Why we need Opposing Force 2


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I just had an idea of how Adrian's story can be worked well into the plot of the Half-Life universe while at the same time satisfying those who thought the story didn't quite cut it.

Basically, Adrian would be awoken in the middle of the seven hours/years (can't remember what it was called) war. In traditional Half-Life fashion, he'd have no idea what was going on. As in HL2, he would be directed by the GMan for some unknown purpose that would cleverly, but still obscurely, tie into the world that we see in HL2.

Valve would be killing two birds with one stone: Adrian's story, and the Seven Years War. And if Valve isn't going to do this, I'd kill to see it be made a mod.

What do you think?
Opposing Force 2: Opposinger Force

Not sure about VALVe, but our very own Munro is making a mod called "7 hours"...so, yeah.
I'd love to play as the combine... after playing for abit, i keep thinking i can hear their radio chatter... after the game has closed down :x
I'm all abou the Metrocops, I would love to see a CP inspired expansion.

The flatlining buzz was one of the things that made me say "Dude. That ****ing owns." out loud whilst playing HL2.
Wouldnt Opposing Force 2 have to pit you as the combine? Seeing as how they are the opposing force in half life 2.
I guess you'd have to be a Combine soldier. The game could start with you waking up inside your Iron Maiden, and following instructions from Breen to make your way down from the Citadel to the City, where the rebels are gaining a foothold on the streets.

Initial levels would be on foot, but in later levels you could drive a Combine APC, and perhaps re-enact the gunship (heli) battle with Freeman in the dried out river bed. Not quite sure what your ultimate goal would be though, you might start off trying to kill Freeman, but it wouldn't finish that way...perhaps another race could teleport in and you end up fighting them as well. There's certainly enough animals left in the HL2 zoo to be used in an add-on pack...

The other alternative would be to play Barney again, seeing his side of things and having the advantage of being able to blend in with the other Combine soldiers could be quite cool, and you'd finally get to shoot at citizens!
I would love sitting in one of those dropships and getting dropped in the middle of a big ass warzone where there are striders and choppers and stuff shooting at people and ...well this time i can kill some CIVILIANS
G0d said:
I would love sitting in one of those dropships and getting dropped in the middle of a big ass warzone where there are striders and choppers and stuff shooting at people and ...well this time i can kill some CIVILIANS

:eek: turn on your tele an watch some news about tchetchenia!!

although I have to assume that a combine style game would be very cool, its surely not the point of shooting innocent civilians. thats not the experience I wanna have in a hl universe game!!
"7 hours" would have to start the game prior to the actual 7 hour war, otherwise that would be an extremely short story.

Unless time travel features heavily in it?
i see sheperd waking up on a stretcher/hospital bed, slowly comes round and realises he's being turned into a combine (surgical implants and whatever). He struggles but the last thing in the opening scene is a gas mask being slowly lowered down onto your face...

...fighting as a combine, no choice, a drone for the citadel...

...breaking free of restraining bolt/mind control/whatever...

...pretend to continue fighting alongside combine...

...eventually become the 7hours war resistance leader turning combine weaponry etc against itself.
Here's my idea for a sequel to Op4.

The game starts out with a vision of the Gman telling Adrian that his lucky day has arrived. He has convinced his employers to make use of his skills; although Adrian will have to make some... sacrafices. However, the sacrafices he will have to make are better than spending an eternity detained; the Gman muses.

Adrian then wakes up in one of those coffin things; he's only barely conscience, so he gets flashes as he wade in and out of consciencness; the inside of the citidel; on a troop transport; being led through the facility from "entanglement" and finally the view from a operation tabel as surgeons close in..

Shephard later wakes up transformed: Apparently the gman has infiltrated him into the Transhuman forces.. But for what reason? As shephard is trained to harness his new abilities and is fed the propaganda bs from Breen and the Combine; he finds himself referred to as the "exceptional model" that the Combine procured; laying the seeds for the revelation that his infilitration wasn't an infiltration at all. Due to his "exceptional" status, and previous military training, Shephard is given a high enough rank to boss his fellow Combine troops around.

