While we wait for hl2

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Here are some things to do
1.Praise Allah because he is the almighty Great!
2. Play some Religous games ? or gore games if u like
3. Read something about programming its good to have knowledge on this . like python c c++ or even php
4. Do some community service help the elders out ?
5.Book a trip to Flordia but wait they r gonna get crushed agian by a storm so dont go there ..go to Cuba its awesome there very nice people i think :)
6.Do house work for ur parents they greatly will appreciate it rather than u sitten on ur ass infront of a computer monitoring these freakin forums 24/7 NERDS!! lol .. umm people add some stuff ?? open for some ideas
Here is what we shouldn't do :

Post boring threads like this topic starter did. :frog:
i need to get some money so i can buy the game ;)
Arent I allowed to just sit on my ass reading this forum? ;)
diablo dont come n my thread .. pleas reframe from speaking im jus doing this for people who need to pass time . i dont need ur opinion so move on lil boy.
Stop it!!! You make me head hurt... To much bullshit on this forums
I hate to break it to you, but this is a public discussion forum. You post, and people will reply. You don't get to pick and choose.
KiWii please move on i dont need negativity in my thread it really cheeses me off move on now lil boy
hey jamil how would u like ur throat to b the home of some nasty bio chems ?
Hahaa you try to be a big man on here ;) u dont know whats coming to you :) have a great day
Mrmanwithsuit said:
Hahaa you try to be a big man on here ;) u dont know whats coming to you :) have a great day

damn this thread sucks. no really it really sucks. and stop threatning people. c'mon wtf .
Epyon u n Jam boy really want something to happen to them eh ok then b it :)

praise allah
E-Baums world does pwn us all.....

As for this thread.....yay.
Mrmanwithsuit said:
Epyon u n Jam boy really want something to happen to them eh ok then b it

praise allah
Mrmanwithsuit said:
Epyon u n Jam boy really want something to happen to them eh ok then b it :)

praise allah

yes.. let us all praise allah .... :stare:


Mrman is hilarious. I wish I was cool as him.
Actually my pants are wet right now because his earlier post scared me too much. Sigh.

P.S. If I get banned I'll just use a proxy and new SN and join again, and after that I may take this forum more seriously...

...Just kidding.
I think this thread is far too silly to be permitted to exist any further. Closed.
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