Wierd Utorrent upload problem, please help!


Jun 1, 2004
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I'm familiar with torrent apps(Azureus) but this has me puzzled. Anyways I've already did the port forwarding. The problem is when I'm downloading the torrent, dl speed is normal but my upload speed hangs around 0.5kB/s and 1.0kB/s. When its time to seed the torrent, the upload speed still doesnt increase:frown:. I forgot to mention that I have the upload limit set to 89 kB/s. My connection pkge is 10Mb/s dl and 1Mb/s upload. Ive tried googling it but its mostly for people who don't know how to forward their ports. Hope someone can help this problem is really getting on my nerves.
Ive been using azureus(with no bottlenecking problems) until it stopped launching. I found out that their was an error with java runtime environment, I've uninstalled both azureus and java several times and it never seemed to solve the problem. My isp is charter communications and like i said ive had no problems until recently.
From what I remember, if you have Alcohol 120%, it causes problems with running Azureus. I had Java problems with Azureus not opening, checked #azureus-support, and they told me about the Alcohol 120% compatibility problem. Uninstalled, worked like a charm.

Also, you have to take into consideration whether you have enough leechers to upload to.

If you have 100 seeds and only 1 leecher, then of course you're only going to be uploading a smaller portion, which isn't a client problem, but rather a specific torrent problem.
Encrypt your bittorrent packets? That solved my seeding problems with Comcast at least.
From what I remember, if you have Alcohol 120%, it causes problems with running Azureus. I had Java problems with Azureus not opening, checked #azureus-support, and they told me about the Alcohol 120% compatibility problem. Uninstalled, worked like a charm.

Also, you have to take into consideration whether you have enough leechers to upload to.

If you have 100 seeds and only 1 leecher, then of course you're only going to be uploading a smaller portion, which isn't a client problem, but rather a specific torrent problem.

I know thats not the problem with mine because I've had that program installed and azureus was working without a problem. 100 seeds and 1 leecher is obvious but this torrent had like 200 + seeds 100 leechers and my upload still wasnt capping at 89kB/s. and its been encrypted and didn't help.
*update* I went into my router setting and even thought the port forwarding guide told me to set it to TCP only I ended up changing it to both TCP and UDP and it raised my upload to around 40 Kp/s and it just hangs their.I guess Utorrent need both even though the guide told me to do TCP only. I also change one setting in Utorrent (Option/Preferences/Connection) and at the bottom I checked alternate upload rate when when not downloading and instead of having 0(default setting) I changed it to 89Kp/s and my upload rate increased even more:cheers:.
P.S. I guess I'll share a couple of things to anyone how needs it before I go.
If all you know how to do is forward ports but not configure setting on your bittorrent client then do a speed test and type in the results of your upload speed at the top left(kiloBits/second) of this link and it will fill in the rest for you, and it works with Utorrent also
also here are some other links that will help you understand torrents if you are interested.
^ works with other clients also
^ Forum, and its a long ready:bounce: as you can tell I don't know how to shorten my hyper links :rolleyes:
I don't have my ports forwarded and I upload just fine when there are people wanting the file. A lot of times though there are very few people needing the file and a lot of seeders (depends on the file). Just leave it up and you might catch some more people turning their torrents on to download and getting it from you.
I use utorrent.
I thought I had fixed it but its still goes back to zero. I ended up downloading BitLord and my upload reaches its set limit of 89kB/s like it supposed to. So my conclusion to this problem ended up being Utorrent(even though no one seemed to have a similar problem).
Asus, that's probably because UPnP Port Mapping is enabled in your Preferences on uTorrent.

Also, I hate the BitLord client. First one I ever tried, and I hated it. I don't know why. I just didn't like it that much. Seemed pretty feature-lacking at the time (I didn't know that until I tried Azureus), and it had a bunch of dodgy-ware (XXX Chat, un-popular indexing sites, etc)
Also, I hate the BitLord client. First one I ever tried, and I hated it. I don't know why. I just didn't like it that much. Seemed pretty feature-lacking at the time (I didn't know that until I tried Azureus), and it had a bunch of dodgy-ware (XXX Chat, un-popular indexing sites, etc)

I would use Azureus, but it doesn't work because of some stupid java runtime enviorment error. Even thought I unistalled it and rebooted then reinstalled but it didnt seem to solve the problem.
I don't know.. :p

I do know that UPnP caused problems with my router, so I had to manual port forward.

But I like hands-on things, and knowing how things work, so it wasn't a biggy. I did learn some from it, and it was fun.

Could you pastebin the error log from the Azureus problem?
I dont know how to postbin but here is the error: the filename is hs_err_pid2648

An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x10007510, pid=2648, tid=3728
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.6.0_02-b06 mixed mode, sharing)
# Problematic frame:
# C [vlsp.dll+0x7510]
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp

--------------- T H R E A D ---------------

Current thread (0x052c5800): JavaThread "WriteController:WriteSelector" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3728]

siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, writing address 0x00039808

EAX=0x01540c50, EBX=0x0000002f, ECX=0x00039804, EDX=0x045c062c
ESP=0x0669953c, EBP=0x0669955c, ESI=0x00000000, EDI=0x5c076000
EIP=0x10007510, EFLAGS=0x00010216

Top of Stack: (sp=0x0669953c)
0x0669953c: 0669d95c 045c0630 066995cc 71ab3d07
0x0669954c: 01540d94 0000002f 00005100 00000011
0x0669955c: 0669d95c 10005e5b 01540650 0000003f
0x0669956c: 066995c4 100055e9 045c0630 10004a2d
0x0669957c: 045c0630 06699908 7c809bc5 00000000
0x0669958c: 10004b86 0669d95c 066995cc 066995c4
0x0669959c: 06699908 0669e960 0150a588 06699924
0x066995ac: 0669c958 045c0520 00000001 045c0620

Their is A LOT more....

Edit: I didn't know you had a link
Can't take much from that :|

The pastebin allows for a longer list of the error log without clogging up the forums. There's more info near the bottom of the log that usually helps clarify a bit more.
I hate to sound like a noob even though its too late but what do I do know after I posted it?
Open the error log, copy all text from it, goto pastebin and paste it in the text box. Click send, and copy the URL from the Address Bar, and post the link here.
I'm not much of a cryptic error log reader, but I didn't find what I was thinking about at first.

For now, I'm stumped.

However, I'll refer you to this page to see if some problems look familiar to you:

I noticed jvm.dll and vlsp.dll are running, and they're listed on the possible failing DLLs.