Why we need Opposing Force 2

What makes you think the combine invaded Earth just after the Black Mesa incident? I reckon the combine needed some time to mobilize when they found out they could travel here. Perhaps G-man hoped, after seeing what Shepperd were able to do in HL1 Op4, that he could hinder the combine's advance. There are alot of plausible theories and for you to simply brush them all off and only praise your own is, simply put, moronic. And lay off that attitude, we're discussing in here, not fighting. Be polite or don't ****ing post. It's really that simple.
Personally, I don't think Shephard should come back. He was useful in Black Mesa, but the G-Man was only preserving him in case he was needed, but it seems unlikely. The G-Man's agenda is pretty darn anti-Combine from the looks of things, and Shephard is a soldier, trained to bow to authority, and there's a damn good chance he'd just join the Combine.

But an Opposing Force 2 would be great. Personally, I think you should take the role of a metrocop who suffers a crisis of conscience during the uprising. You see citizens being slaughtered by Overwatch and Striders, and athough you have to kill some yourself, the point of the couple of opening chapters is to make you sympathetic towards the Resistance.

Then the Citadel explodes, and the Combine chain of command goes to hell. And to make things worse, without the thumpers at the base of the Citadel, and with the Civil Protection in tatters, the city is overrun by Headcrabs, Zombies and Antlions.

The remaining Metrocops and Resistance (and possibly Overwatch) are forced to work together to stay alive. The player ends up being a leader for this rag-tag group, following the apparent death of Freeman, Eli, and Breen in the Citadel.

Then, after managing to hold the city, the G-man comes and has a chat...
ive never bothered to play op but all these ideas make it sound like there is some awesome stuff that could be turned into actual mods. would love to play as a combine :)
So the basic premises has been established-
* We play as Shephard.
* He fought and survive the "7-hr" war.
-Wakes slowly from his coma/dream. Where images of the war can be made into serious of cut scenes. And we get to see just how powerful the combine army really is. The ones in C17 probably is just a civil suppression variant.

* Combine makes him a stalker (this is one of the many enemies that we didn't get to fight in HL2).

* Seek and destroy missions against new alien aversaries (In the citadel).
* Civil suppression missions against the resistances-
As he crawls thru a tunnel on the top of the Citadel and gaze upon the battle field below (Men vs Combine). He's crosshair active against either side. Here is the twist, as a player we choice which side we want to be on. And the scrpit unfolds.

* On the combine side- No, we don't get to kill the humans. More aliens and a fight against the Combine army elites (Just like the black ops in the oppsing force, stronger, smarter foes send out to replace the current ones)

* On the human side- You know sometimes you see dead combines, as a stalker helping the human you get to do all the prep work for Gordon. Covert ops as you will.

I can only dream...
thanks to those people who complimented my idea... I put...10 minutes into it?

Epsi said:
Personally, I don't think Shephard should come back. He was useful in Black Mesa, but the G-Man was only preserving him in case he was needed, but it seems unlikely. The G-Man's agenda is pretty darn anti-Combine from the looks of things, and Shephard is a soldier, trained to bow to authority, and there's a damn good chance he'd just join the Combine

he didn't exactly bow to authority in Op4
also, there is a week where gordon is in transit (what I meant by "my usual means have been waylaid") which would make Shepard very useful for G-Man
whee new ideas
vehicle ideas: a real boat perhaps
I saw someone mention a motorcycle... I see three possibilities: a ww2/mad max style 'rebel' bike, a black/blue metal 'combine' bike with axel-free wheels and coolness, or a white 'synth' bike that hovers... wheeeeee
a helicopter - I can totally see a ragtag rebel helicopter with room for one so you can take out gunships and stuff on their court
bullsquid - with saddle and dead chumtoad hung from a pole in front of its face... it would have to work differently than a normal vehicle of course...perhaps it can be damaged and you must heal it by feeding it headcrabs... also it could charge and flip vehicles, or pick up objects with its mouth tentacles too big for a gravgun (puzzles could involve having to put out flaming objects so he'll pick it up, etc)

