when they look at your computer)
Originally posted by thenerdguy
Yeah if you build it chicks will want to see it!
If you buy it you dont get anything!

Oh yeah, all that crap about girls liking money fast cars and good looks is crap. What they really want is to know whats under the hood of your e-penis (as some so lovingly call computers)
You are one very sick puppy!
I all ready show what my systme is and the chicks flock over to my house to see my computer. (at least they do in my mind)
Here's my computers Specs, Do you think it'll run HL2 ?!?


-6502 8-bit CPU
-03 Registers (A, X, Y), plus PC, SP, and flags.
-56 Instructions
-64K Address Space
-64K RAM (available through banking out the following ROM's from the address space)
-8K Basic ROM
-8K Kernel ROM


-Character Map Mode
-Each character is 8x8. The screen is made of 40x25 characters.
-Character Set Source: ROM (predefined), or RAM (programmable)
-Standard Character Mode: Any one color, or the screen background color
-Multicolor Character Mode: Any one color, two pre-selected colors, or the screen background color
-Extended Background Color Mode: Any two colors.

-Bitmapped Graphics Mode
-HiRes Mode: 320x200 pixels, any one color per character-cell, and the background color
-Multocolor Mode: 160x200 pixels, 3 pre-selected colors, any one color per character-cell, and the background color

-8 sprites available, 24x21 pixels per sprite.
-Standard Mode: Any one color overlayed on the background display.
-Multicolor Mode: Any one color, plus 2 pre-selected colors overlayed on the background color.

-Other Features
-Smooth scrolling (both horizontal and vertical)
-Selectable Display Border Color

-NTSC (to a TV)
-Luma/Chroma (to a monitor)


-3 voices mixed at one master volume.

-Available waveforms
-Square Wave
-Noise Waveform

-Envelope Control

-Notch reject

-Other Features
-Ring Modulation



-Cassette Drive
-Floppy Disk Drives (5.25" - 1541/1571)
-Hard Drives (MFM)
-Joysticks (Atari 7-pin standard)
-Cartridge Port (direct access to CPU bus)

by the way this is my C64 specs :P
Weve had this discussions *check tick mark scratched onto desk* 4 times now.
4 times? Wow....the big 4 eh. Its likely we will be having it again many many times in the future too.
Love my system-- home-built with:
ATI AIW Radeon (7x00)
ECS K7S5A MB with Athlon XP 1800+
1GB pc2100 RAM
2* 40 GB HDD

Gentoo Linux v1.4
*woohoo!* love my total software environment optimized and compiled for *my*own*hardware*!