Recent content by burner69

  1. burner69

    Do you do drugs?

    Drugs are bad mmmmkay. Dosen't it just get funnier every time someone says it.... :( I probably overdo the ole substances. Used to smoke pot a lot but pretty much knocked that on the head. Smoke fags (almost quit, went 9 months then got back on um - dunce), drink a little bit, but not too...
  2. burner69

    Iran racial badges propaganda exposed

    Sharia law, as its called, is based around the Islamic faith, and can be practised in many different ways, with varying levels of severity. Now, before I start I do not condone the punishments given in strict Islamic countries, but that is down, as someone rightly pointed out, to...
  3. burner69

    WTC attack: Featured in X-File spin-off series before the incident...

    Incidently, the magazine advert for C&C2 showed the WTC with some planes flying towards it... if memory serves. By the way to anyone who remembers me, hello! Used to love a good old debate in here last year :farmer: HA! Just realised my avatar is still upside down from the "Upside down avatar...
  4. burner69

    Chav translator?

    God I hate chavs. The thing that gets me, as I thinks already been pointed out, is that they have nothing to say for themselves - they're total pricks but have no idea why. God I hate them so much. Hopefully though, a social class created through burberry and forged with idiocy won't...
  5. burner69

    What kind of religion do you have?

    Agnostic. Religion never really got a hold of me when I was in assemblies or the few times I went to church. I remained athiest for several years but kept to a few little moral rules which basically worked on the principle; Do whatever you want, so long as it does not harm others around you...
  6. burner69

    They didn't play my song! Boo hoo!

    Agreed. As people I'm sure most of them are very nice, what p*sses me off is how the media have got the general population really bothered about what a bunch of semi-talented show-offs are doing in their private time. I mean, really, who gives a crap, they're just people, and we've all got...
  7. burner69

    Live 8

    If you ask me, the reason so many third world countries are unstable is because they're so poor. People get poor, they rob for food, a lot of people start robbing you need strict law enforcement, this escalates into a spooky iron-fist government, anti-government rebels appear and bingo - one...
  8. burner69


    What do you get if you stab a baby again and again and AGAIN? What's blue and f**ks old ladies? What's got two legs and bleeds? What do you call a ferret on ecstasy? When I've got more time I might slap up some longer, half decent ones. By the way, can anyone find an...
  9. burner69

    When is the death penalty OK?

    You're 'avin a larf aintcha?
  10. burner69

    Quran VS Bible. - Verses Showdown.

    Tis the Marxist theory on religion. I think I kinda side with it too...
  11. burner69

    What is up with peoples Music Taste?

    If you ask me it was inevitable that it happened. Why? Because, sales wise, the majority of the music industry is run on publicity. I mean, really, the charts nowadays are rarely worth listening to. What is there in there? Britney, Justin, some random 'kareoke' boyband/girl group. Sorry...
  12. burner69

    Quitting smoking....

    Quitting smoking is v.hard, good luck with it. I haven't managed it myself yet, so let me know how you get on and clue me in on any decent hints n tips. Good luck man
  13. burner69

    Why can't we be friends?

    I-net got cut off at uni, my modem at home is fudged, so can't get on too often. How ya been m8? And by the way, I got into Cardiff uni :smoking: And here's another random hug for y'all *hug* and here's his brother *Hug*
  14. burner69

    The Meaning Of Life, and your hints and tips for a fuller existence

    OK folks, I'm nearly 20 and am about to embark on my second attempt at university (some of you may know the ins and outs of this, basically, the first one sucked so I moved). I've done a lot of different things in my life, and have a lot of things planned, I'm just curious as to what everyone...