After Shepard gets training on his new abilites, has Shephard dealing with the encroaching human resistance during the week freeman was away. As things go on; some old faces return: Race-X.

Turns out that the recent teleportation experiments once again drew the interest of race-x. Seeing their old enemies, the Combine, embroiled in a Civil War with the Human Resistance: Race-X figures it can gain a foothold on Earth. Shephards purpose is to stop them.

Along the way Shephard gets to drive a combine tank and even pilot a modified Strider to chase down a Pit Worm as it runs through the wastelands. Eventually, once Freeman returns from his delayed teleport, Shephard is ordered back to help fight against the freedom fighters; however, Shephard ignores this in order to fully stop Race-X (As the Gman intended him to); he's branded a rogue and hten has to fight against his former Combine allies; Seeing that he's a turncoat, the Resistance helps him out as well; giving him a scrapmetal motorcycle to use to outwit the Combine in a high speed chase.

Other ideas include fighting a Posion or Fast Gonarch; Using a different kind of gravity gun (Basicly a version of the beam weapon that was used in the HL2 tech demo.. Although made more pratical.), and the ability to use the sniper rifle and stun batons as weapons.

EDIT: I'd like to say that I clicked "add reply" before jonnyapps made his post :)

Jeremy Dunn
Chasing a pitworm slithering through the wasteland. Now that I got to see
I think it would be more fun if it took place in C17. You would, just as in the first one, look for Gordon, but you would fail to find him...again.
"7 hours" would have to start the game prior to the actual 7 hour war, otherwise that would be an extremely short story.

Unless time travel features heavily in it?

Not at all. 7 hours isn't too shabby for an expansion pack these days.

I beat Blue Shift in a little over 3 hours.
Well, just because the timeline in the game was 7 hours, it doesn't mean actual gameplay would have to be 7 hours. Time can be set to be whatever at the start & end of each level. This thing happens all the time in HL 2: In "Sandtraps", as you fight your way towards the vortigaunt camp and the fight with the big anlion, it's bright outside. Then, as you've recieved the bugbait and go outside again (to the beach with the combine bunkers & machine guns), it's suddenly almost night time, although you're still playing the "Sandtraps" level. Going through the vortigaunt camp and learning to use the bugbait takes only a few minutes in actual time, yet in game time the sun has had time to set already.
G0d said:
I would love sitting in one of those dropships and getting dropped in the middle of a big ass warzone where there are striders and choppers and stuff shooting at people and ...well this time i can kill some CIVILIANS

jeez, get some brains.
I too think it would be cool if they made a sequel to Opposing Force, but this time they should leave out Race X. Personally I find it hard to tie Race X into the full saga that is Half-Life.

I can't figure out what the timeline should exactly be, but I think it would be pretty cool to be a combine who's out to find Gordon as he makes his way through the HL 2 storyline. You could work in all sorts of cool things, like for example as you fight the gunship on top of the old bank or museum or whatever in HL 2, you see people fighting Striders & Combine at street level. Shepard could be down in the street fighting the resistance, and if you'd look up, you could see somebody shooting rockets from the roof at the gunship flying around above you. Another possible scene could be Black Mesa East, as the Combine raid it. As you bust your way in, you could see Dog dropping down the door he held up for Gordon when you left the place for Ravenholm. Then Dog would run off to find & protect Alyx. In that mission you could be the one to capture Eli Vance, that would be pretty cool, huh? You'd also get to fight vortigaunts again in there. I can't come up with a good ending though, I just think it would be cool to tie in the collapse of the Combine citadel as well, after Gordon blows up the teleporter. You wouldn't actually see Gordon except perhaps for once or twice and only for a second, just like in OF. For example in that scene in Black Mesa East - you could just make out Gordong running off into the tunnel towards Ravenholm as Dog drops down the door.
fluX said:
jeez, get some brains.

my thoughts exactly.

i have never read such a load of crap in all my life, concerning this game.

most of the posts i have read here indicate to me that u are either people who have only played all these add-ons recently or u generally dont have a clue of what u are talking about.

i too would like to see a new ad-on to hl2 staring Adrian sheperd, but NOT how most of u people have described.

how could Adrian sheperd participate in the seven hours war ffs?

