Recent content by baxter

  1. baxter

    UK foils huge Terror plot

    This is an open invitation to anybody that wishes to discuss 911 in a mature and reasonable manner. Anybody has any doubts, questions or thoughts regarding this event are welcome to this relatively new forum. Our aim is to totally dispel any myths, accusations or rumours regarding this...
  2. baxter

    UK foils huge Terror plot

    That’s a fair point, why should you care? Let’s look at this way. 911... 3000 killed Direct result of 911... 0ver 100,000 killed. So why care? Answer this for yourself, if you cannot see the importance of getting to the real truth behind 911, then over 100 thousand people died in...
  3. baxter

    UK foils huge Terror plot

    So we are agreed this is not a false flag?
  4. baxter

    UK foils huge Terror plot

    Oh I see, so it is actually beyond you to reseach what I have said, but simply pick holes in my reasoning and hope this will sufficient. Actually I heard this on the BBC this evening and assumed it would be on their web site, it clearly wasn't. Therefore this statement is untrue, it is mute...
  5. baxter

    UK foils huge Terror plot

    Really? That's because they weren’t, it is all one massive false flag to draw everybody’s attention away from the massive conspiracy that is going on right under our noses. The only problem is we are too stupid to see it all. So this is what Bush, Cheney and Runsfelf do, they stage a...
  6. baxter

    UK foils huge Terror plot
  7. baxter

    UK foils huge Terror plot

    I don't think so myself, I think this is the real deal.
  8. baxter

    50% of Americans still think Saddam had WMD

    Is that all ? 30% don't know what year 911 was.
  9. baxter

    UK foils huge Terror plot

    The physical evidence gathering as only just begun. The surveillance of these individuals was conducted over an eight month period. It as already been stated, in the UK that gathering the evidence will take time and the investigation will be massive. Do you honestly expect them to release...
  10. baxter

    The Clarky Challenge

    Funny this topic should be being discussed I was actually doing so else where and have even racked my brain and done some calculations. For WTC 2 PEgrav = mass * g * height PE is potential energy. Mass is given in Kilograms. G is gravitational force. Height is in meters. Now let’s...
  11. baxter

    Stupid Virus Alert Scam Crap

    Hi , I've had this, it is spyware/adware and very difficult to get rid of. Join here and these guys will talk you though getting rid of it, well they did me anyway. They will direct you here...
  12. baxter

    2006 FIFA World Cup Football Tournament

    They know :laugh:
  13. baxter

    2006 FIFA World Cup Football Tournament

    Well done Italy you won, wow what a head butt from Zidane. I wil exit this thread and look forward to Euro 2008, just you you England fans.......Footballs coming home.:P :P Until 2008 :cheese: :cheese:
  14. baxter

    Bahaha @ Coulter

    I admit I don't really know who this woman is but decided to have a look. She seems like a total nutcase. Anyway this guy wrote an article on her that I find amusing. But the point of this post is, during...
  15. baxter

    Uncovered: The Whole Truth About The Iraq War

    This video is wasted on the net it should be broadcast into every single home that has a television. If it was the rantings and ravings of some loony, it would be easy to dismiss, this is not the case, thanks for sharing stern.