weapon ideas: incendiary spore grenade as mentioned earlier (shocktroopers used them, and the game really needs a weapon that burns stuff :D)
some sort of organic gravgun maybe... I kind of like the idea of combining the gravgun and barnacle (aka making the most useful weapon ever) but there are some places where it might not work (does it hold the item in the air with its tongue? how does it drag things through glass or fences?)
tau cannon@#!# which brings me to the next thing:
replace the flashlight with goggles that not only increase brightness, but put a sort of infrared effect on enemies (for seeing them through walls and tauing their faces off!@!)... some cool stuff could be done with this like having corpses 'cool', and having zombies be mostly blue with bright red headcrabs on their heads and red tendrils going down through their bodies
goggles also let you see invisible tripmine beams, or the beam from the rpg (and goggles would burn energy faster than the flashlight, I imagine)

(returning) monster ideas: bullsquid, obviously... bigger and more physically threatening, charging like the antlion guard, throwing things at you with their tentacle things, following you into water (I think this was intended for hl2's bullsquids?)... also baby bullsquids, legless like tadpoles, that swim around in the water
Tentacles I'd definitely like to see
in a ravenholm-style zombie level, gonomes would work
Snarks! I can totally see snarks explained as combine bio weapons ("they're engineered to spread eggs by blowing themselves up - minefields that are near impossible to fully clear")

(new) monster ideas: one thing that was common in hl1 was hugely deadly enemies like the ickies and tentacles... pretty much nothing in hl2 is like this. Also early HL2 previews seemed to have an atmosphere of being hunted, like in the traptown vid where gordon blocks up the door or talk of a 'heavy combine trooper' (I think his official name was the guard) who would send a scanner to find you and if you didn't hide well enough, he would bash down the door to eat your face.
I think one thing HL2 was really lacking was that sort of sense of 'holy hell! run hide run run hide!@!@!@ this monster can take me out' and I'd like to see it in the monster design (and also the LD) in any expansion
hmmm, turns out I didn't have any concrete ideas here. OH WELL

level ideas: unused ideas like the borealis (or a ship that crashes, unpiloted, into a dock... and you must explore the zombie-infested interior) and stuff could be okay.
Dried up (inland) sea...I think something like this might have been an old idea? not sure. anyway there could be lots of dried up ships (one crashed high on a cliff, huge propellors slowly spinning...sounds atmospheric to meeeeeee), interesting 'seabed' terrain, an oil platform that now towers over the landscape, bones all over from seacreatures (including huge xen hydrofauna)... I can see this as a dusty, mad-max style wasteland where rebels have hardscrabble bases (the shocktrooper/vortigaunt village maybe?)... perhaps a mad-max type chase with a combine tanker truck or train, with you on a bike or in a chopper...
a walled rebel fortress that is assaulted by antlions a la starship troopers... in my mind this is called Ft. Cross and is run by Dr. Gina Cross... battered red HEV suit, weathered and scarred face, her now short-cropped hair a fiery red marred only by greying temples... she leads the most experienced combat unit in the resistance, hardened by the death of her friend (lover?) dr. collette green... The walls of Ft. Cross are surrounded by holoprojectors from Dr. Cross' time at BMRF and antlions are (briefly) distracted by the glowing form of a younger, happier Gina explaining the workings of the Mk IV Hazardous Environment Suit
hmmm an antlion hive underground, with pale white grubs that scatter like birds

hmmm other combine facilities that could be assaulted without resorting to "destroy the citadel of another city!@ arfblarf"...
water treatment plant: the bright blue sign 'Dr. Breen's Private Reserve' hangs from one bolt over a disgusting, rusted out building. As well as combine forces, be wary of the Icthyosaurs and Bullsquids that call some of the water here home
'munitions factory': at the heart of this combine base, with its automated fabrication robots and assembly lines, is a gonarch, strapped into combine machinery to be 'milked' of her offspring? The reason? making headcrab-filled artillery shells
Overwatch Comm: while the Overwatch Nexus is the heart of the transhuman forces, the ringing voice of the Overwatch operators calls the comm station home. Heavily guarded by soldiers, but also filled with cowering switchboard ladies.
Air Exchange: think it was a scrapped HL2 level... the machines that are altering earth's atmosphere
Supression Device: where the field is projected from that stops procreation (grammar and I are best buds)
Gate 9: In Half life 1, the BMRF scientists used a sattelite (four, actually) to aid in teleportation experiments. The Combine, in moving troops and materiel to our world, have a similar setup. Their sattelites are more like stations though. Spacewalk (perhaps with an EVA suit w/ magnet boots, maybe a jet boost that can be used inside later.. I dunno) and see the corpses of your enemies (overwatch spacetroopers!#@!@) ragdoll into the inky black. Flush Combine and monsters out of a loading bay with the door controls. ET CETERA.
a moving factory: a little like those huge cities in MDK? I dunno... I imagine the 7 hour war with huge citadel-like buildings rolling over the earth, producing equipment and spilling out synths, while turning any converts into overwatch (or stalkers) as it travelled

