Where is the Hydra? Don't get the story? Can't find the g-man? Read before posting!


Jul 17, 2003
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Ok to STOP THE MADNESS Ive decided to create the ultimate anti-n00b thread, feel free to add.

Wheres the Hydra? I didnt encounter it during the game
During development enemies, guns and levels are cut because they simply dont work as intended - if every idea made it into the game then chances are it would be bloated and unfocused.

This applies to the Hydra. Valve didnt think the Hydra suited the game very well and it was removed. Here is the exact reason, given to us "Rasing the Bar", from the creator of the Hydra himself:

From Raising the Bar: said:

(page 82)

The Hydra was my pet feature, a monster I wanted in from the start. We designed whole areas of the game around it. I personally spent about six months on and off getting all the movement algorithms and physics to a working state.

Everyone was pretty skeptical it was even possible when I started, so I kept it pretty low profile, but once I got some of the early drafts up and running people would sneak one into a map and check it out and get all excited and start pushing me to hurry up and finish it.

However, the closer it got to being done, the more its fatal flaw was becoming clear: it was amazingly cool to watch it fight other characters, but it was zero fun to play against in first-person. When it attacked others, as the player you could see this great big glowing giant worm snaking through the map, knocking stuff over and putting on a great show, but when it attacked you, the player, you'd just see this non-descript blob doing something vague, then you'd be dead.

Cutting it was personally very painful, but I had to do it; when a design just isn't working, it just isn't working. I'd still like to see this in the Half-Life universe somewhere, maybe rethink its AI along the lines of an Antlion.

- Ken Birdwell

Whether it was a good decision or not remains to be seen, however it was fairly bland and unispired if you think about. Three giant blue noodles that can spike, woopey.

Where are the E3 levels?
I suggest you read Gamespots Final Hours of Half Life 2. Essentially it informs you that the team making Half Life 2 created proof of concept levels that they would show Gabe Newell to get approval for the game, they used those levels to show US TOO what they were upto once the game was announced.

Where is the rest of the stuff from the leak?
First off; Naughty! Secondly, As I stated in the first paragraph, development takes twists and turns, things change and improve. Chances are Valve tried and tested everything and cut accordingly. However it would be smart to assume that Valve are also planning on creating add-ons with the things that are cut.

What's the story? I've completed the game and I still don't know
Half Life 2 really doesnt tell you the story directly, its really a job of listening to Breens speeches and reading posters and grafiti on the walls.

Here is a timeline of the complete story or you could read HalfLife Fallouts article.

Where can I download maps, levels and models?

Where can I find mods?
Heres a large list of upcoming modifications

When can I start mapping for HL2?
You can do it already, but it involves editing the gameinfo.txt - it also is quite random on whether it works or not. My advice would be to wait until the end of this week - Valve are releasing the full SDK and will allow for HL2 mapping.

From we11er thread

we11er said:
OK, I've just gathered together a few of the questions and threads that continue to be brought up. Hopefully this FAQ can help some people.


Wait! Hold on there fella, not so fast.

Have you tried.... *****searching**** the forums? It's almost certainly been asked and discussed a hundred times already.

What are all the G-Man sighting?
Steampowered.com have a thread with all 12 currently known sightings here: http://www.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=182302

How do I use cheats to get the blue gravity gun earlier in the game?

Type into the console:

map d3_citadel_03

Wait for the energy field to take your weapons, pick up the gravity gun, then use a changelevel command to take you to another map, e.g.

changelevel d1_trainstation_01

Firstly, don't be tempted to cheat, please! You will never forgive yourself. HLFallout are developing a pretty good guide here which should have all you need:


AI/Scripted scenes are broken
e.g. Mossman not taking you down on the elevator

Firstly, make sure you have a LEGAL version of the game. Secondly try this, taken from http://www.k1designs.com/halflife.htm:. Also try this if you can't jump having got the blue gravity gun.

Half-life 2 crashes / stutters / doesn't work properly
Try this: http://steampowered.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/entry.php or search the Steam & HL2 Support forum

What other console commands are available to me? How do I spawn enemies etc?
In case you're too blind to see the sticky, here's MagicalMonkey's thread: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=57123

Is the G-Man in that group photo inside Kleiners Lab?
Here is the picture: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12423
People have brought this up many, many times. Person #9 is not the G-Man. I repeat: That is NOT a picture of the G-Man with the science team. It is one of the four generic Half-Life scientists.

Is the G-man Gordon Freeman from the future?
This is something that has been brought up too many times to count. Yes, we know they both have green eyes. Yes, we know G-Man and Gordon Freeman are similar. Yes, we know a grand total of one line from HL1 hinted to this being possible in a really obscure way, but the general consensus is that the idea doesn't make too much sense. It defeats Valves "You are Gordon Freeman" stance for one thing (which is really a core Half-Life decision), and when you think about it, it doesn't make much sense from any other standpoint either. Basically, it's been beaten to death, the general attitude on the matter is "No", and we don't need any more topics on it.