after end of opposing force sheperd was taken out of the game by gman just as the black mesa incident ended, but as the portal and seven hours war began. so he cannot star in that . it is after all the war which earth looses and sheperd would most probally die. i doubt gman would put him straight back in.

fighting as a combine??? are u stupid or just senseless?

at least in opp-force u are fighting as someone who is not necesarily a bad guy. u are just a marine and that justifies the part , and u have to remember the parts played in the add-ons are just people like gordon who are trying to survive and fight against the aliens. being a full on combine soldier as an idea is totally stupid . what are u going to do kill civilians? fight to cleasnse the human race from a combine point of view ? how would such a role end? i dont think so u very silly person.

if it was sheperd put into the game by g-man and made as a combine but to then turn on his own forces like somone else said that could probally work. but u cannt be just a combine soldier picked from that point of view, because they are as i said , not the marines in hl, the combine are evil. and no hl add-on would feature playing from that stand point.

my opinion for how sheperd should be featured in an add-on is,

either he comes back in hl3, or if in hl2, he should return around gordons return time and either:

-be a combine that turns rebel as assumed

-be inserted into c17 as the rebels are fighting the combine and assist rebellion

-be inserted into another combine controlled city (as there are 27 in all) and assist rebellion there and loosen combines grip on earth ready for hl3.

-or be inserted in c17 after the collapse of the citadel and wage war against combine with rebels.

either way he should be inserted into the timeline and fight the war against the combine which dr.breen did not and force them off earth from which they shall not return.

long live sheperd he is the hero
My version:
Opposing Force 2:
Adrian Shephard fights against the combine, though initially failling, he still
ensues the life of many rebels to come.

Meaning that the combine still win, but if it wasn't for Shephard, there would be no rebels.

Of course, directed by the G-man.
"Wake up, Corporal Shepard. I hope you haven't been too... inconvenienced by your incapacitation. I give my assurance, you have been spared considerably. But your time has... come, Corporal Shepard. I'm afraid my... usual means have been... waylaid. Men like you are a... valuable resource in this ... age. Shake off the sleep, Corporal Shepard, you will need... to be at your peak."

G-Man fades away and Adrian Shepard finds himself on a train. The train approaches a huge walled structure guarded by heavily armed Combine. As you pass through the main gates (Kombinieren Macht Frei), you are released in a sort of trainyard. A similar sequence to the opening of HL2 is played out, but much more grim as vorts and citizens labour or stare at you soullessly from behind fences. Like Gordon, Adrian is seperated at a checkpoint ("Chkkt. This one's marked for combat duty. Send him through. Chkkt."). Brought to one of those Citadel-style moving chair things, the player is told "Get in."

The chair takes the player on a bit of a sightseeing trip through the horrors inside the facility. Eventually, you come to a stop. You can see the Stripped Soldier model being worked on on various beds and stretchers. Scanners play over you, Stalkers begin to work on you, and automated tools descend on you from the ceiling. Fade to black.

You are woken up by a Combine trooper, who instructs you to use an energy outlet on the wall. Instead of the reassuring voice of the HEV diagnostic, you are greeted with the cold tones of Overwatch. Upon using the energy charger, you are dismayed to see that it is not your 'SUIT' being charge, but your very 'BODY'. You are lead through a Combine Barracks: constant Breencasts competing with Overwatch warnings. Regiments of troops marching. Eventually you are given your first Stunstick and unleashed, with a few other recruits, on the grim training course. Rather than holograms and cutouts, the Combine fight against real targets: Headcrabs and Zombies. After completing that course, you are given your first pistol and brought to the shooting range. An alert is called so you have no time to practice, but you have time to see your 'peers' blowing away their targets: live citizens strapped down.

As the alert blares, you board a Combine dropship. Enclosed in the troop pod, there is conversation between the combine as you fly through the air. Eventually the dropship slows and descends, resting on the ground. The red light in troop pod goes green and the door opens, sending you out into...
Chaos. Dropships unleash battalions of troops, blasting away with their guns. Myriad Combine soldiers battle against waves of antlions. This is the first real chapter. Fight antlions and the Vortigaunts who control them (with bugbait) along with your Combine fellows. A new combine vehicle is introduced: something between a gunship and a dropship with an open hold (the space between its spine and ribcage). You board these to make short hops between several disparate areas. Eventually, while riding one of these 'Troopships', you are shot down (by flying antlions? by a vort with an rpg? by one of those big flying creatures from xen? I dunno). The crash fades to white, next chapter.

