UK foils huge Terror plot

I think the news report said queues in airports were reaching 1/4 of a mile long.
It will be interesting in the next few days, weeks, months to see how many "terrorists" are released or charged. Thankfully no one got shot this time.....

/raises eyebrow
Of course someone will always say that, but isn't it better than a huge attack resulting in many many deaths to instill more fear and "justify" a greater reduction in your personal liberties?

Well, with British government could always stop going out of its way to invite terrorism onto our country, with it's foreign policy.
They should hang all the suspeced terrorist in this country. Since hanging is still allowed in britain for execution purposes.
They should hang all the suspeced terrorist in this country. Since hanging is still allowed in britain for execution purposes.

yeah, that's a good way to kill thousands of innocent civilians! :|
They should hang all the suspeced terrorist in this country. Since hanging is still allowed in britain for execution purposes.

lol, yeah just hang all the suspected terrorists. Hell, who needs proof these days eh?
According to reports in the US, 22 of them are of Pakistani origin, one is Bangladeshi and the other in Iranian. Officials say all of them are British citizens.

They say British Citiezen, bet their parents aren't, does out goverment check if the imigrants we let him have a background of violence & hatred?
Imigration needs to be stopped in this country NOW, we need to send all imigrant back to their friggin country, and STOp therse whinin DO-GOODERS & abolish the human rights act as it defencds scum like this.

BTW the Qu'ran translated into English here

Ive read parts of it & reads more like someone's life story that a message, lol
Going to Florida on Saturday, hope no messed up s*** happens.
He also said the plan "revolved around liquids of some kind".

"Officials say the explosives would have been sophisticated and extremely effective," our correspondent said.
A senior U.S. congressional source said it is believed the plotters were to carry a "British version of Gatorade" onto the planes and then mix it with a gel-like substance. The explosives were to be triggered by an iPod or a cell phone, the source said.
Police believe that the plot involved liquid chemical devices.
So where's the evidence? Where's the positive affirmation of... anything?
They believe this and that, but they can't say for sure?
What are the names of these arrested people?
So where's the evidence? Where's the positive affirmation of... anything?
They believe this and that, but they can't say for sure?
What are the names of these arrested people?

The physical evidence gathering as only just begun. The surveillance of these individuals was conducted over an eight month period.
It as already been stated, in the UK that gathering the evidence will take time and the investigation will be massive.

Do you honestly expect them to release the names of the suspects, hours after they have been arrested?

The positive confirmation of this planned action will come when these individuals are brought to trial and the evidence is presented before their peers.

Come out and say that this is another false flag if you wish, start quoting Alex Jones and the imaginary world domination theory, it is laughable.
I'm thinking that most of these terror suspects will be released.
I don't think so myself, I think this is the real deal.
yeah, that's a good way to kill thousands of innocent civilians! :|

"The innocent are the ones that have not yet committed a crime, the pre-criminals, so to speak."

But still, hanging suspects isn't really a good way. You have to at least make up proof to hang/shoot people.
You conspiracy people amuse me.Thank for people with healthy minds,like Mechagodzilla and baxter.
I don't see where it says they were under surveillance for 8 months.

That's because they weren’t, it is all one massive false flag to draw everybody’s attention away from the massive conspiracy that is going on right under our noses. The only problem is we are too stupid to see it all.

So this is what Bush, Cheney and Runsfelf do, they stage a massive fake attack involving 21 suspects, the CIA, the FBI, MI5, MI6, the Pakistani intelligence services, the Pakistan Government , the worlds media and everybody that happens to be waiting to board a plane at Heathrow.

It's so simple when you are a world super power to tell evryboy else what to do, besides why bother staging it if you couldn’t care less anyway?

It’s all too simple.
All I said is I don't see where that article says they were under surveillance for 8 months. You linked there as if I would be able to find it. I didn't.
Oh I see, so it is actually beyond you to reseach what I have said, but simply pick holes in my reasoning and hope this will sufficient.

Actually I heard this on the BBC this evening and assumed it would be on their web site, it clearly wasn't. Therefore this statement is untrue, it is mute and my theory that involves half the planet is untrue.

Please, stop promoting this 9/11 nonsense ,Z-Ryuben, I will if needs be simply tear your theories apart and make you look silly.