I found this really creepy/cool picture of the G-Man on one of those breencast monitors/television/etc...!
We have pretty much covered every G-Man spotting as mentioned before. Yes, he does show up on various cameras, televisions, and monitors in the game. Yes, one picture in particular (this one) shows him in a very, very odd fashion. These things have really been sorted out quite well by the community already. We've seen pictures of the G-Man when people No-clipped to his off-screen area; We've seen pictures of him up-close on the coast (due to a bug), and we've seen pictures of every television and in-person apperance he makes in the game. Again, if you think you've come across something totally new, chances are you haven't, so look around real well before posting.
*whew* I thought you were asking.....

The timeline is on the HL2.net mainpage...........
Iced_Eagle said:
*whew* I thought you were asking.....

The timeline is on the HL2.net mainpage...........

Ah thanks, edited.

Sticky would be cool, maybe just maybe the same questions wont get asked 7000 times.

I swear Ill rip my skin off if someone asks what happened to the Hydra one more time.
In short, dont expect all the cool stuff from e3/leaks/old binks, as Valve in their infinate wisdom took a HELL of a lot of cool stuff out
...just wait, the cool part is when this thread will be buried one day from now just like every other attempt at this

Oh good! This is just a FAQ. ;)
When I saw this thread I was afraid it was another n00f thread, but alas, a FAQ has been created!

This FAQ is teh LIES!

We would have had the cut out content if Half-Life ² wouldn't have gotten leaked last year, so lets all vote for giving the leaker the chair shall we?

Give him some juce baby!

Stuck :)

I changed the title btw azz0r, just so people would see it's a Q&A sort of thread.
How bout this one?

No, it's one of the 4 original scientists from the original Half-life <include link or attached picture.>
Why the Hydra was cut

From Raising the Bar:

(page 82)

The Hydra was my pet feature, a monster I wanted in from the start. We designed whole areas of the game around it. I personally spent about six months on and off getting all the movement algorithms and physics to a working state.

Everyone was pretty skeptical it was even possible when I started, so I kept it pretty low profile, but once I got some of the early drafts up and running people would sneak one into a map and check it out and get all excited and start pushing me to hurry up and finish it.

However, the closer it got to being done, the more its fatal flaw was becoming clear: it was amazingly cool to watch it fight other characters, but it was zero fun to play against in first-person. When it attacked others, as the player you could see this great big glowing giant worm snaking through the map, knocking stuff over and putting on a great show, but when it attacked you, the player, you'd just see this non-descript blob doing something vague, then you'd be dead.

Cutting it was personally very painful, but I had to do it; when a design just isn't working, it just isn't working. I'd still like to see this in the Half-Life universe somewhere, maybe rethink its AI along the lines of an Antlion.

- Ken Birdwell
Added in some G-Man questions as well as your quote on the hydra GorgeousOrifice :)
nice thread, and much needed.

You could have changed the title to "People with less than 20 posts, READ THIS FIRST"
I hate to even ask but...

I went through the entire game and didn't see an ichthyosaur. Where may I find one? I spawned one just to see it, but didn't see it in the game.
Ichthysaurs only showed up once in the entire game, one part of the sequence of areas you flashed past when the first teleport you were subjected to in Dr. Kleiner's laboratory was screwed up by Lamarr the headcrab. It was purely for aesthetic purposes / shock purposes as you couldn't do anything to it, nor it to you.
azz0r said:
What's the story? I've completed the game and I still don't know
Half Life 2 really doesnt tell you the story directly, its really a job of listening to Breens speeches and reading posters and grafiti on the walls.

Here is a timeline of the complete story

No offense, but I think people need to stop quoting that site as if it were gospel, since it contains elements that contradict one of the few direct pieces of information given in the game. If you want to appear authoritative you need to get things straight.
Has anyone re-created the stickylauncher or "physgun" that was seen in the developer beta leak and was for some reason not included or CUT from the final release ?

I mean, that gun allowed for so many interesting possibilities.. ie. creating your own objects and welding things together etc...
Swifter, I swear you tried to say something.

What was it?

(don't talk about the alpha, gets some people a bit annoyed)
Is there anyway to get a gunship to spawn properly? Or to that note a strider. They both just stay in place if you use the give command.
Crumbso said:
Is there anyway to get a gunship to spawn properly? Or to that note a strider. They both just stay in place if you use the give command.
because of the way they work.. no, maybe possible eventually with some coding but right now no very unlikely you'll get it to spawn correctly and move about. Unless you can give it the correct names so it knows how to behave. Then they'd only work in maps with striders anyway.
It would be nice if Valve released all these levels that were cut. I would like to play them legally not using the leak. As the game is out I think there shouldn't be a problem. And maybe not release it over Steam to save the bandwith, but make the files available through all those filefronts, fileplanets etc. :]
Audiophile said:
Swifter, I swear you tried to say something.

What was it?

(don't talk about the alpha, gets some people a bit annoyed)

Pff, don't be silly.

I think there was a thread around here somewhere that did that.
I guess I forgot to bookmark it ;(

Well there's a search function on these forums right?
Or did that get disabled like on the Steam forums? :sleep:
azz0r said:
I swear Ill rip my skin off if someone asks what happened to the Hydra one more time.
What happened to the Hydra?
(send me a pic of urself without any skin kthxby:rolling:)
*ahem* anyway, didn't there used to be a FAQ type sticky on this same thing or have I completely lost it?