hmm what else
places where Xen has more fully merged with earth, with a clash of the two very different worlds
perhaps Xen itself, if done well :p the Xen of HL2 could be different I imagine... the vorts are free and it is the jumping off point for the invasion of earth, so more of 'combine proper' could be there... the land of xen being encroached upon by huge moving factories and warsynths

for city levels - in earlier (?) bits where you are running from cops a la freeman... an idea for a moment: you come into a courtyard where a citizen is singing beautifully. A flower in the shadowed world of city 17. blah. when you're close enough she's embarassed ("how long were you standing there!"... maybe even "you're not going to tell CP are you?").. someone you're with says oh the cops are chasing us blah blah she opens a gate. I dunno
would be nice also to see a citizen NOT help you for once..maybe even report you to the CP...after all you're not 'The Free Man' anymore, 'just' shepard
once battle starts a cool objective would be a bunch of turncoat CPs. The Overwatch are trying to wipe them out and they're afraid the rebels will kill them too, so they're holed up somewhere. You sneak in, an ally of yours spraypaints them with the lambda, and now you have a squad of CP to command.
I'd also like to see a lot more rooftop-to-rooftop action...like in the beginning of HL2 where you're fleeing the cops, but in an actual danger situation... good place to reuse skybridges too
ok here's an almost silly idea... a huge xen creature that flies around like those dudes in HL, Op4, BS, etc (I imagine those as synths, what with their gunship-style belly laser and all) or an airwhale in the maxx :D
like a real whale, it is covered in barnacles... but since it's a xen creature, it gets xen barnacles. As it passes over the street you must get under cover as a wave of barnacle tongues sweeps it. Those less fortunate or resourceful than you get pulled to their deaths high above.
Eventually the thing stops long enough for you to climb up to a rooftop and get on its back (I see it stopping to eat: a long probiscus extends to suck up antlions like an anteater). Under the scales of its back are parasites...tiny to the creature but big and deadly to you (or perhaps they are just headcrabs?)...
this could all work in the wilderness (seabed?) too, with canyons instead of streets and cliffs instead of rooftops...

I'm kind of dried up for tonight, will come back with more ideas later...here's a random one to throw out there: one of hl1's female assassins, also held by the g-man as the conclusion of an unseen story from the bmrf, as an ally, enemy, or something in between
or maybe...just maybe they can make a remake of 20,000 leagues under the sea!
Shephard is brought back by the G-man, Shot in the head by a combine soldier :rolleyes: the G-man says "Whoops!" and you play as a combine soldier :naughty:
A not very good idea if there was an op4 2:

We know that the G-Man likes people who are strong, can survive through the impossible blah blah. So why do we presume that Gordon and Adrian are the only people he 'hired,' maybe he has done different things like the resonance cascade before? So he could find 'strong' people. I guess that he knew about the 7 hour war all along (or at least would have known about it when it started) , now if he knew this was going to happen, why didn't he send Gordon to stop it as he is obviously anti-combine?
Well maybe he sent another 'employee' to sort it and they (obviously) failed. And now that he sent Gordon to city 17, what happened to all the other cities? Did he send his 'employees' to that? If so, what is to stop them being people like Adrian?
And maybe he didn't just choose people maybe he hired aliens instead? Like Race-X? Or vortigaunts?
Well, anyway, we had better leave the story up to VALVe, as they always suprise us with their genius ;) .
you know, turning shepard into a combine would destroy everything that we have built with him so far, in that he was a military solider and that is how he should stay.