Baxter (stateofgrace)
If you heard it on the news just say you heard it on the news. I'll get my information elsewhere if you don't want to be helpful.
I'll put it this way. I don't automatically believe what I read, just because someone wrote it.
That doesn't mean I believe the opposite. I don't.

Until some physical, verifiable evidence is presented that tells me this event happened as described or opposite to what is described, I won't believe it happened at all.
It stands to logic that if they say 24 people were arrested, they were. There's no reason to dispute that, but if I can't see who these people are there is no point in reading the story. It might as well be fiction. I can go read a book and get just as much useless information.

People get arrested for things all over the world, all the time. Show me why this is important. Show me why I should care.
This is my viewpoint.
That’s a fair point, why should you care?

Let’s look at this way.

911... 3000 killed

Direct result of 911... 0ver 100,000 killed.

So why care?

Answer this for yourself, if you cannot see the importance of getting to the real truth behind 911, then over 100 thousand people died in vain.

Simply deny it if wish or accept it, face it and for goodness stop lapping up conspiracy garbage,
It's not that I don't care if there are people out there who want to kill me, I do, it's that I don't care to hear about it IF I can't hear about it in great detail.
I realize I didn't make that clear there.

What I mean is I can't feel concerned, if all I have to go by is text.

This story was posted on another forum today and a post came to my attention:
lhopp77 said:
I think this would be a nice time to point out some differences between our individual rights and those in England. To search our houses the police have to go to the judge with a good case of "probable cause" in order to get a warrant. In England--they only have to go to the with a "reasonable suspicion" in order to get a search warrant. Wiretaps are much simpler also. AND--the British intelligence agency (MI5) can operate legally in country while our CIA can only operate overseas. The bottom line in this is that MI5 and Scotland Yard are essentially in bed with each other domestically. While we (prior to Patriot Act) built a wall between the CIA and the FBI.

The advantages of the British system in the war on terror should be obvious.

So if that's how it is over there, it's not difficult to believe their surveillance is so thorough. My main concern originally was how they came about to be watching over these people. It seems to happen magically, because over here it is pretty difficult ot keep tabs on people.
This is an open invitation to anybody that wishes to discuss 911 in a mature and reasonable manner.

Anybody has any doubts, questions or thoughts regarding this event are welcome to this relatively new forum.

Our aim is to totally dispel any myths, accusations or rumours regarding this dreadful event.

As expected my mom's flight from paris to washington was delayed 3 hours and they misplaced her carry-on luggage: they told her that since the bag contained perfume it had to go in the luggage compartment. Idiots...

If this new security restriction is going to be permanent, what the hell is going to happen to duty free shops? half their sales are perfume and alcohol bottles.

Hmm I guess they could always hire more security goons to seal duty free shop bags and stamp them with a sticker or something.,,2-2308087,00.html

US sources claimed last night that substantial sums of money had been wired from Pakistan to two of the alleged ringleaders

Co-ordinated arrests were also made in Pakistan, including the detention of figures in the militant group Lashkar-i-Taiba.

Why am I not surprised?

its high time the international community did something about that country.
outwardly, Pr Mushy is so pro-western and anti-terror.
behind his back, his intelligence org, the ISI, secretly provide funding to militant outfits.In fact,before 9/11 ,it was doing so openly.

The Lashkar-e Taiba learned its trade by bombing civilians in kashmir. I see they have gone global!

Mushy says the Lashkar e Taiba has been banned and does not exist.....but it does. Under another name, under the mask of humanitarian aid to the pak earthquake last is openly recruiting youth from Rawalpindi and Peshawar.

And Mushy is a bosom pal of GWBush .

Its just sick.
now you cant carry perfumes or any other liquid container in airplanes?

dam those terrorist are anoying
This is an open invitation to anybody that wishes to discuss 911 in a mature and reasonable manner.

Anybody has any doubts, questions or thoughts regarding this event are welcome to this relatively new forum.

Our aim is to totally dispel any myths, accusations or rumours regarding this dreadful event.


Was that site set up by L.V...cocks mistress in waiting?

now you cant carry perfumes or any other liquid container in airplanes?

dam those terrorist are anoying

exactly they spil it for us abiding citizens, we need to get them out of our countries asap.