Fade from white, you are lying on the ground. An alien silhouette stands above you, the sun behind its back. It pulls you up, and you can see that it is a Race X Shocktrooper. It knows you, you are the Shepherd. The Shocktroopers are individuals and do not have the seeming hivemind of the vorts, but your name is well known among the Race X. You are half reviled, for you destroyed most of their race, but also half worshipped. You are one man who brought a race to its knees, and their are those among the Race X who think the invasion of earth was a moral mistake anyway. The Race X was fleeing the Combine, but that was no reason to impede the liberty of another race. The Shocktroopers are allied with the Vortigaunts. Their races have never gotten along well, and at their worst they were mortal enemies when the vorts were under the Combine's control. Strangely, the slaughter of vortigaunts in this time, but more importantly the resistance against the Combine on Xen, has cast the Race X in a new light for the vorts. They have become fast friends and faster allies. This is all backstory of course, and should not be so simply expressed. As with HL2, you only get hints.

Exploring the Xen-worlder camp, you see many sights: Pit Drones in a fenced corral, Shocktroopers riding bullsquids like horses, and the green alien fungus of Op4 is growing everywhere. The fungus produces spherical spores (a la Op4) that can be thrown as contact grenades (and light enemies on fire).

Etc Etc now you're part of the resistance. Proceed with rest of game as I am too lazy to type further ideas.
alot of very interesting ideas in here for an Opposing Force sequel and a chance to play as Adrian Shepherd again :thumbs: :D

i think Valve can really make things interesting by expanding the Race X story while explaining the 7 hour war or some such idea.
i did email Gabe asking if Valve had the rights to the Adrian Shepherd character but haven't gotten a response so far :(
also a lot of crap here too.

the very misguided idea of sheprad being a combine to hunt down civis is just completely stupid .... kids
jimmyjam, that's actually a pretty good prelude to a game you've got there. How long did you spend on that?
I would hate to see it done in a mod. The story has to come from Valve or from someone Valve approved before I'd appreciate it. Simple as that, but I agree that it would be awesome if Valve could cover the 7 hour war with Adrian as the tool.

EDIT: Excellent story jimmyjam, that would be awesome to see, but then again, only official story (Story from, or authorized by Valve) counts for me.
Champ said:
I would hate to see it done in a mod. The story has to come from Valve or from someone Valve approved before I'd appreciate it. Simple as that, but I agree that it would be awesome if Valve could cover the 7 hour war with Adrian as the tool.

i agree with your concern about them using it as a mod. as that would be too low profile and meaningless , to be quite honest is would be totally wasted as a mod as most mods suck ass

u want him in the seven hour war too?
on this u dont know what u are talking about

there is just a lot of recent hl newbie fans and they aint got a clue
moggy said:
i agree with your concern about them using it as a mod. as that would be too low profile and meaningless , to be quite honest is would be totally wasted as a mod as most mods suck ass

u want him in the seven hour war too?
on this u dont know what u are talking about

there is just a lot of recent hl newbie fans and they aint got a clue
What makes you have a clue? There are plenty of ways my idea could be worked into the Half-Life saga. When you're talking about alternate universes and time travel, the creators are limited only by their creativity.
Yes I want him in the seven hour war. Why does that mean I ain't got a clue?
Narcolepsy said:
What makes you have a clue? There are plenty of ways my idea could be worked into the Half-Life saga. When you're talking about alternate universes and time travel, the creators are limited only by their creativity.

incase u havnt noticed there is no time travel. only interdimensional , warp transport. freeman was only suspended inside a warp, the g-man dosent time travel

why doya think he cannt?

answer: because he was taken out of storyline as seven hour war began. i doubt g-man would then imput him back in, and what for? earth looses the seven hour war fool. how would it end ? him dieing? t**t

read my previous post on page 2