making shepard combine is like making gordon a pussy ass resistance fighter without his HEV
*Stabs shepard in the back furiously

*Hods up billboard "No too opposing force 2"

I dont like shepard :p
Hmm... I think its bec. G-man gave Shepard an assignment just like wat he did to Gordon.
Samon said:
*Stabs shepard in the back furiously

*Hods up billboard "No too opposing force 2"

I dont like shepard :p

we need Shepherd!!
Valve needs to bring back Adrian Shepherd :cool:
i deffinetly like your Race X i dead, i was thinking kinda the same thing with Adrian Shepered coming to save the day with a battalion of Shock Troopers ripping and blowing up combine like they were wet pieces of paper!!! Muhahahahahahaha!!

Long Live Race X!!!
i deffinetly like your Race X i dead, i was thinking kinda the same thing with Adrian Shepered coming to save the day with a battalion of Shock Troopers ripping and blowing up combine like they were wet pieces of paper!!! Muhahahahahahaha!!

Long Live Race X!!!



Also, what the **** at three year bump.
*looks for split&vat controls*

*notices their lack*

*is sad*
lol thanks, i meant is there suppost to be a hype when a guest come on? im realy new hear.
Good posts from Jimmyjon, aside from the inclusion of the Race X bit. I don't think they'll fit.

The big problem with Shepherd is that you have to go back explain the first Op4 which from what I know is not canon.
Flashbacks man those have been used for ages, but dont flashback all of Apossing Force all at once, maybe when you first see a vortiguant it flashes back, or when you see gordan freeman etc, and im sure Race X could fit in somewere.
Race X is probably why Valve rejects Op4 as canon.

I would love to see a HL2 game set in the former USA. Shephard could be part of that. Instead of the science-based resistence theme of HL2, it could have more of a military based resistence.
I really don't care for SHepard now that we have Gordon, Alyx, Barney, Kleiner, Eli, Magnusson, Oriah and many more charcaters to care about. I think the reaosn HL fans love Shepard so much is that he was only the second main character introduced to the HL universe.
i remmember seeing somewere that some people loved Race x while others diddent, and they could only put in race if they could come to some kinda agrement or something.

well considering you posted right before me ill edit this

Edit: that would be a good assumption, but the people who do love him love him because of the fact that he is jest an ordinary soldiers fighting like he was a speacial ops personal, of course gordan did as well but im sure you get what i mean.
Well, yeah, I guess there's also the fact he's just a normal-IQed man, but you have to admit, if, considering the current HL2 characters, you saw a mute, old soldier walking around, he wouldn't seem so great.
What Im not getting is that alot of these ideas revolved around Sheppard being a combine AND fighting in the 7 hour war. They wouldn't of had trashuman troops that fast, using them in a battle for a place they've been at for barely any time. It would probably be fought with Synths from other planets and all ready conquered races.
if shepard does talk he will probably sound like the pyro from tf2 cause of his gask mask lol, that would be funny
Shephard could give them a chance to make a HL2 game without Gordon Freeman, and it would still have some continuity and more of a connection with the previous games. I think it's a great way to have a game set elsewhere, away from the familiar places, enemies, and characters.

I didn't even really like Op4, but I'd crap myself for a glimpse at what was happening in some other part of the world.
I think it's time to see Adrian again. I've been thinking about this recently, and despite my previously vehement protests to the contrary...it's time.
"Well, well Adrian Shepard. I see you are still with us after all. Sorry for the long delay but my benefactors....have been putting quite alot of effort in this Gordan Freeman. Dont worry he is no longer your target for the world has.....changed, since your last visit. There are more than jest Xen wildlife to worry about Adrian Shepard, an im afraid your ummm primitive weaponary will not be required on this mission. However your uuu, barnacle and those leeches of yours will do jest fine for the time being. O and Adrian before you go......remember to watch your back. I would hate to have to lose such a valuable member of the...."team". This is jest something i thought g-man would say to Adrian before he teleports him back to earth.

yes that would be cool to have a big ass machingun on the back of a humve, while simultaneously rescuing gordan from a pack of hunters!! brilliant!