Great Britian is no longer great, its turning into a Terrorist Training Camp.
You can carry liquids onto planes. You just have to prove it cannot be used for a bomb.

Anyone have a source for this gel bomb technique in practical use?
According to reports in the US, 22 of them are of Pakistani origin, one is Bangladeshi and the other in Iranian. Officials say all of them are British citizens.

They say British Citiezen, bet their parents aren't, does out goverment check if the imigrants we let him have a background of violence & hatred?
Imigration needs to be stopped in this country NOW, we need to send all imigrant back to their friggin country, and STOp therse whinin DO-GOODERS & abolish the human rights act as it defencds scum like this.

BTW the Qu'ran translated into English here

Ive read parts of it & reads more like someone's life story that a message, lol

Whoa thats a bit extreme my parents are imigrants they come from no where near the middle east or pakistan.We are not muslim yet we all get branded the same. I would never do anything like this but just because a few asshole terrorist you punish the rest of us. I agree we need to scrap the human rights law cause there are to many loop holes
Wow. I was flying that very day, from Gatwick to Glasgow, and let me tell you the airports were ****ing bedlam. Wasn't even allowed a book to read, had to buy a magazine once I was through. Said "Allah Akbar" to the security man and my dad, acting all self-righteous and indignant at being searched, had forgotten that he had a penknife in his pocket.

It was only from the taxi driver who took us to the train station at the end of the trip that we found out the exact nature of the security alert.

I'm glad, and impressed, that the police/whoever have managed to stop the 'plot'. The strong security presence was certainly reassuring.

But on the other hand, I'm skeptical. First there was the shooting of an innocent man after 7/7. Then those two brothers were pulled out of their houses a few months ago - but there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute them. Are our 'guardians' wrong again this time? Only time (28 days?) will tell, but having only authority's word for it I'm reserving judgement, both on the supposed terrorists and on the counter-terrorists - and their abilities - who caught them.

No other evidence. For all I know they could have arrested 20 random people. As unlikely as that seems, it's not a possibility I'm willing to dismiss out of hand - same goes for the possibility of the whole thing being a mistake. If there really was some huge plot, then kudos to the people who foiled it.
Has there actually been any information on the people arrested, or of the bombs they were going to use?
Wow. I was flying that very day, from Gatwick to Glasgow, and let me tell you the airports were ****ing bedlam. Wasn't even allowed a book to read, had to buy a magazine once I was through. Said "Allah Akbar" to the security man and my dad, acting all self-righteous and indignant at being searched, had forgotten that he had a penknife in his pocket.

It was only from the taxi driver who took us to the train station at the end of the trip that we found out the exact nature of the security alert.

I'm glad, and impressed, that the police/whoever have managed to stop the 'plot'. The strong security presence was certainly reassuring.

But on the other hand, I'm skeptical. First there was the shooting of an innocent man after 7/7. Then those two brothers were pulled out of their houses a few months ago - but there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute them. Are our 'guardians' wrong again this time? Only time (28 days?) will tell, but having only authority's word for it I'm reserving judgement, both on the supposed terrorists and on the counter-terrorists - and their abilities - who caught them.

No other evidence. For all I know they could have arrested 20 random people. As unlikely as that seems, it's not a possibility I'm willing to dismiss out of hand - same goes for the possibility of the whole thing being a mistake. If there really was some huge plot, then kudos to the people who foiled it.
You get kudos for hitting all the nails right on their heads, and a bonus x2 multiplier for saying 'allah akhbar' to that guy.

I totally agree - credit where it's due, if it's due, but let's not forget that in this country we have a due legal process for determining whether people are innocent or guilty. However with all the incredible hype over this issue so far and with many of the names being already released, it's going to be veeery hard to hold a fair trial. It's almost as if we're about to be told to hold a minute's silence for all the families that almost lost loved ones.

But the fact remains that the recent track record of the police on this kind of thing is not very good, and I'm still open to any possibility. Also, we can't forget that the government (and the police too) have been pushing a certain political agenda for a long time now, and making lots of noise about this plot suits their goals. Before we allow them to use this event as political leverage, we should remember that they pulled this off without any of the new measures they had been pushing for (90 day detention, ID cards, etc).