Why is this in Valve Source Games?

Well, it's still has much to do with Valve. What what I have understood from the articles is that they are in much collaboration with Valve, and some of the l4d interviews have been with Valve people.
Turtle Rock isent making ir,VALVE and Turtle rock are!!
As I understand it:

It's being co-produced and published by Valve
It's made for the Source Engine
It's a game

Thus it makes sense for it to go in "Valve Source Games". I don't have a problem with this unless the "OMG its not a valvez gamez!!11" isn't raised all the time.
Looks pretty awesome none the less
As I understand it:

It's being co-produced and published by Valve
It's made for the Source Engine
It's a game

Thus it makes sense for it to go in "Valve Source Games". I don't have a problem with this unless the "OMG its not a valvez gamez!!11" isn't raised all the time.

I always get the impression that Valve would like to absorb TR into the company but the TR guys don't want to move to Seattle essentially.
Man, can you imagine, dudes at turtle rock merging with valve..

and yeah, Pi Mu Rho personna kind of makes me think of a large jap man with a whip.. i dunno why..
Exactly , anything to do with the hl2engine i think of valve straight away
On kind of this topic, what ever happened to The Crossing?
Things mill on the surface... They always do...